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1、Designation:D593796StandardTestMethodforDeterminationofTensilePropertiesofMouldingandExtrusionPlastics1Thisst a ndar disissuedundert hefixeddesignationD5937;t henum berim m ediat elyfollowingt hedesignat ionindicat est heyearoforiginaladopt ionor,int heca seofrevision,t heyearoflastr evision.Anum be

2、rinpar enthesesindicat est heyea roflastreapproval.Asuperscriptepsilon(e)indica t esanedit or ialchangesincet helastrevisionorreapproval.1.Scope1.1Thist estm et hodspecifiest het estcondit ionsfordet er-m iningt het ensilepropert iesofm ouldinga ndext rusionpla s-t ics.1.2Thist estm et hodisselect i

3、velysuit a bleforusewit ht hefollowingra ngeofm a teria ls:1.2.1R igida ndsem irigidt her mopla st icsm oulding,ext ru-siona ndca stm a teria ls,includingcom poundsfilleda ndrein-forcedby,forexa m ple,shor tfibers,sm a llrods,pla t es,orgra nules,butexcludingt ext ilefibers,ina ddit iont ounfilledt

4、ypes,1.2.2R igida ndsem irigidt herm oset t ingm ouldinga ndca stm a t eria ls,includingfilleda ndreinforcedcom pounds,butexcludingt ext ilefibersa sr einforcem ent,a nd1.2.3Therm ot ropicliquidcryst a lpolym ers.1.3Thist estm et hodisnotsuit a bleforusewit hm a t eria lsreinforcedbyt ext ilefibersw

5、it hrigidcellula rm a t eria lsorsa ndwichst ruct urescont a iningcellula rm a t eria l.1.4Thist estm et hodisa ppliedusingspecim enst ha tm a ybeeit herm ouldedtot hechosendim ensionsorm a chined,cut,orpunchedfrominject ion-orcom pression-m ouldedpla t es.Them ult ipurposet estspecim enispreferr ed

6、(seeISO3167:1993(Specifica t ionD5936).1.5Thist estm et hodisident ica lt oISO527-2.Thisst a nda rdiscom pa ra blet oTestMet hodD638butneit herst a nda rdshouldbesubst itut edfort heother.Thet wost a nda rdsm a ydifferwit hrespectt ot estspecim endim ensions,t estspecim encondit ioning,t estequipm e

7、nt,t est ingcondit ions,et c.Thet wom et hodsm a ynotgivet hesa m eresult s.1.6Th i sstan darddoesn otpurporttoaddressallofthesafetyc on c ern s,i fan y,assoc i atedw i thi tsuse.Iti stherespon si bi li tyofth euserofth i sstan dardtoestabli shappro-pri atesafetyan dh ealthprac ti c esan ddetermi n

8、eth eappli c a-bi li tyofregulatoryli mi tati on spri ortouse.2.Refer encedDocument s2.1ASTMStan dards:D638TestMet hodforTensilePropert iesofPla st ics2D5936Specifica tionforMultipur poseTestSpecimensUsedforTest ingPla st ics3D5938GuideDescribingt heGenera lPr inciplesforDet er-m ina t ionofTensileP

9、ropert iesofPla st ics3D5939Pra ct iceforPr epa ringMult ipurposeTestSpecim ensa ndBa rsofTherm opla st icsbyInject ionMoulding3D5940Pra ct iceforPrepa ringSm a llPla t eTestSpecim ensofTherm opla st icsbyInject ionMoulding32.2ISOStan dards:4ISO37:1977R ubber,Vulca nizedDet erm ina t ionofTen-sileSt

10、 ress-St ra inPropert iesISO293:1986Pla st icsCom pressionMouldingTestSpeci-m ensofTherm opla st icMa t eria lsISO294Pla st icsInject ionMouldingofTestSpecim ensofTher mopla st icMa t eria lsISO295:1991Pla st icsCom pressionMouldingofTestSpecim ensofTherm oset t ingMa t eria lsISO527-1:1993PlasticsD

11、eterminationofTensilePropert iesPa r t1:Genera lPrinciplesISO527-2Det erm ina t ionofTensilePropert iesPa rt2:TestCondit ionsforMouldinga ndExt rusionPla st icsISO1926:1979Cellula rPla st icsDet erm ina t ionofTensilePropert iesofR igidMa t eria lsISO2818Pla st icsPrepa ra t ionofTestSpecim ensbyMa-

12、chiningISO3167:1993Pla st icsMult ipurposeTestSpecim ens3.TerminologySeeGuideD5938,Sect ion3.4.PrincipleSeeGuideD5938,Sect ion4.5.6.Apparat usSeeGuideD5938.7.TestSpecimens7.1Shapean dD i men si on sWhereverpossible,ensuret ha tt het estspecim ensa redumbbell-sha ped,Types1Aa nd1Ba sshowninFig.1.Type

13、1Aispreferredfordirect ly-m ouldedm u lt ipurposet estspecim ens,a ndType1Bispreferredform a chinedspecim ens.NOTE1Types1Aand1Bt estspecimenshaving4-mmt hick nessar eidenticaltothem ultipur posetestspecim ensaccor dingt oISO31671Thistestm et hodisundert hejurisdict ionofASTMCom m it t eeD-20onPlast

14、icsandist hedirectr esponsibilit yofSubcom m it t eeD20.61onUSATechnicalAdvisoryGrou pforISO/TC61onPla st ics.Curr entedit iona ppr ovedJune10,1996.PublishedAugust1996.2An n ualB ookofASTMStan dards,Vol08.01.3An n ualBookofASTMStan dards,Vol08.03.4AvailablefromANSI,11West42ndSt reet,13t hFloor,NewYo

15、rk,NY10036.1AMERICANSOCIETYFORTESTINGA NDMATERIALS100BarrHarborDr.,WestConshohocken,PA19428Reprint edfromtheAnnualBookofASTMStandards.CopyrightA STMNOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest inf

16、ormation.Downloaded/printed byUniver sit y of Edinbur gh(Universit y of Edinburgh)pursuant t o License Agreem ent.No fur t her repr oduct ions aut horized.(Specificat ionD5936),TypesAandB,r espect ively.7.1.1Fort heuseofsm a llspecim ens,seeAnnexA1.7.2Preparati onofTestSpec i men s:7.2.1Prepa ret estspecim ensina ccorda ncewit ht hereleva ntm a t eria lspecifica t ion.Whennoneexist s,orunlessot herwisespecified,ensurethatspecimensareeitherdirectlycom pr ession-orinject ion-m ouldedfromt hem a t


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