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1、Designation:D594496StandardGuideforDescribingtheGeneralPrinciplesforDeterminingtheTemperatureofDeflectionofPlasticsUnderLoad1Thisst a ndar disissuedundert hefixeddesignationD5944;t henum berim m ediat elyfollowingt hedesignat ionindicat est heyearoforiginaladopt ionor,int heca seofrevision,t heyearo

2、flastr evision.Anum berinpar enthesesindicat est heyea roflastreapproval.Asuperscriptepsilon(e)indica t esanedit or ialchangesincet helastrevisionorreapproval.1.Scope1.1Thisguidecoversproceduresfordet erm ina t ionoft het em pera t ureofdeflect ionunderloa d(bendingst ressundert hree-pointloa ding)o

3、fdifferenttypesofm a t eria l.1.2Thisguideisident ica lt oISO75-1.Thisguideiscom pa ra blet oTestMet hodD648,butneit herst a nda r dshouldbesubst it ut edfort heot her.Thet wost a nda rdsm a ydifferwit hrespectt ot estspecim endim ensions,t estspecim encondit ion-ing,t estequipm ent,t est ingcondit

4、ions,et c.Thet woproceduresm a ynotgivet hesa m eresult s.1.3Theprocedur esspecifieda resuit a blefora ssessingt hebeha viorofdifferentt ypesofm a t eria la televa t edtem pera t ureunderloa da taspecifiedra t eoft em pera t ureincrea se.Theresult sobt a ineddonotnecessa rilyrepresentm a xim umuset

5、em pera t uresbeca use,inpra ct ice,essent ia lfa ct orssucha st im e,loa dingcondit ions,a ndnom ina lsurfa cest ressm a ydifferfromt het estcondit ions.1.4Theva luesst a t edinSIunit sa ret oberega rdeda st hest a nda rd.Theva luesgiveninpa rent hesesa reforinform a t iononly.1.5Th i sstan darddoe

6、sn otpurporttoaddressallofthesafetyc on c ern s,i fan y,assoc i atedw i thi tsuse.Iti stherespon si bi li tyofth euserofth i sstan dardtoestabli shappro-pri atesafetyan dh ealthprac ti c esan ddetermi n eth eappli c a-bi li tyofregulatoryli mi tati on spri ortouse.2.Refer encedDocument s2.1ASTMStan

7、dards:D648TestMet hodforDeflect ionTem pera t ureofPla sticsUnderFlexura lLoa d22.2ISOStan dards:3ISO75-1Det erm ina t ionofTem pera t ureofDeflect ionUn-derLoa dPa rt1:Genera lTestMet hodISO291:1977Pla st icsSt a nda rdAt m ospheresforCondi-t ioninga ndTest ing3.Terminology3.1D efin iti on s:3.1.1d

8、eflec ti ont hedist a nce,a tm id-spa n,overwhicht het oporbot t omsurfa ceofat estspecimendevia t es,duringflexure,fr omit sorigina lposit ion.Itisexpressedinm illim e-t res.3.1.2flexuralstraint henom ina lfract ionalcha ngeinlengt hofa nelem enta tt hesur fa ceoft het estspecim ena tm id-spa n.Iti

9、sexpresseda sadim ensionlessqua nt it y.3.1.3flexuralstress,st henom ina lst ressa tt hesurfa ceoft het estspecim ena tm id-spa n.Itisexpressedinm ega pa sca ls.3.1.4stan darddeflec ti on,st hedeflect iont ha twillresultint heflexura lst ra in,a tt hesurfa ceoft het estspecim en,whichisspecifiedint

10、hereleva ntpa rtoft hisguide.Thest a nda rddeflect iondependsont hedim ensionsa ndposit ionoft het estspecimena ndt hespa nbetweent hesupport s.Itisexpressedinm illim et res.3.1.5tem peratureofdeflec ti onun derload,Tft het em-pera t urea twhicht hedeflect ionoft het estspecim enrea chest hest a nda

11、 r ddeflect iona st het em pera t ureisincrea sed.ItisexpressedindegreesCelsius.4.Principle4.1Ast a nda rdt estspecim enissubject edt oabendingst resst opr oduceoneoft henom ina lsurfa cest ressesgivenint hereleva ntpa rtoft hisguide.Thet em pera t ureisr a iseda tauniformra t e,a ndt het em pera t

12、urea twhichaspecifieddeflec-t ionoccursism ea sured.5.6.Apparat us6.1Mean sofApply i n gaB en di n gStress:6.1.1Thea ppa ra tussha llbeconst ruct edessent ia llya sshowninFig.1.Itconsist sofarigidm et a lfra m einwhicharodca nm ovefreelyint hevert ica ldirect ion.Ther odisfit t edwit haweight-ca rry

13、ingpla t ea ndaloa dingedge.Theba seoft hefra m eisfit t edwit ht estspecim ensupport s;t hesea ndt hevert ica lm em bersoft hefra m ea rem a deofam et a lha vingt hesa m ecoefficientoflinea rexpa nsiona st herod.6.1.2Thet estspecim ensupport sconsistofcylindrica lm et a lpiecesa tadist a ncea pa rt

14、,definedinthereleva ntpa rtoft hisguide,wit ht heirlinesofcont a ctwit hthespecim enina1BiasThisguideisundert hejur isdict ionofASTMCom m it t eeD-20onPlast icsandist hedirectr esponsibilit yofSubcom m it t eeD20.61onUSATechnicalAdvisoryGrou pforISO/TC61onPlast ics.Curr entedit iona ppr ovedJune10,1

15、996.PublishedAugust1996.2An n ualB ookofASTMStan dards,Vol08.01.3AvailablefromAm ericanNa tiona lSt anda r dsInst itut e,11W.42ndSt.,13t hFloor,NewYork,NY10036.1AMERICANSOCIETYFORTESTINGA NDMATERIALS100BarrHarborDr.,WestConshohocken,PA19428Reprint edfromtheAnnualBookofASTMStandards.CopyrightA STMNOT

16、ICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.Downloaded/printed byUniver sit y of Edinbur gh(Universit y of Edinburgh)pursuant t o License Agreem ent.No fur t her repr oduct ions aut horized.horizont a lpla ne.Thesupport sa refit t edt ot heba seoft hefra m einsuchawa yt ha tt hevert ica lforcea ppliedt ot het estspecim enbyt heloa dingedgeism idwa ybet weent hem.Thecont a ctedgesoft


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