1、_ t-.;,.:.:mineral so that eadl drop nm h(seen through bolh of tlw dear Hideti of the ce!.As IIn alternatil,if the o)Jsed in the test is a transparent oil,then!he cell(:111 be filled.-itb oil ami a water droplct plald on Ihe top of the mineral.d.Me;u;urc the required drop rlimension with ti cathetom
2、der or to.ke a photoraph uf the drop.1.oniometer mily be.lsed to mensure(:ont.lct angle through the.alcr hase Ix twcen the solid and lhe oiwater interfacl:.J)rop dimensions rNJuired for inLcrfaeial tension and fM t:ontact angle coleul:ltion ar described in Pars.se agents should be intruduced into th
3、e appropriate phase and resultant CQntact anglcs mewmrcd.VISUAL WETIABlLITY TEST 60.lhis mcthod provldes a simple and rapid procedure for qualitaticly determining the wfltting:tendcncics of surfan adive agent solutiollS.ir watt.r-wd.ting or oil-wctling tendt.n-ey is,.;:rc8t,it CIO be easily distillg
4、uishcd.Intcrmedi1.lH dlgrees of wcttill)are nol lasily;hllructcrized.Fur quantitativp.rnC3.suremCllts.use st!isile rlrop or Cntact a ngle methllds dlscrihed in Parng-raphs 53,7,and 58.F;quipment llnd Mnterials 61.The folltlw1ng equipment itnd materials should be used for.isual wettability tests:u.4
5、oz wde mouth bottles or 150 mi beakers.b.Kerosine and/or crude oils(filter kerm!ine as described in Par.25).c.Aqueous test fluid(water,br:ine,ur acid).d.Clcan sand andlor limes tone particles,40 60 me!h PROCEDllRE Oil Soluble or Dispersihle Surface Active Agents 62,Place 50 mi of oil c.ontainingThe
6、surface active agent.at the desired concenlration(u!:t.lal 1)1 percent or less for use in well slimulation)in a botlIe md add 10 cmJ oC test qmd.After 30 minutes,alowly pour 50 mi of water into the.holtk takin!-;can:U,prevtnt xc(!ssiv(llllXIIW and clllulsifc.ion.6:-,Observe the relative dislwrsibili
7、ty or(ne partides or their lcndency to furm clurnps in both aqueous and oH phascs hy liftin.:a smull ljuantit)-of sand with a semiminl!spnun spatula into the oil phase.and allowin;it to fal!back inl.O the water.Water Soluble or Water Di!lJ)ersibll Surfon Active AJent!64.Place:)(mi of a wattr soluti/
8、ll1(l)lllainillj.!the Ijurface active agcnt at the tsir(d 1.:011(1 trllion in a hottle aod add 10 cm:of test s.IlId.After 30 minutcs decmt solulion intl)antlthu hottle and carefuJly add.sO mI of(Ji)on toll of the sol:Jtion.5ift the trcatd sand!;Inwly nte)the hotUe allowing it t.o fall throu.:h tlw o
9、il and waler.Ohserve the relativ(disp(rsihil,ty ur wndCncy t form clumps as dcscrihtd in Pm.fi:l.Acid Solutions 65.Place 50 mi of fleid wntainin.:!urfrC:(active a.:ent and/c,r corrosion inhihil!)r 10 be testcd in a bottlc lnd lrld IJ cm uf sand Proeeed as descrihed in Par.61.(;(j.Observe the,IPPO:;!
10、Ta/Wt f I.)W,.;:Od grains in aeid.de;:.mt tlw:I(:ia nd rHills.INTERPRETATION O OHSEHVATlO!lS 67,Thc basis for inlerprdatiJn(If lhe wctting observations ia similar to that u!d ror dLcrmi nation uf emulsion typl by tJilutj(!O.Oilinter nal,waterexternal phas(emllh.;iuns disperse in water;waterinternal,
11、oilexwrll11 phaS emul sions disperse in oil.Partides tho.t art:cmplete Iy walcrwet disperse readily in an:(jUtlOUS phasc,but aKlollleratc or dUlnp in an oil phase Particles that ire completcly oilwel Iwhac in an opposite manncr.Sinc wcunbility lxisls in differcnt drgrees betwecn the extremes of hfin
12、 eithcr complclely waterwel or!)wft,ohsiOr.a tions of intermediate systf!ms:Ir!:diffrult to distinguish and describe.68.Gther factors;hould be(pn.;idcn in addition to dispersion or IlgglomNation.Fo!instance,when a dark colort.-d crude oi!i u8(I,oil.wet sand should approach tbe color(Ir thl:!crude.Ir a erude oil tends to form an cmulsion sp:mlancously on contad with aQuc(lu!surfacc active agent solutions,the!iaml may have thtl samc appearance as if it were oilwet.A mieroseope can be used to det.ect elllulsinn in ome cases.