Engineering Drawingand RelatedDocumentationPracticesASME Y14.3-2003Revision of ASME Y14.3M-1994(R1999)MULTIVIEW ANDSECTIONAL VIEWDRAWINGSAn American National StandardThe American Society ofMechanical EngineersNo roproduction or notworking permitled without liconso from IHSNot for RosaleThe American Society ofMechanical EngineersA NA M E RI CA NN A T IO N A L STA N D A R DAULTMEW ANDSECTIONAL VIEWDRAWINGSASfY14.3-2003Revision of ASME Y14.3M-1994(R1999)No roproduction or notworking permitled without liconso from IHSNot for Rosale