1、摘 要近年来随着平等自由的思想深入人心,社会愈加重视对妇女的权益保护,但是长期传统思想的束缚和婚内强奸隐蔽性的特征使得受害人往往受不到法律的保护。而由于司法实务对于婚内强奸问题的模棱两可,丈夫能否成为对妻子施以强奸罪的犯罪主体主体更是仁者见仁智者见智,这使得社会对于这一问题无法提供有效而及时的救济。所以本文共分为四个章节将从以下几点对这个问题加以阐述。第一章主要介绍了婚内强奸的概念和问题的由来。根据资料分析婚内强奸是偶然现象还是普遍现象、近年来这个问题得到极大关注的原因。第二章详细介绍了域内外对于婚内强奸问题的研究。任何问题的发展都有一定规律可循,而隐藏其后的价值问题就是最重要的推手。首先可以
3、可能性和可行性。最后一章是对婚内强奸入罪的构想,包括婚内强奸问题的犯罪化不应盲目移植和分情况讨论。 关键词:婚内强奸;丈夫豁免;性自主权2AbstractMarital rape as a kind of family violence, which damage to women and violence as much as the general behavior of the rape. In recent years, along with the freedom and equality ideas win support among the people, the society
4、 pay more attention to the protection of the rights and interests of women, but in the long term the shackles of traditional thinking and the characteristics of marital rape victims often concealed by the lack of legal protection. Because the judicial practice for the problem of marital rape can be
5、ready to accept either course, husband to his wife to the crime of rape crime subject is the different people have different views, which makes the society for this problem can not provide effective and timely relief. So this paper will elaborate on the problem from the following ideas into the crim
6、e of rape within marriage.The first chapter mainly introduces the origin of concepts and problems of marital rape. The first comprehensive definition of marital rape; secondly, according to the data analysis of causes of rape is an accidental phenomenon or a common phenomenon in recent years, this p
7、roblem has drawn great attention of marital rape; finally the causes of phenomenon in marriage.The second chapter introduces the foreign research on the problem of rape in marriage. The development of any problems there are some rules to follow, and the hidden value then is the most important. First
8、 of all, to put forward can be seen as the extreme importance of the human rights issue, USA and countries in the European Union and other capitalist countries have experienced deny part of affirmation, affirmation in dealing with the problem of marital rape; rape from more than a second marriage in
9、 recent years, the case can be analyzed in China sure stage; finally, summarize two views of domestic scholars on the formation of the problem of marital rape, and compare. Because the compromise said that conditional, is to consider the national situation and judicial practice of not completely sur
10、e that it will be solved, with time goes on and the problem to the positive close, so will compromise on the positive theory explained.The third chapter is the key part of this thesis, the author views on this problem. Two for the problem of background and foreign scholar official point of view, the
11、 author discussed from the following aspects. First of all, that of negative cases from logic, semantic interpretation, the principle of criminal law and the rights and obligations and other aspects; secondly, from our existing legal provisions for marital IIproblems and ethical feelings start, the
12、possibility and feasibility of marital rape.The last chapter includes specific conception of marital rape crime and the points of discussion in the judicial practice.Key Words: Marital rape;Husband exemption;sexual autonomyII目 录绪论1一、 “婚内强奸”的概念和问题由来2(一)婚内强奸的概念2(二)婚内强奸问题的由来2二、婚内强奸的域内外视野2(一)域外刑法对婚内强奸的立
13、场2(二)中国目前司法实务上的态度3(三)中国学者的正反观点41、无罪说42、有罪说4三、婚内强奸的入罪讨论5(一)无罪说的悖论51、判例批判52、 婚姻的合法性不等于性行为的合法性63、 夫妻性关系是平等、对应的权利义务关系64、 牺牲妻子合法权益来维护家庭社会稳定是不可取的6(二)婚内强奸的法律考量6四、“婚内强奸”犯罪化的构想7(一)法律移植不应盲目而为7(二)婚内强奸犯罪化应分情况讨论8结语9主要参考文献11绪论在1956年的北罗得西亚,婚内强奸被视作与奸尸一样罪恶,而且非经同意的性行为会导致女性不育,所以丈夫会被判暂时离开妻子。而后英国殖民地法官不赞同这一判决结果,认为婚内性行为只要
15、不对等、以及严重的歧视女性色彩。在社会主义法面前人人平等,女性是社会主义建设事业强有力的参与者。基于对妇女权益的保护我们必须重视婚内强奸这一问题,它不仅意味着妇女七里保护的突破性进展,同时也会因盲目一直而给我们的法律体系带来难以预料的伤害。所以我们必须严谨地回答好这个问题。13一、 “婚内强奸”的概念和问题由来(一)婚内强奸的概念婚内强奸是指夫妻关系合法存续期间,丈夫违背妻子的意愿,采用暴力、胁迫或者其他手段,强行与妻子发生性关系的行为。就案例来说,人们是以婚内的强制性行为形式上符合刑法规定之强奸罪的构成要件而默认称其为“婚内强奸”来以便于研究的,只是因为当事人身份的特殊性而冠以“婚内”的定语