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1、2021年中英文合同意向书范本中英文合同意向书(范本一)Letter f Intent 合作意向书Aftnsultatins based n the principles f equality and mutual benefit本着平等互的原则,经过友好的协商, Party A/甲方and与 Party B/乙方have agreed t eecute this Letter f Intent LI t accrd the understanding reached duringdiscussins and t indicate the cntinuing crpratin.一致同意以本意向

2、书实前期谈判中达成的解并指导后续的合作。The purpse f this LI is t set frth certain nn-binding understandings and certain bindingcmmitments between bth parties with respect t a prpsed transactin/investment betweenbth parties.本意向书旨在陈述与双方交/投资有关的干无拘束的认识和具有拘束的约定。Part I: Prpsed Transactin/Investment第一部分:交/投资 LI N. Descriptin

3、 Amunt 意向书编号意向内容简述额 CCLI USD1. The terms f the transactin/investment will be mre particularly set frth in a Purchase rder fr transactin r a Business Prpsal fr investment t be mutually agreed upn by the parties. This LI utlines the prpsed transactin/investment based n each partys Page 1 f 2 present u

4、nderstanding f the current cnditin.交的条款将在双方共同认可的一份采购订单(用于商品交)或者一份商业计划书(用于投资合作)中进特别限定。本意向书仅陈述目前各方对现有状况的认识。2. The parties agree that if there any amendments t the terms and cnditins f the prpsed transactin/investment withut apprval frm the respective Bard the transactin shall nt prceed.双方同意:任何涉及本意向书条款

5、的变,未经双方董事会认可,影响交的执。Part II: thers第二部分其他3. The parties agree that either party t this LI may unilaterally withdraw frm negtiatin at any time fr any r n reasn at the withdrawing partys sle discretin by ntifying the ther party f the withdrawal in writing.双方同意:本意向书的任何一方在任何时候因任何原因或无故退出磋商,退出一方须以书面方式通知对方。4

6、. The parties agree custmary legal pinins must be delivered the cntent f which shall be mutually agreed upn.双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯,其内容必须为双方所共同认可。5. This LI is in duplicate ne cpy fr each party each f which shall be deemed an riginal when eecuted.本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于原件。Party A: Party B:甲方:乙方:SIGNED by: SIGN

7、ED by:委托人签字:.委托人签字:.Date: Date:日期:日期:中英文合同意向书(范本二)(sample letter f intent frm)letter f intent fr pssiblecntract fr sale f assetspssible seller:pssible buyer:business:date:,20this is a nn-binding letter f intent that cntains prvisins that are being discussed fr a pssible sale f the business named abv

8、e frm the pssible seller named abve t the pssible buyer named abve. this is nt a cntract. this is nt a legally binding agreement. this is merely an utline f pssible cntract terms fr discussin purpses nly. this is being signed in rder t enable the pssible buyer t apply fr financing f the purchase pri

9、ce. this letter f intent is cnfidential and shall nt be disclsed t anyne ther than the parties and their emplyees, attrneys and accuntants and the pssible lenders f the pssible buyer. the terms f the transactin being discussed are attached heret, but the terms (and the pssible sale itself) are nt bi

10、nding unless and until they are set frth in a written cntract signed by pssible seller and pssible buyer. the wrd shall is used in the attached terms nly as an eample f hw a cntract might read, and it des nt mean that the attached terms are r ever will be legally binding.witnesseswitnesses(合同意向书范本)潜


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