1、acknowledgements篇一:tn901说明书TN9 红外温度计模块 用户手册目录1 概述 .3 版本 2022.7 .32 理论根底 .42.1 工作原理 .42.2 特点 .52.3 视场 .62.4 发射率 .73 规格 .73.1 极限值 .73.2 直流参数 1 .73.3 测试标准 .93.4 TN0; TN9引脚陈列 .104 串行输出 .114.1 框图 .114.2 SPI时序 .124.2.1 信息格式 .134.2.2 例子 .134.2.3 如何样修正发射率 (如何样修正发射率数据到 EEPROM) .145 接口演示板: HUB-D .156 PC接口程序 .
2、161 概述本文描绘了TNm (TN0; TN9)系列产品的使用方法。版版权:版权所有。 未经受权,禁止全文或者局部复印该文件。本文件的内容有修正不另行通知.Limited Warranty:This data sheet contains information specific to products manufactured at the time of its publication, Contents herein do not constitute a warranty.Trademark Acknowledgements:All trademarks are the proper
3、ty of their respective owners.2 理论根底2.1 工作原理Fig 1. the Infrared Radiation SpectreumInfrared, just like any light ray, is an Electromagnetic Radiation, with lower frequency (or longer wavelength) than visual light. Anything above absolute zero (-273.15 degrees Celsius or 0 degrees Kelvin), radiates i
4、n the infrared. Even ice cube, snow, your refrigerator emit infrared.The Stefan-Boltzmann Law, where the total radiation energy is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and Wien Displacement Law, the product of the peak wavelength and the temperature is found to be a constant,
5、 are implemented in the TNm infrared thermometer module. The infrared radiation of measure target is collected by a infrared mirror through a IR filter of 5 or 8um cut in frequency to the infrared thermopile detector. The detector signal will be amplified and digitalize by the low noise and high linearity OP and AD convertor. The ambient temperature sensor( usually included in the same package as the thermopile detector ) is set in the space near the optical system to dete