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1、Designation:F290814Standard Specification forAircraft Flight Manual(AFM)for a Small Unmanned AircraftSystem(sUAS)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2908;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of l

2、ast revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1 This specification provides the minimum requirementsfor an Aircraft Flight Manual(AFM)for an unmanned aircraftsystem(UAS)des

3、igned,manufactured,and operated in thesmall UAS(sUAS)category as defined by a nations Govern-ing Aviation Authority(GAA).Depending on the size andcomplexity of the sUAS,an AFM may also contain theinstruction for maintenance and continuing airworthiness forowner/operator authorized maintenance.1.2 Th

4、is specification defines the AFM information thatshall be provided by the manufacturer of a sUAS as part of theinitial sale or transfer to an end user.1.3 This specification applies to a sUAS seeking a nationsGAA approval,in the form of flight certificates,airworthinesscertificates,type certificates

5、,flight permits,or other likedocumentation as a sUAS,in the configuration specified in theAFM delivered with the system.1.4 Any modifications that invalidate or otherwise affect theaccuracy of AFM operating instructions shall be approved bythe manufacturer and communicated to the regulatory authorit

6、yin the certificate/permit application.2.Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F2909 Practice for Maintenance and Continued Airworthi-ness of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems(sUAS)F2910 Specification for Design,Construction,and Test of aSmall Unmanned Aircraft System(sUAS)F2911 Practice for Product

7、ion Acceptance of a Small Un-manned Aircraft System(sUAS)F3002 Specification for Design of the Command and Con-trol System for Small UnmannedAircraft Systems(sUAS)F3003 Specification for Quality Assurance of a Small Un-manned Aircraft System(sUAS)F3005 Specification for Batteries for Use in Small Un

8、-manned Aircraft Systems(sUAS)3.Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 basic empty weight(BEW),nbasic empty weightincludes the standard empty weight plus operational andspecial equipment that has been installed in the unmannedaircraft.3.1.2 field maintenance,ninspections and repairs made byowners/operator

9、s at a remote operating location away fromtheir normal maintenance facility/provider.3.1.3 flight training supplement(FTS),nadditional infor-mation provided by the sUAS manufacturer to provide instruc-tion in the proper operation of the system.3.1.4 landing area,nthe total area defined by the manu-f

10、acturer needed to recover and bring the sUAS to a completestop from a height of 35 feet above the surface.3.1.5 manufacturer,nentity responsible for assembly andintegration of components and subsystems to create a safeoperating sUAS.3.1.6 maximum takeoff weight,nthe maximum allowableweight for takeo

11、ff(including payload).3.1.7 minimum operating crew(MOC),nthe minimumoperating crew includes the pilot in command,a visualobserver(if one is required)and any other required crewmember in order to safely operate a specific UAS whichincludes the make,model and control station specific to thatunmanned a

12、ircraft.3.1.8 model number,na manufacturer-issued unique iden-tifying number or code assigned to each manufactured type ofaircraft having the same structural design,components,andstandard configuration.3.1.9 pre-flight planning,nan activity conducted by thepilot and his/her flight crew prior to take

13、off to ensure that theflight will be conducted safely and in accordance with allapplicable standards and regulations.The activity includes,butis not limited to,such things as checking weather,route of1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F38 onUnmannedAircraft Systems and is

14、the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F38.03on Personnel Training,Qualification and Certification.Current edition approved Jan.15,2014.Published February 2014.DOI:10.1520/F2908-14.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,www.astm.org,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.or

15、g.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 flight,airspace,equipment configuration,support personnel,terrain and co

16、mmunications requirements.3.1.10 shall vs.should vs.may,vuse of the word“shall”implies that a procedure or statement is mandatory and must befollowed to comply with this standard,“should”impliesrecommended,and“may”implies optional at the discretion ofthe supplier,manufacturer,or operator.Since“shall”state-ments are requirements,they include sufficient detail needed todefine compliance(for example,threshold values,testmethods,oversight,reference to other standards).“Should”statements are provided


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