1、)Designation:D 856-49(Reapproved 1987)Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Pine Tars and Pine-Tar Oils This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 856;the number immediately foliowing the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of l
2、ast revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope I.1 These test methods cover procedures for sampling and testing pine tars,both kiln and retort,and pine-tar oils,together wi
3、th compounded tar products of naval stores origin.1.2 This staiidard may iiivolve hazardous materials,oper-ations,and eqiiipmeiit.TW standard does riot purport to address all of the safity problems associated with its use.It is the respoiisibility of the user o f this standard to establish appropria
4、te safely and health practices and determine the applicability o f regulatory lintitations prior to irse.2.Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards:D 20 Test Method for Distillation of Road Tars2 D70 Test Method for Specific Gravity of Semi-Solid D 88 Test Method for Saybolt Viscosity4 D 140 Methods
5、of Sampling 3ituminous Materials2 D270 Method of Sampling Petroleum and Petroleum D368 Test Method for Specific Gravity of Creosote and E Specification for ASTM Thermometers7 Bituminous Materials3 Products5 O i l-T y p e Preservatives 3.Sampling 3.1 General Sampling Procediire-The material shall be
6、sampled in accordance with the applicable portions of Methods D 140 and D 270.3.2 Kiln Pirie Tar in Barrels or Dntrns-This type of tar may contain more than the small permissible quantity of water usually present under good producing practice.The water may be separated at the top,but it is not unusu
7、al to find it settled out at the bottom of the container,due to a high concentration of dissolved tar acids.(In good practice most of this water should be removed at the point of production or preparation for shipment.)By means of a“thief or a rod at least 1 fi(0.3 m)longer than the length or diamet
8、er of the container,so as to permit it to extend to the bottom of the barrel or drum(the usual type of container)probe the tar at top and bottom,without too much agitation,to ascertain whether there is any appreciable quantity of water present.Remove as much of the water as possible.Then insert the
9、thief or probe rod to the bottom and stir the tar up as much as possible.Rapidly raise then lower the rod eight or ten times,taking care to avoid pulling it out of the drum.In this way a layer of the tar and any accompanying water is brought onto the surface of the rod.Finally,quickly withdraw the r
10、od and allow the adhering tar to flow into a bucket or other container in which a composite sample may be collected.Repeat the procedure,taking two portions from each drum sampled.3.3 Number o f Drums Sampled-In order to ascertain the average condition of a lot,at least 20%,and if possible all of th
11、e drums,shail be opened and examined.Take samples for further tests from at least 10%of the drums,selecting those drums which appear to be most representative of the general condition of the lot as indicated by the visual examination made as described in 3.2.4.Preparation of Sample 4.1 Thoroughly st
12、ir and agitate the entire sample,prefer-ably pouring it out into a large beaker and stirring after first stirring in the container.This is necessary to ensure complete mixing of any separated water or light oil and to obtain complete uniformity of sample.Strain through cheesecloth to remove any part
13、icles.All subsequent tests shall be made on portions taken after further thorough stirring of the sample.PHYSICAL TESTS CONDITION AND APPEARANCE 5.Procedure 5.1 Flow a thin layer of the pine tar or pine-tar oil on a clear glass surface(as in a partly filled glass container).Examine the film for susp
14、ended droplets of water and other foreign matter.These tesf methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.34 on Naval Stores.Cunent edition approved Sept,30,1949.Published November 1949.Origin
15、ally Published as D 856-45 T.Last previous edition D 856-46.Annical Book oJASTb Standards,Vol 04.03.Atinical Book ofASTb Standards,Vols 04.03 and 04.08.Atitiiral Book oJASM Sratidards,Vol 04.04.Discontinued,see 1983 Anriunl Book ofASTbStatidards,Vol 05.01.Atiniral Book o f ASTMSratidardr,Vol 04.09.A
16、tititraIBook ofASKf Stattdards%Vols 14.01 and 0 5.0 3.COLOR 6.Procedure 6.1 Rub out one drop of the pine tar or pine-tar oil between two sheets of white writing paper.Observe the color of the resultant spot,along with that of the film of tar examined in accordance with Section 5.NOTE 1-Clean tar has a bright golden or reddish brown color when examined in accordance with Section 6.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM Internatio