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1、.Designation:D 1581-60(Reapproved 1984)Standard Test Method for BONDING PERMANENCY OF WATER-OR SOLVENT-.SOLUBLE LIQUID ADHESIVES FOR LABELING GLASS.BOTTLES1 standard.is issue under the fixed.esignation D 1581 i the number immediately following the desfgnation indicates the ear of ngmal adption.or,In

2、 te se of reVISIon,.the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicafes the yeai oflast reaprOVal superscnpt epsilon(e)mdlcates an editorial change since tbe last revision or reapproval.1.Scope 1.1 This method covers the determination of the bonding permanency of dextrin,casein,starch,animal

3、 gelatin,and other liquid adhesives(excluding pressure-sensitive types)used for-ap-.plying printed paper labels to glass bottles.1.2 This standard may involve hazardous ma-terials.operations,and equipment.This standard does not jmrporl to address all o/the safety prob-lems associated witlz its lise.

4、It is the responsibil-ity 0/whoever uses this standard to consult and establish appropriate safety and healtiz.practices and determine the applicability o/regulatory limi-tations prior to lise.2.Applicable Documents 2.1 ASTM Standard:D 1584 Test Method for Water Absorptiveness of Paper Labels2.ditio

5、ris of 22 to 38C and 91 to 93%relative humidity.3.5.2 Potassium sulfate for conditions of 300C and 96 to.970/0.relative humidity.3.5.3.Lithium.chloride for conditions of 22 to 38C and 11%relative humidity.4.Sampling.4.1 The adhesive sample shall b a 0.9 litre(l-qt)aliquot consistiilg of a composite

6、taken,when possible,from three or more separate containers chosen at random.Also take samples from ontainers which ppear to be nonrepre-sentahve and test separately.Before a sample is withdrawn,miX the adhesives to uniform Consistency.Imnidhitely place the sample.in an air-tight glass jar until read

7、y for testing.S.Procedure 5.1.Use only those.labels within the selected 3.Apparatus.range of water absorptiveness for each test 3.1 Firm Applicator,tube or rod type to give.(Notes.1 and.2).Select from Table 1 those a wet fUm thickness of 0.025 to 0.038mm(0.001 expour which the package may encounter

8、to 0.0015 in.).after shipment.The purchaser and.the manu-3.2 Glass Plates of smooth plate glass,size facturershould agree on the tt exposures to suitable for label specimens.be used.Prepare three test specunns for each.3.3 Cabinets or Desiccators with means of tt exposure selected.Apply a uniform ad

9、he-controlling the temperature and relative hu-.Sive f on a clean glass plate to give a wet midity as the conditions listed in Table 1.ftlm thikness of 0.025 to 0.038 nun(0.001 to 3.4 Desiccants,such as Anhydrone(anhy-.0.0015 m.).Press e label down fumly and drous magnesium perchlorate)or Drierite(i

10、nM store the adhered UDlt at room temperature and dicating calcium sulfate)for conditions of 22 to 38C,and dry or low relative humidity.3.S Satrlrated Salt Solutions:3.5.1 Ammonium monophosphate for con-119 This method Is under the jurisdicilon of ASTM Committee D-4 on Adhesives.Current edition elTe

11、ctive Sept 19,1960.Originally issued L958.Replaces 01581-58 T.2 AlIlIual Book of ASTM Stalldards,VollS.06.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.approximately 50%relative humidit

12、y for at least 24 h,or until the film is no longer sticky to touch:Store the specimens at the proper exposure conditions so that free access to the controlled atmosphere is obtained for the total area of each test specimen.NOTE I-Labels used for all bonding permanency tests within the laboratories o

13、f the purchaser arid the manufacturer must fall within 20%of the mean of water absorptivertess selected by the purchaser.This average value is based on the water absorptiveness of labels used by the purchaser.NOTE 2-A method for selecting labels of satis factory water absorptiveness is described.in

14、Method 01584.5.2 At the end of the test.period,examine each unit for bonding permanency within 15 to 30 s after removal from the conditioning unit.Peel the label from the glass plate,starting at.01581 any point along the label edge,tearing toward the center,and repeating this procedure along the fou

15、r edges to check for possible failures in all areas.Record the bonding permanency as a percentage based on the amount of paper fiber remaining on the ftlm.6.Report 6.1 The report shall include the following:6.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive including name of manufacturer,product code num

16、ber,and batch or lot number,6.1.2 Water absorptiveness oflabels used for test,.6.1.3 Temperature.and relative humidity at each test exposure,and 6.1.4 Individual as well as average results of bonding peranency at each test exposure.TABLE 1 ExPosure CondlHons For Bonding Permanency Test Test Exposure Designation A B C D E F o H Period.Temperature.Relative Humidity.days C%7-18:1:2 not controlled 7 52 901092 7 3 to 4 water bath 7 room:22 to 38 92 to 93 7 room:22 to 38 II 7 65 2 not controlled 7 m2%


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