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1、2023学年度烟台市招远第一学期第一学段考试六年级英语试题说明:1本试卷试题分第I卷和第二卷两局部。考试时间90分钟,总分值120分。其中书写质量3分,卷面安排2分;2请把第I卷的答案写到答题纸上,第二卷的答案直接写到试卷上。考试结束后,只交答题纸和第二卷。第I卷共60分一、语音知识选出划线局部读音不同于其它三个的选项10分1Athanks Bthere Cthis Dthat2Acan Bbag Capple Dface3Aeat Bbreakfast Ccream Dplease4Aruler Bbus Cbut Dcup5Ahow Bdown Cknow DBrown6Anot Blot

2、 Cnose Dclock7Abooks Bbags Cdesks Dmaps8Aschool Bbook Cclassroom Dlook9Aname Bgame Ccase Dfamily10Apencil Bcomputer Ccall Dcolor二、根底知识运用20分请从各题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最正确选项。11-Hello,JimHow are you-_AGood morning,teacher BThank youCHello,Li LeiHow are you DFine,thank you12My mother is a teacher_ phone number is

3、 456807AHe BShe CHis DHer13-_ color is your backpack- Its yellowAHow BWhat CWhats DHows14以下四组字母含有相同语音音素的一组是AFH BBF CAH DGA15字母表中的第六个字母是AEe BGg CFf DHh16This is _ orange and that is _ rulerAa,an Ban,a Ca,a Dan,an17My name is Linda Jane MillerMy family name is_ALinda BJane CMiller DJane Miller18-Whats

4、 this _ English-Its a rulerAon Bat Cin Dto19- _-KEY,keyAWhats this BIs it a keyCSpell it,pleaseDWhats that20-Your quilt is very nice- _ANo,it isnt BThanks you CThank you DOK21小华想给妈妈买一件中号的毛衣,她应该选择_型号的。AM BS CL DO22在下面英文字母中既是字母又是单词的是AI BW CV DP23The boys name _ PeterAis Bam Care Dbe24Whats _ telephone

5、 numberAshe Bit Cyou Dhis25Frank and I _ in Class OneAis Bare Cam Dbe26Please call Mary _ 0535-8246323Ain Bto Cof Dat27_Are you Mr. WangAThank you BExcuse me CGoodbye DHow are you28Look at that computer_ computer is goodAA BAn CThe D29-Is this your pencil-Yes,_Ait isnt Bits Cit is Dthis is30中国中央电视台的

6、缩略形式是_。ABBC BCCTV CCBC DAOV三、完形填空10分阅读以下短文,从A、B、C、D中选出能填入短文空白处的最正确答案。Hi! Im CindyIm 3l English 32 Cindy is my 33 My family name 34 GreenIm in China nowMy Chinese name is 35 I have a 36 Its 37 Its 3:00 nowWhats this Its a keyWhats that Its a ruler 38 key and the ruler 39 blue 40 is that pen Its black

7、,Its my pen31Aa Ban Cthe D32Aname Bnumber Cgirl Dboy33Afirst name Blast name Cfamily name Dname34Ais Bam Care Bbe35AZhang Xiao Hui BZhang Xiaohui CZhangxiaohui Dzhangxiaohui36Apen Bruler Cclock Dkey37Acolor Bred Cred color Dwhat color38AA BAn CThe D39Ais Bam Care D40AWhat color BWhat CHow DWhats四、阅读

8、理解20分阅读以下短文,选择最正确答案。AA:Good afternoon,Cindy!B:Good afternoon,Bill!A:Is this your jacket,CindyB:No,it isntIts my sistersMy jacket is redOh,my sister is AliceA:Oh,is this green pen AlicesB:Yes,it isMy pen is blueA:Whats that,CindyB:Its a mapIts Miss BrownsOh,Miss Brown is my geography地理teacher41Cindy和

9、Bill的对话发生在_Aevening Bmorning Cafternoon Dnight42Alice is Cindys _AEnglish teacher Bgeography teacherCsister Dmother43Cindys jacket is _Ared Bgreen Cblue Dyellow44Miss Brown is Cindys _ teacherAChinese BEnglish Cgeography Dmath45_ pen is greenAAlices BCindys CBillsDMiss BrownsBLost & FoundLost:My sch

10、ool ID cardIts number is 2023712My name is Mary BrownPlease call:695-6385Found:BackpackIs this your backpackIts black and whiteMy name is Tony GreenPhone:236-0731Cindy, Your red notebook is in the lost and found caseMike46Marys school ID card number is _A236-073l B695-6385 C2023712 D659-863547The ba

11、ckpack is _Agreen Bwhite Cred Dblack and white48Marys phone number is _A695-6385B2007712 C236-073l D695-638549Cindys _ is in the lost and found caseAschool ID card BbackpackCnotebook Dbaseball50Tonys last name is _ABrown BGreen CMike DCindy任务型阅读:请将答案写到答题纸上CIm Zhang PingIm elevenIm in Class 2,Grade lMy number is 3I sit in Row 3This is my classWang Tao is my good friend


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