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1、Designation:D282513Standard Terminology Relating toPolishes and Related Materials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2825;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenth

2、eses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.GENERALbuffablethe ability to improve gloss or general appearance,or both,of a polish film by a mechanical action.build-upthe condition resulting from a lack of self-s

3、ensitivity in an existing polish,whereby new film depositsover old,with little or no self-cleaning action.burnishingthe enhancement of the existing polish appear-ance is accomplished by dry mechanical abrasion using asuitable machine and accessories.cleaningremoval of marks,dust,and other extraneous

4、 ma-terials from the surface.coaguluman agglomerate of particles.creamingthe separation of a layer of the dispersed phase ofan emulsion polish to the surface of the liquid continuousphase.depth of glossthe optical phenomenon of relative depthperceived when viewing reflective surfaces.detergent resis

5、tancethe degree to which a polish filmexhibits no apparent deterioration when spotted or cleanedwith a solution of a nonabrasive,nonammoniacal detergent.distinctness of imagedegree of clarity exhibited by imagesreflected from a surface.dragphysical resistance to spreading of a polish.dry bright poli

6、sha polish that dries to a gloss withoutbuffing.ease of usecumulative effect of drag encountered in appli-cation or removal,or both,and the amount of time requiredto achieve the desired finish.film claritycharacteristic of a deposited film which permitsan unobstructed view of the substrate.gloss ret

7、entionmaintenance of gloss of a film under normaluse conditions.hazefilm whose clarity is impaired with varying degrees ofopacity.levelingthe property of a freshly spread polish to dry to auniform and streak-free appearance.marmutilation of polish film reparable only by recoating.nonvolatilesmateria

8、ls remaining after the loss of volatilecomponents.polisha temporary coating that enhances the appearance andmay protect the substrate to which it is applied.recoatabilitythe application characteristics of a polish andthe appearance of the film after successive coatings to asurface.soilsolid foreign

9、matter embedded in or adhered on thesurface.speed relating to rotary disc floor machineslow speed:upto 800 r/min,high speed:more then 800 but less than 1500r/min,and ultra high speed:1500 r/min or more.NOTE1Effectiveness of the floor machine depends upon machineweight and pad diameter as well as r/m

10、in.spreadingthe action of flowing out over a surface duringapplication.staindiscoloration by foreign matter.streakingnonuniform deposition of a polish film.volatile solventa nonaqueous liquid that evaporates readilyat room temperature and atmospheric pressure.water beadingsurface property that cause

11、s the formation ofdiscrete water droplets on the polished surface.water spottingchange in appearance of surface resultingsolely from the action of cool water.wettingthe property of a polish to uniformly and completelycontact the solid surface to which it is applied.1This terminology is under the jur

12、isdiction of ASTM Committee D21 onPolishes and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D21.91 on Terminologyand Editorial ReviewCurrent edition approved Jan.1,2013.Published February 2013.Originallyapproved in 1969.Last previous edition approved in 2011 as D2825 11.DOI:10.1520/D2825-13.Copyrigh

13、t ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 FLOOR POLISHalkali soluble resinlow molecular weight,acid functionalnatural resins,modified natural resins,or synthetic copoly-mers characterized by forming a true solution in water whenbasified to

14、pH 8 or greater,while being insoluble in water atpH 6 or lower.DISCUSSIONWhen used in polish formulations,alkali soluble resinsaffect film formation,gloss,durability,hardness,wetting,leveling,water and alkali sensitivity,removability,and formulation color andstability.black markingblack marks on a f

15、looring surface usuallycaused by the impact of the soles and heels of footwear.buffing-type of floor polisha floor polish that requiresbuffing to maintain or enhance appearance,or both.fracturea rupture or break of the polish film(usuallymultiple).powderingpartial or total disintegration of the poli

16、sh filmresulting in a fine,light-colored material.rubber heel markingthe mechanical transfer of coloringmatter from rubber heels to surfaces.scratchdamage resulting from the movement of a hardpointed object.scuffdisfigurement of polish film resulting from the abradingor scraping action repairable without recoating.self-polishing-type floor polisha floor polish that dries to ashine.service lifethe period of time required under use conditionsto change the appearance of a surface treated with a flo


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