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1、Designation:C70909An American National StandardStandard Terminology Relating toManufactured Carbon and Graphite1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C709;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last

2、 revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.across(or against)grain,ndirection in a body with pre-ferred orientation due to forming stresses that has themaximum c-axis alignment as m

3、easured in an X-ray diffrac-tion test.agglomerate,n in manufactured carbon and graphite prod-uct technology,composite particle containing a number ofgrains.anistropic nuclear graphite,ngraphite in which the isot-ropy ratio based on the value of the coefficient of thermalexpansion(25500C)is greater t

4、han 1.15.ash,nin carbon and graphite technology,residue remainingafter oxidation of a carbon or graphite.binder,nsubstance,usually an organic material such as coaltar pitch or petroleum pitch,used to bond the coke or otherfiller material prior to baking.carbon,nelement,number 6 of the periodic table

5、 ofelements,electronic ground state 1s22s22p2.carbon,nin carbon and graphite technology,artifact con-sisting predominantly of the element carbon and possessinglimited long range order.DISCUSSIONThe presence of limited long range order is usuallyassociated with low electrical and thermal conductivity

6、 and difficultmachinability when compared with graphite.carbon foam,n in carbon and graphite technology,porouscarbon product containing regularly shaped,predominantlyconcave,homogeneously dispersed cells which interact toform a three-dimensional array throughout a continuummaterial of carbon,predomi

7、nantly in the non-graphitic state.The final result is either an open or closed cell product.DISCUSSIONIn most foam,the cell wall thickness is less than halfthe average cell size.cell(bubble),nin carbon and graphite technology,singlesmall cavity formed by gaseous displacement in a precursormaterial i

8、n its plastic state,and surrounded completely by itswalls when formed.Cells can be open or closed.DISCUSSIONAfter processing at high temperatures,the basic struc-ture of the cell will remain even as the material converts from a plasticstate to a rigid carbonaceous structure.Hence,the term cell will

9、applyto a carbon product.cell count,nin carbon and graphite technology,in closed-cell foams,number of cells aligned in one plane in one linearinch,as determined by stereoscopic image analysis.cell size,nin carbon and graphite technology,averagediameter of the cells in the final foam product.closed c

10、ell,n in carbon and graphite technology,cell totallyenclosed by its walls and hence not interconnected withother cells.A closed cell foam is a foam consisting predomi-nantly of closed cells.coke,ncarbonaceous solid produced from coal,petroleum,or other materials by thermal decomposition with passage

11、through a plastic pressive strength,nproperty of solid material thatindicates its ability to withstand a uniaxial compressive load.defect,nof a manufactured carbon or graphite product,anyirregularity in the chemistry,microstructure,or macrostruc-ture.defective,adjhaving flaws or dimensional deviatio

12、ns greaterthan acceptable for the intended use.electrographite,nin carbon and graphite technology,syn-onym for manufactured graphite.extruded,vformed by being forced through a shaping orificeas a continuous body.filler,nin manufactured carbon and graphite producttechnology,carbonaceous particles com

13、prising the baseaggregate in an unbaked green-mix formulation.flaw,ndefect sufficiently greater than those typical of themorphology of a carbon or graphite body to influence aproperty.flexural strength,nproperty of solid material that indicatesits ability to withstand a flexural or transverse load.1

14、This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 onPetroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeD02.F0 on Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Products.Current edition approved Dec.1,2009.Published January 2010.Originallyapproved in 1972.Last previous

15、 edition approved in 2006 as C70906.DOI:10.1520/C0709-09.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 flow line,ndefect induced by discontinuous flow velocitiesduring forming of molded or extruded bodies.grade,ndesignation given a mate

16、rial by a manufacturer suchthat it is always reproduced to the same specificationsestablished by the manufacturer.grain,nin manufactured(synthetic)carbon and graphite,particle of filler material(usually coke or graphite)in thestarting mix formulation.Also referred to as granularmaterial,filler particle,or aggregate material.The term isalso used to describe the general texture of a carbon orgraphite body,as in the descriptions listed below:coarse grained,adjcontaining grains in the starting mixth


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