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1、ASTM D 1850-74(Reapproved 1979)AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1916 Race St.,Philadelphia,Pa.19103 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Copyright ASTM If not listed in the current combined index,will appear in the next edition.Standard Specification for CONCRETE JOINT SEALER,C

2、OLD-APPLICATION TVPE1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1850;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses idicates the year of last reapprovaL I.Scope 1.1 This

3、 specification covers concrete joint sealer of the cold-application,mastic,single or multiple-component type,intended for use in sealing joints having a minimum width of about V2 in.(13 mm)in concrete pavements,bridges,and other structures.(See Appendix).NoTE The values stated in U.S.customary units

4、 are to be regarded as the standard.2.General Requirements 2.1 As delivered to the user,the sealing compound shall be_ composed of one sub-stance,or of two or more substances that are to be mixed prior to application.The sub-stance shall be of such a character that a homogeneous preparation can read

5、ily be ob-tained by combining the separate components,when so supplied,by mechanical or manual stirring without heating the blended material above a temperature of IOOF(38C).The sealing compound,after curing,shall be a re-silient and adhesive material that is capable of sealing joints in concrete ef

6、fectively against the infiltration of moisture throughout re-peated cycles of expansion and contraction and that will not flow from the joint or be picked up by vehicle tires at summer tempera-tures.The material shall pour or extrude readily at a temperature of 70F(21()im-mediately after preparation

7、 foi-use and shall remain in a condition suitable for application for at least I h.2.2 The sealing compound,after curing,shall be of such nature that it will adhere to dry but dust-free Concrete or to damp con-crete free from surface moisture.3.Physical Requirements 3.1 Penetration-The sea1ing compo

8、und,after curing,shall have a penetration,at 77F(25C)and 150 g for 5 s,not greater than 235.3.2 Flow-The sealing compound,after curing,shall show a flow not in excess of 5 mm.3.3 Bond-The sealing cOmpound,after curing,shall not fail in adhesion or cohesion after testing in accordance with Section 5(

9、Explanatory Note 3).Five cycles of exten-sion and recompression shall constitute the test for bond.The development,at any time during the test procedure,of a crack,separa;,tion,or other opening that at any point is over IJ4 in.(6.4 mm)deep,in the sealing compound or between the sealing compound and

10、the mortar block,shall constitute failure of the test specimen.The depth of the crack,separation,or opening shall be measured per-pendicularly to the side of the sealer showing the defect.The failure of at least two test specimens in.a group.of three test specimens that comprise a bond test,shall co

11、nstitute a failure under this requirement 4.Sampling 4.1 Samples for testing shall consist of suf-ficient quantities of each component to pro-vide I gal(4 dm3)of sealer material.Sam-pling shall be made in accordance with the 1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-4 on Roa

12、d and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee 004.33 on Formed-In-Place Sealants for Joints and Cracks in Pavements.Current edition approved Aug.30.1974.Published October 1974.Originally published as 0 1850-61 T.Last previous edition D 1850-67(1972).490 NOTICE:This standard

13、 has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.methods described in ASTM Methods D 140,Sampling Bituminous Materials.2 5.Test Methods 5.1 Determine the physical requirements enumerated in this specification

14、 in accordance D 1850 with ASTM Methods D 1851,Testing Con crete Joint Sealers,Cold-Application Type23(Explanatory Note I).3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Part 15.1 Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Partl4.APPENDIX XI.USE AND APPLICATION OF CONCRETE JOINT SEALER,COLD-APPLICATION TYPE Xl.l Materials cove

15、red by this specification are intended for use in sealing joints in new concrete pavement and for maintenance resealing.Xl.2 Equipment for the installation or extrusion of these materials into the joint space are usually heavy-duty air-operated pumps,capable of contin-uously feeding the compound und

16、er pressure,and capable of completely filling the joint space without discontinuities and without the formation of voids or entrapped-air.Other methods of application satis-factory to the engineer may be used.Xl.J Joints should be dry,cleaned of scale,dirt,dust,curing compound,foreign matter,or previous.sealants prior to application.Cleaning should be ac-complished in a neat workmanlike manner with suit-abJe tool or tools designed for cleaning pavement joints.The joint sidewalls should be then s


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