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1、Designation:E287613Standard Guide forIntegrating Sustainable Objectives into Cleanup1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2876;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in pare

2、ntheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1 This guide presents a framework that allows and encour-ages the user to address sustainable aspects(environmental,economic and social)within cleanup proj

3、ects.The user mayimplement this guide to integrate sustainable objectives intocleanup while working within applicable regulatory criteria.1.2 The guide provides an overarching,consistent,transpar-ent and scalable framework that helps the user identify andincorporate sustainable best management pract

4、ices(BMPs)into site cleanup(which includes assessment and remediation),and enables the user to perform measurement of BMPs duringthe cleanup process.See Appendix X1 for example BMPs.1.3 The guide is intended to encourage incremental steps toincorporate sustainable elements into cleanup projects.Theu

5、ser chooses whether to pursue BMP implementation alone(Section 6)or to also measure the benefits of the implementedBMPs(Sections 6 and 7).The user also chooses the phases ofthe cleanup to which they apply the guide.1.4 The guide should be implemented within the existingsite assessment and remediatio

6、n process.The approach de-scribed in this guide should be used with other existingtechnical tools and policy to encourage the consideration of amore holistic approach with a broader range of cleanup optionsand activities than traditionally employed(NICOLE 2012(1)2.1.5 BMPs implemented under this gui

7、de should address allthree aspects of sustainability:environmental,economic andsocial,while assuring that human health and safety as well asecological risks are addressed.The goal of implementingBMPs is to take actions to address the sustainable objectivesidentified for the site.1.6 3.1.17 defines s

8、ustainable objectives; definessustainable aspects;5.3 provides detail about core elements;and Section 6 describes a process to identify,evaluate,select,and implement BMPs.1.7 While the guide specifically applies to the cleanupphases of a project(which includes assessment and remedia-tion pha

9、ses),decisions made in the cleanup may influencereuse activities.The anticipated reuse of the site may influencecleanup activities.1.8 This guide may not be used as a justification forelimination or reduction of cleanup actions that are required toprotect human health and the environment.1.9 The gui

10、de is composed of the following sections:Section 2 Referenced Documents,Section 3 Terminology,Section 4 Significance and Use,Section 5 Planning andScoping;Section 6 Selection and Implementation of bestmanagement practices(BMPs);Section 7 Quantifying Site-Specific results from BMPs;and Section 8 Docu

11、mentation.Fig.1 Using the guide is provided to assist the user innavigating the guide.1.9.1 The user may pursue either the BMP implementationsection or both the BMP implementation and measurementsections.1.9.2 The environmental portions of the guide align with theGreener Cleanup Principles released

12、by USEPA in August2009(2).1.9.3 When evaluating the sustainable BMPs the usershould consider the short and long-term environmental,eco-nomic and social aspects,including the potential negativeimpacts,while ensuring protection of human health and theenvironment.1.10 The guide is intended to provide a

13、n overarchingframework for integrating sustainable objectives in cleanupprojects.The user may choose to consider the ASTM WorkItem WK 35161 for greener cleanups along with this guide tomore fully address the environmental elements of a project.1.11 When implementing this guide,the user must complywi

14、th all applicable federal,state,and local statutes and regu-lations requiring or relating to protection of human health andthe environment.This includes,but is not limited to,laws andregulations relating to health and safety,of the surroundingcommunity,or on-site workers.No action taken in connectio

15、nwith implementing this guide should generate unacceptablehuman health or ecological risks.1.11.1 CERCLAand RCRAinclude worker safety as part ofhealth and safety plans following OSHA regulations.1This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E50 on EnvironmentalAssessment,Risk Management and

16、 Corrective Action and is the direct responsibil-ity of Subcommittee E50.04 on Corrective Action.Current edition approved May 1,2013.Published June 2013.DOI:10.1520/E2876-13.2The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end ofthis standard.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 1.11.2 Most sites fall under specific regulatory programsthat include provisions for health and safety plans followingOSHA


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