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1、Designation:E161100(Reapproved 2013)Standard Guide forConducting Sediment Toxicity Tests with PolychaetousAnnelids1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1611;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of

2、last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope*1.1 This guide covers procedures for obtaining laboratorydata concerning the adverse effects of potentially contaminatedsedime

3、nt,or of a test material added experimentally to con-taminated or uncontaminated sediment,on marine or estuarineinfaunal polychaetes during 10-day or 20 to 28-day exposures.These procedures are useful for testing the effects of variousgeochemical characteristics of sediments on marine and estua-rine

4、 polychaetes and could be used to assess sediment toxicityto other infaunal taxa,although modifications of the proceduresappropriate to the test species might be necessary.Proceduresfor the 10-day static test are described for Neanthes arenaceo-dentata and Neanthes virens and for the 20 to 28-day st

5、atic-renewal sediment toxicity for N.arenaceodentata.1.2 Modifications of these procedures might be appropriatefor other sediment toxicity test procedures,such as flow-through or partial life-cycle tests.The methods outlined in thisguide should also be useful for conducting sediment toxicitytests wi

6、th other aquatic taxa,although modifications might benecessary.Other test organisms might include other species ofpolychaetes,crustaceans,and bivalves.1.3 Other modifications of these procedures might be ap-propriate for special needs or circumstances.Although usingappropriate procedures is more imp

7、ortant than following pre-scribed procedures,the results of tests conducted using unusualprocedures are not likely to be comparable to those of manyother tests.Comparisons of the results obtained using modifiedand unmodified versions of these procedures might provideuseful information concerning new

8、 concepts and proceduresfor conducting sediment tests with infaunal organisms.1.4 These procedures are applicable to sediments contami-nated with most chemicals,either individually or informulations,commercial products,and known or unknownmixtures.These procedures can be used with appropriatemodific

9、ations to conduct sediment toxicity tests on factors suchas temperature,salinity,dissolved oxygen(DO),and naturalsediment characteristics(for example,particle size distribution,organic carbon content,and total solids).These procedures canalso be used to conduct bioconcentration tests and in situ tes

10、ts,and to assess the toxicity of potentially contaminated fieldsediments,or of materials such as sewage sludge,oils,particu-late matter,and solutions of toxicants added to sediments.Amedian lethal concentration(LC50)or median sublethal effectconcentration(EC50)of toxicants or of highly contaminateds

11、ediment mixed into uncontaminated sediment can be deter-mined.Materials adhering to sediment particles or dissolved ininterstitial water can be tested.1.5 The results of 10-day toxicity tests with contaminatedsediments can be reported as a LC50 if a series of concentra-tions is tested or as a percen

12、t mortality relative to a control orreference sediment.The results of 20 to 28-day toxicity testswith contaminated sediments can be reported as a LC50 if aseries of concentrations is tested or as a percent mortality orgrowth relative to a control or reference sediment.1.6 This guide is arranged as f

13、ollows:SectionReferenced Documents2Terminology3Summary of Guide4Significance and Use5Interferences6Apparatus7Facilities7.1Construction Materials7.2Test Chambers7.3Cleaning7.4Acceptability7.5Hazards8Test Water9General Requirements9.1Source9.2Preparation9.3Characterization9.4Test and Control Sediments

14、10General10.1Characterization10.2Control Sediment10.3Field-Collected Test Sediment10.4Reference Sediment10.5Laboratory-Spiked Test Sediment10.6Test Concentration(s)10.7Addition of Toxicant to Sediment10.8Test Organisms11Species11.11This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E50 on Environ

15、mentalAssessment,Risk Management and Corrective Action and is the direct responsibil-ity of Subcommittee E50.47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate.Current edition approved March 1,2013.Published March 2013.Originallyapproved in 1994.Last previous edition approved in 2007 as E1611-00.DOI:10

16、.1520/E1611-00R13.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 SectionAge11.2Feeding11.3Source11.4Collection and Handling11.5Quality11.6Experimental Design12Controls12.2Field Survey Design12.3Laboratory Experiments12.4Procedure13Dissolved Oxygen13.1Temperature13.2Salinity13.3Light13.4Feeding13.5Beginning of Test13.6Duration of Test13.7Biological Data13.8Other Measurem


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