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1、2023/2/15 1 大学物理(热学)大学物理(热学)1)Review 2)Absolute Temperature 3)Conclusions 2006-12-28“Natural processes tend to move toward a state of greater disorder.”Second Law 等几率假定等几率假定 S=kBlnW Q1 Q2 V P 热力学温标热力学温标 ),(111212121fQQQQQ),(1212fQQ其中 加进一个加进一个0 1 0 2 200120012121,QQQQ),(QQfff1),(11fIf 1=2 ,),(1),(022

2、0ff)()(),(),(),(21020121fffO O Q1 Q2 Q0 Q0 定义定义()T 绝对热力学温标绝对热力学温标(因其与工作物质无关因其与工作物质无关)水的三相点:水的三相点:T0 =273.16 K 性质:2121TTQQPdVTdSdUTdQdSPdVdQdU:热力学基本方程热力学第二定律热力学第一定律TdS 是热学效应,是热学效应,-PdV是力学效应是力学效应 对磁性体系可以有对磁性体系可以有:dU=TdS+HdM 对电学体系可以有对电学体系可以有:dU=TdS+EdP 粒子数还可以变化,只要加上一项,粒子数还可以变化,只要加上一项,是化学势是化学势 dN2023/2/

3、15 11 大学物理(热学)大学物理(热学)金晓峰金晓峰 复旦大学物理系复旦大学物理系 2006-9-6 1.To be confident 2.To be yourself 3.To enjoy yourself 大学与中学物理的差别大学与中学物理的差别 What?How?Why?大学物理大学物理 中学物理中学物理“美国科学只存在未来,并没有今天和过去。美国科学只存在未来,并没有今天和过去。在我这个位置上的人应该思考的问题是:我们必在我这个位置上的人应该思考的问题是:我们必须做什么才能够创造出美国的物理学;而不是把须做什么才能够创造出美国的物理学;而不是把电报、电灯及其它令人方便的产品称之为

4、“科电报、电灯及其它令人方便的产品称之为“科学”。我并不是低估这些时尚产品的价值,整个学”。我并不是低估这些时尚产品的价值,整个世界的进步需要依靠它们;成功发明这些高技术世界的进步需要依靠它们;成功发明这些高技术产品的人应该受到世界的尊重。但是,虽然一位产品的人应该受到世界的尊重。但是,虽然一位厨师发明了餐桌上的一道美味佳肴,使世人享受厨师发明了餐桌上的一道美味佳肴,使世人享受到口福,但是我们不会尊称他为“化学到口福,但是我们不会尊称他为“化学家”。家”。”美国第一任物理学会会长美国第一任物理学会会长 亨利亨利 奥古斯特奥古斯特 罗兰罗兰(1883年年8月月15日在美国国家科学促进会的讲话日在



7、野蛮人!”热学的基本内容热学的基本内容 冷热的感觉冷热的感觉 伽利略伽利略 Galileo Galilei 温度计的发明温度计的发明 热是什么热是什么?焦焦 耳耳 James Prescott Joule 能量能量 瓦特瓦特 J.Watt 蒸汽机蒸汽机 用热做功用热做功存在限制否?存在限制否?卡卡 诺诺 Sadi Carnot 卡卡诺循环诺循环 熵的引入熵的引入 克劳修斯 R.Clausius 热的微观图象热的微观图象?麦克斯韦麦克斯韦 James Clerk Maxwell 分子速度分布律分子速度分布律 玻耳兹曼玻耳兹曼 Ludwig Boltzmann 统计物理统计物理“The Feynm

8、an Lectures on Physics”(Vol.1)“费恩曼物理学讲义”(第一卷)费恩曼物理学讲义”(第一卷)“热学”“热学”秦允豪秦允豪 参考书参考书 2023/2/15 32 大学物理(热学)大学物理(热学)1)Review 2)Carnots Ideas 3)The Second Law 4)Carnots cycle 2006-12-13 Q=nCvT Q=nCpT PV=C PV=C 瓦特瓦特 J.Watt 蒸汽机蒸汽机 用热做功用热做功存在限制否?存在限制否?卡卡 诺诺 Sadi Carnot 卡卡诺循环诺循环(1824)“The production of motive

9、power is then due in steam-engines not to an actual consumption of caloric,but to its transportation from a warm body to a cold body,that is,to its re-establishment of equilibrium-an equilibrium considered as destroyed by any cause whatever,by chemical action such as combustion,or by any other.”Carn

10、ots ideas Carnots ideas Q W “According to this principle,the production of heat alone is not sufficient to give birth to the impelling power:it is necessary that there should also be cold;without it,the heat would be useless.”Carnots ideas “The necessary condition of the maximum is,then,that in the

11、bodies employed by realize the motive power of heat there should not occur any change of temperature which may not due to a change of volume.”Carnots ideas Carnots Cycle “All reversible engines operating between the same two constant temperatures TH and TL have the same efficiency.Any irreversible e

12、ngine operating between the same two fixed temperatures will have an efficiency less than this.”Carnots theorem Q1 Q1 Original proof of Carnots theorem W W WW (1834)(1850)Clapeyrons Graph (1834)(1850)A careful examination shows that the new method does not stand in contradiction to the essential pri

13、nciple of Carnot,but only to the subsidiary statement that no heat is lost,since in the production of work it may very well be the case that at the same time a certain quantity of heat is consumed and another quantity transferred from a hotter to a colder body,and both quantities of heat stand in a

14、definite relation to the work that is done.Clausius ideas Clausius ideas “All reversible engines operating between the same two constant temperatures TH and TL have the same efficiency.Any irreversible engine operating between the same two fixed temperatures will have an efficiency less than this.”C

15、arnots theorem W=W T1 Q1 Q1 在热力学第一定律的基础上:在热力学第一定律的基础上:Clausuis statement Not possible 在热力学第一定律的基础上:在热力学第一定律的基础上:Q2+Q1 e=1-TL/TH 11.6 Carnot cycle Carnot heat engine done by engine For a complete cycle Efficiency is Along isotherm Similarly 2 3 4 1 2023/2/15 73 大学物理(热学)大学物理(热学)1)Review 2)Carnots cycl

16、e 3)Entropy 2006-12-21 用热做功用热做功存在限制否?存在限制否?Carnots ideas Q W “The necessary condition of the maximum is,then,that in the bodies employed by realize the motive power of heat there should not occur any change of temperature which may not due to a change of volume.”Carnots ideas Carnots Cycle “All reversible engines operating between the same two constant temperatures TH and TL have the same efficiency.Any irreversible engine operating between the same two fixed temperatures will have an efficiency


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