1、 D 4177-161 (MPMS),8.2 STANDARD PRACTICE FOR AUTOMATIC SAMPLING OF PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 2017 ():25.05.2017:3175-17/ASTM -,.9,-49,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 E-mail:interstgost.ru http:/www.interstandart.ru/(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.A
2、STM International .ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This Standard is translated by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19
3、428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with the sign of ASTM International copyright may be considered as the original one.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM Internat
4、ional or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden in compliance with the USA legislation and International copyright.ASTM D 4177-161 1 D 4177-161 (MPMS),8.2 1 D 4177;,.().1 2017.,1 ASTM D02 ,API ,D02.02/COMQ ASTM-API,(ASTM-API).ASTM-API 1982.1 2016.2016.1982.2015 D 4177-15.DOI:10.1520/D
5、4177-1601.ASTM D 4177-161 2 ,.,.,.,.,.D 4177(API MPMS 8.2).:5-17(I),.18(II),.19(III),.,ASTM D 4177-161 3 .,.:,.1.1.1 ,.,.,D 5842(API MPMS 8.4).D 5854(API MPMS 8.3).1.2:1 2 3 4 I 5 ASTM D 4177-161 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ()16 17 II 18 III 19 20 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 X1 ()X2 1.3 ,USC,.,.,.1.4 ,.ASTM D 41
6、77-161 5 ,.1.5 ,(TBT).2.2.1 ASTM:2 D 4007 ()D 4840 D 4928 D 5842 D 5854 2.2 API:3 MPMS 3 MPMS 4 2 ASTM,ASTM www.astm.org ASTM serviceastm.org.ASTM.Document Summary ASTM.3 (API),1220 L.St.NW,Washington,DC 20005-4070,http:/www.api.org.ASTM D 4177-161 6 MPMS 5 MPMS 8.3 (ASTM D 5854)MPMS 8.4 (ASTM D 584
7、2)MPMS 10 MPMS 13 MPMS 20 MPMS 21 2.3 ISO:4 ISO 1998 6.1 .3.3.1 :3.1.1 ,:(a),;(b);(c),;(d). :,.4 (ANSI),25 W.43rd St.4th Floor,New York,NY 10036,http:/www.ansi.org.ASTM D 4177-161 7 .,(),. .,:,. .3.1.2 ,.3.1.3 .3.1.4 ,. .3.1.5 ,.3.1.6 ,.3.1.7 ,.3.1.8 ,.3.1.9 ASTM D 4177-1
8、61 8 .3.1.10 ,.3.1.11 ,.3.1.12 ,.3.1.13 ,.3.1.14 ,.3.1.15 ,.3.2,:3.2.1 .3.2.2 ,FPC ,.3.2.3 ,.3.2.4 ,ASTM D 4177-161 9,.3.2.5 ,.3.2.6 .3.2.7 ,.3.2.8 ,.3.2.9 ,.3.2.10 ,.3.2.11 ,. ,.(ISO 1998-6)3.2.12 ,.3.2.13 ,ASTM D 4177-161 10 .3.2.14 ,.3.2.15 ,.3.2.16 ,.3.2.17 ,.4.4.1 ,.I ,.5.5.1 .ASTM D 41
9、77-161 11 .5.1.1 .,.5.1.2 ().(,)().5.1.3 .(,.)10%,.5.1.4 .,.5.1.5 ,.ASTM D 4177-161 12 .D 5854(API MPMS 8.3).5.1.6 ,.5.1.7 ,.6.6.1 :6.1.1 ,;6.1.2 (,);6.1.3 (,);6.1.4 ,().,.A1.,0,01 ASTM D 4177-161 13 95%.A1.6,9604.,10 000.,9604.6.1.5 /,;6.1.6 /,().,;6.1.7 ;6.1.8 ,;6.1.9 ,.,;6.1.10 .,;6.1.11 ASTM D 4
10、177-161 14 ;6.1.12 ,;6.1.13 (,-HMI,SCADA);6.1.14 :;6.1.15 .,.-.(),.;6.1.16 ;6.1.17 ,;6.1.18 ;6.1.19 ;6.1.20 ,;ASTM D 4177-161 15 6.1.21 ;6.1.22 ,;6.1.23 ,;6.1.24 ,;6.1.25 ,.6.2 :6.2.1 (,.)(RVP)96,53,()9604 .1 4.,9604 ,.6.2.2 .,()ASTM D 4177-161 16,.,.,.,.,.,.,.7.7.1 .:.,.,(.3).,ASTM D 4177-161 17 .1
11、 2.7.2 .1 3.1 7.3 ,.(.2)(.3).7.3.1 ,ASTM D 4177-161 18 ,: ; ; ,.7.3.2 ,. ,.7.4.1 ,.7.4.2 . ,.:,.,.ASTM D 4177-161 19 .5.8.2 ,.,.(.6).8.2.1 ,(.19.2).8.2.2 ,. ,.8.2.4 .8.2.5 ,.ASTM D 4177-161 20 .3 ASTM D 4177-161 21 .4 8.3 .,.8.3.1 .ASTM D 4177-161 22,.7.8
12、.3.2 ,.5 8.3.3 ,.8.4 ,.,.5,.8.4.1 -.-ASTM D 4177-161 23 .().8.4.2 .,.9.9.1 :9.1.1 .,.,.9.1.2 ,(,),.,.,.9.1.3 ASTM D 4177-161 24 ,.,.6 .7 ()9.2 :9.2.1 .()1/4 2.()()()()1/4 2 ()45 ()1/4 2 ASTM D 4177-161 25 .: .,.,. .,.9.3 :9.3.1 ,.9.3.2 ,.,:,.,.,.9.3.3 ,.ASTM D 4177-161 26 ,.9.3.4 .,.9.
13、4 :9.4.1 ,.,.,.9.4.2 ,().,.,.(),.(,C1/C2,A2).ASTM D 4177-161 27 9.4.3 ,.10.10.1 .:10.1.1 : ,.,.(API MPMS 5). API MPMS ,.10.1.2 ,10%.ASTM D 4177-161 28 ,.10.2 ,.11.11.1 .,9604.(A1 ,.)11.2 ,D 5854(API MPMS 8.3).,.11.3 ,5,0%.().11.4 100,.,100(,).ASTM D 4177-161 29 11.4.1,100
14、,1,0,1,2,120.,114 126 .12.12.1 :12.1.1 .,.,.,.,.12.1.2 .,.,.12.1.3 ,:()().,ASTM D 4177-161 30 ,.,.,.12.1.4 ,.:,.,.,.12.1.5 .,.2 ,.ASTM D 4177-161 31 12.1.6 (,.),(,),(,).12.1.7 (.8).,.,.().-,()().,.8 B C D E F ()ASTM D 4177-161 32 12.1.8,: ,; ,; ; (,.). .;12.1.
15、8.6 ().,; ,; ; ,; ,; ASTM D 4177-161 33 ; .13.13.1 ,.D 5854(API MPMS 8.3).14.14.1 .,.().,:14.1.1 ,14.1.2 ,14.1.3 ,14.1.4 ,14.1.5 ,14.1.6 ,ASTM D 4177-161 34 14.1.7 ,14.1.8 ,14.1.9 ,14.1.10 .14.2 ().14.3 ,.14.1,.,. SVe(),:SVe=SVcap SVmax%(1):
16、SVcap=22 712(),SVmax%=75%SVe=22 712 (75/100)=17 034.1,SVcap SVmax%API MPMS,8.3%PVe 3()b ,14.3.2 (Ne),SVcap :Ne=SVe/b Ne=17 034/1,2 =14 195()(2)ASTM D 4177-161 35 14.3.3 (B)PVe:=PVe/n PVe=125 000 Ne=14 195 =125 000/14 195=8,805/(3) B 8,8/,Ne=125 000/8,8=14 204,SVe=14,204 1,2 =17 B 9,0/,Ne=125 000/9,0=13 888,SVe=13 888 1,2 =16 665.14.4 ,(),.14.4.1 4/.5 000/1,4/.14.4.2 ,4/1,4/=5,6/.,8,8/,8,8/,5,6/.14.4.3 10 000/2,8/,.14.4.4 4/2,8/=11,2/.,8,8/,8,8/,ASTM D 4177-161 36 11,2/.15.15