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1、 1663-2006 (ASTM D 240-02,IDT)8-2006 II 1663-2006 662.75.046.6(083.74)(476)75.160.20 03 IDT :,.1 -()2 29 2006.39 3 ASTM D 240-02 Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo-rimeter(ASTM D 240-02 C -).ASTM D ASTM D02 ,D02.05 ,-.:ASTM D -1.5-2004(04100).(en).,.

2、(IDT)4 II 1663-2006 1 .1 2 .1 3 .2 4 .2 5 .3 6 .3 7 .3 8.4 9 .4 10 .6 11 .8 12 .8 ().9 B().13 III 1663-2006 Liquid fuels Determination of heat of combustion by bomb calorimeter 2007-03-01 1 1.1 -,.1.2 ASTM D 4809.1.3,1.4 ,-,.-,-.7,9,-(.1.10,.3).2 2.1 ASTM:ASTM D 129 ()1)ASTM D 1018 1)ASTM D 1266 ()1

3、)ASTM D 2622 -2)ASTM D 3120 -2)ASTM D 3701 -2)ASTM D 4294 -2)ASTM D 4809 -()2)ASTM D 5453 ,3)ASTM 1 ASTM4)ASTM 200 ,5)_ 1)ASTM,05.01.2)ASTM,05.02.3)ASTM,05.03.4)ASTM,14.03.5)ASTM,15.05._ 1 1663-2006 3 3.1 3.1.1 Qg(gross heat of combustion Qg),/:,. :,.-,. Qn(net heat of combustion Qn),

4、/:,. :,.,.25,0,1012.3.1.3 (-Btu):1 ()=4,1868;1 Btu()=1055,06;1/=0,0041868/;1 Btu/=0,002326/.3.2 ,:3.2.1 (,)(energy equivalent,effective heat capacity,water equivalent),/,:,-1,/.1/=1000/.(1)/,./.1 ,.3.3 3.3.1 Qn Qn(,25)=Qg(,25)0,2122 ,(2)Qn(,25),/;Qg(,25),/;,%.6)4 4.1 .,.,-.4.1.1 ._ 6)-ASTM RR

5、:D02-1342.2 1663-2006 ,.,-,.4.1.2 .-.4.1.3 .5 5.1 ,.,.5.2 ,-.5.3 (),.6 6.1 ,-,.1.7 7.1 ,.7).,.7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5.,.,.1.11(.,.3.2).7.6 .38 (1),.7.7,7.7.1 (0,0866/).3,5 NaOH 1.-0,0866/ASTM 200 (.,.,.3.1.).7.7.2 (0,03625/).3,84 Na2CO3 1.-0,03625/ASTM 200.7.8 2,2,4-(),8).(.-.,.,.3.3)._ 7),Gaithersb

6、urg,MD 20899 39.8),Gaithersburg,MD 20899 217b.3 1663-2006 8 8.1 .,.9).0,9 1,1 -(66).9 t 10.1 10.2.(N3)10.3 W=(Q g+e1+e2)/t,(3)W ,/;Q ,/,;g ,;t ,10.1 10.2,;e1 ,;e2 ,.8.1.1 .8.2 ,.-2,2,4-(47,788/,)-.,-(.1.8).,2,2,4-,.8.3 (,).(,)9,1,2 0,5 (,).Qpst=(t W e1)/1000 a,(4)Qpst (,),/;t ,10.1 10.2,;W ,/;e1 NO3

7、,;a (,-),.(),.9 9.1 .,0,9 1,1 (2).0,1.2 ,:g=26,454/Qs,(5)g ,;Qs ,/._ 9).Jessup,R.S.,7 ,.4 1663-2006 (),.,.9.1.1 (,).3 ,.1 6 ,7 ,8 .9.1.2.,-.12 3 ,.V=(W 0,00032)/(Q D),(6)V ,;W ,/;Q ,/;D ,/ ,.,.,.-,.9.1.3 (,).,.,.9.2 .1,0 .9.3.-3,0 (30)(9.3.1).(.,.,4,0,.,-.,.9.3.1 2,5 3,5 ,.9.4 .:1,6 2,0 ;1,

8、0 1,4 .-,10,2/.,.,.9.4.1 (0,5).(2000).-,.5 1663-2006 9.5 .-.5 ,5 1 (4).ta.,60%(5).(4 5)1 ,5.4 ()0,002 56 ASTM .-0,001,25 0,0001.,-.5 ,60%,45,60,75,90 105 .9.6 (6).-.,5 .,0,01 3.-,-.,0,01 .1 ,.-.,.6 ,9.5,.9.7 .-,1.,.,.9.7.1,.-,350.9.7.2 ,.9.7.3 ,0,1%.ASTM D 129,ASTM D 1266,ASTM D 2622,ASTM D 3120,AST

9、M D 4294 ASTM D 5453.10 10.1 .,-9.5,t t=tc ta r1(b a)r2(c b),(7)t ;a ;b (0,1)60%;6 1663-2006 c ,();ta (10.1.1);tc ,(10.1.1);r1 (),5-;r2 (),5-.,r2 r2(b).10.1.1 ,.1,.1.5.1 .1.5.2.(.2,.2.1,.2.1.12).56F 56 ASTM ,5,5.,(.2,.2.1)t ,.10.2 .,-9.6,t t=tf ta,(8)t ;ta (10.1.1);tf (10.1.1).10.3 (.2).-:1(HNO3),=(

10、-0,0866 N)NaOH,3,5/106;2(H2SO4),=58,0 ,%,/106;3(),=1,13 -/106=0,96 /106;4(),=,/106.10.4 .,Qg=(tW e1 e2 e3 e4)/1000g,(9)Qg ,/;t (10.1 10.2),;W ,/(8.1);e1,e2,e3,e4 10.3;g ,.7 Qgp=Qg+0,006145 H,(10)Qgp ,/;,%.10.5 .10.5.1 ,%,(),Qn=Qg 0,2122 ,(11)Qn ,/;Qg ,/;7 1663-2006 ,%.,ASTM D 1018 ASTM D 3701.10.5.2

11、 ,%,-,Qn=10,025+(0,7195)Qg,(12)Qn ,/;Qg ,/.8 (12),-.(11)Qn ,(Jessup and Cragos)10).11 11.1 ,.0,005/.9 0,005/.11.2 Btu ,/0,5/1 Btu/.QBtu/=(Q,/)/0,002326.(13)Q/=(Q,/)/0,0041868.(14)12 11)12.1 ,-,.12.1.1 (),-,0,13/.12.1.2 ,0,40/.12.2 -()._ 10)Jessup,R.S.,Cragos,C.S.,Net Heat of Combustion of AN-F-28 Av

12、iation Gasoline(-AN-F-28,-996,1945;Joseph F.Cogliano and Ralph S.Jessup,Relation between Net Heat of Combustion and Aniline-Gravity Product of Aircraft Fuels(,2348 ,1953.11),-,XII 1957 D02 .1958 1966()III ASTM D 240.-ASTM International RR:D02-38.8 1663-2006 ().1 .1.1 .,-,.,.-.1.2 .(350 50).,.,.20 (3

13、000 psi).1.3.(.1.1)(),.,.-10 -,0,01.1.1 ,.1.4.,10.,-.,.13).1.4.1 (1 C(2 F)-,.,.1.5.,.1.5.1 ASTM -66 F 95 F,19 35,18,9 25,1,23,9 30,1,-,56F,56,116 117 ASTM 1.2,0 2,5 F.0,002 0,005 F.1.5.2 6 ,115 ASTM 1.1.0,001._ 13),Parr Instru-ment Co.,211 Fifty-Third Dt.,Moline,IL 61265.,-ASTM.-,.9 1663-2006.1.5.3

14、,25.1.6 .-.,-,.1.6.1 ,0,0001,.1.7 .-1.1.8 .(),.,.1.9 .34&S 100.,.-,.1.10 .6 16,.-,115 50 60 (-.,).1.11 .,.,-,1%.(CuO)500.2 .2.1 14).2.1.1 (56F 56)=K(tc ta)(ta+tc L T),(A.2.1)K ,0,00016 0,00009 ;L ,;t ;tc .2.1.2 ,-,=K(tc ta)(S+tc+ta T),(A.2.2)S ().2.1.3 =(tc ta),(A.2.3).2.1._ 14).,Reishold Publishing

15、 Corp.,New York,NY,1941 10 1663-2006 .2.1 15 20 25 30 35 40 0,0015 0,0000+0,0015+0,0029+0,0043+0,0056 .2.2 .2.2.1 .NaOH(0,0866/),5.,HNO3 0,1 HNO3 57,8/.H2SO4,H2SO4 1, .,5,80.-0,17 H2SO4,301,4/.,2 57,8/,H2SO4 1.,-301,4 (2 57,8)=185,8/5,80/.(.2.4). 5,80/,(),.:0,8%S,99,2%CH2.0,6 ,1 3,-H2S

16、O4 0,17/. 500 SO2()+2()+651 2=H2SO4 650 2 3 301,4/.2.2.3 .:34 B&S=1,13/;34 B&S=0,96/.2.2.4 .(-8.3).3 .3.1 .,.,.,10/,-(90).5%.11 1663-2006.3.2 .,-.,.,.-.3.3 2,2,4-.,.,-.12 1663-2006 B()1 Gross,M.E.,Gutherie,G.B.,Hubbard,W.N.,Katz,C.,McCullough,J.P.,Waddington,G.,and Wil-liamson,K.D.,Thermodynamic Properties of Furan,()Journal,Am.Chemical Soc.,Vol 74,18,Sept.23,1952,pp.4662 4669.2 Jessup,R.S.,Heats of Combustion of the Liquid Normal Paraffin Hydrocarbons from Hexane to Dodecane,()Journal of


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