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1、AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1916 Race St Philadelphia 3.P Reprinted from Copyrlpted 1964 Supplement to Book of ASTM Standard.Part 1.APPROVED AS AMERICAN STANDARD B36.1l1964 BY AIERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATIO UDC 621.774.2:669.14 Tentative Specifications for ELECTRIC-FUSION-WELDED STEEL

2、PIPE FOR HIGH-TEMPERATURE SERVICEl ASTM Designation:A 155-63 T ISSUED,FEBllUAllY 1952;REVISED,JUNE 1952,1955,1956,1962,1963.1 These Tentative Specifications have been approved by the sponsoring com-mittee and accepted by the Society in accordance with established proce-dures,for use pending adoption

3、 as standard.Suggestions for revisions should be addressed to the Society at 1916 Race St.,Philadelphia 3,Pa.Scope 1.(a)These specifications cover electric-fusion-welded steel pipe suit-able for high temperature or high pressure service,or both.(Although no restrictions are placed on the sizes of pi

4、pe which may be furnished under these specifications,commercial practice is commonly limited to sizes not less than 16 in.in outside diameter.)Pipe ordered under these specifications shall be suitable for bending,flanging(van-stoning),corrugating,and similar form-ing operations.1 Under the standardi

5、zation procedure of the Sooiety,these specifications are under the j uris-diotion of the ASTM Committee A-Ion Steel,and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee IX on Steel Tubina and Pipe.I Latest revision accepted by the Society at the Annual Meetina:,June,1963.Prior to their present publicat

6、ion.tenta-tive,these specifications were publilhed.ten tative from 1934 to 1936.They were adopted in 1936 and published al standard from 1986 to 1962,beina:reviled in 1942 and 1961 and reo viled and reverted to tentative in 1962.1163 77(b)Several grades of carbon steel and alloy steel plates are cov

7、ered,of different minimum specified tensile strengths and of flange or firebox quality;also,two different classes of welded joint quality as defined by heat treatment and radiographic requirements.The selection of grade and.plate quality of material and the class of quality of welded joints shall be

8、 at the discretion of the purchaser,dependent on the service conditions to be encountered.(c)Two classes of pipe are covered as follows,and the class desired shall be included in the purchase order:Class I.-All piping to be heat treated and radiographed.Class 2.-All alloy steel piping to be heat tre

9、ated and carbon steel piping I in.and over in thickness to be heat trejloted.(cI)Optional requirements of a sup-plementary nature are provided for pipe where a greater degree of exami nation is desired.These supplementary Copyright ASTM International Provided by IHS under license with ASTM Sold to:S

10、hell Global Solutions International B.V.Main,826042Not for Resale,03/10/2014 10:04:19 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-78 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRiC-FuSION-WELDED PIPE(A 155)TABLE I.-PLATE SPECIFICATIONS.Grade C 45.COO.C 55.KC55.KC60.KC65.KC70.CM65.CM70.CM75.C

11、R.1 CR.ICR.2XCR.5CR.Material carbon steel.carbon steej.carbon 8teel:.killed carbon steel.killed carbon steel.killed carbon steel.killed carbon steel.carbon-molybdenum steel.carbon-molybdenum steel.carbon-molybdenum steel.per cent chromium,per cent molybdenum ateel.1 per cent chromium,per cent molybd

12、enum steel.1 per cent chromium,per cent molybdenum steeL.2 per cent chromium,1 per cent molybdenum eteel.5 per cent chromium,per cent molybdenum.Specification Number.Grade.and Quality A 285,erade A(danee or firebox as specified)A 285,&fade B(danee or firebox as specified)A 285,&fade C(danee or fireb

13、ox aa apecified)A 201,erade A(danee or firebo as specified)A 201,erade B(danie or firebox as apecified)A 212,&fade A(danie or firebox aa apecified)A 212,erade B(danee or firebox as specified)A 204,&fade A(danee or firebox aa specified)A 204,&fade B(danie or firebox aa apeoified)A 204,&fade C(fianie

14、or firebox aa specified A 387,&fade A(danee or firebox as specified)A 387,erade B(danie or firebox as.pecified)A 387,erade C A 387,&fade D A 357 a These deejenationll refer to the followine specificationll of the American Society for Teetine Materials:A 285,Low and Intermediate Teneile Streneth Carb

15、on-Steel Plates of Flanee and Firebox Qualities(Plates 2 in.and Under in Thicknees),A 201,Carbon-Silicon Steel Plates of Intermediate Tenme Ranees for Fusion-Welded Boilers and Other Pre8l!ure Veuele,A 212,Hieh Tensile Streneth Carbon-Silicon Steel Plates for Boilers and Other Preasure Veseela,A 204

16、,Molybdenum-Steel Plates for Boiler.and Other Preesure Veuela,A 357,5 Per Cent Chromium,0.5 Per Cent Molybdenum Steel Plate.for Boilers and Other Pr88lure Vessels,and A 387,Chromium-Molybdenum Steel Plates for Boilers and Other Pr88lure Veuela.requirements call for additional tests to be made at the expense of the pur-chaser,and when desired,one or more of these may be specified in the order.Process and Manufacture 2.(a)The steel plate material shall conform to the requirements of one of the spe


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