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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1The village evolved into a major e-commerce center, and _ the past, the villagers owed their success to the reform and opening-up policy.Areviewe

2、d BreviewingCto review Dbeing reviewed2I hope that we will be able to make it through the tough times and back to the business of working together _ our common goals.Aon behalf ofBin honor ofCon top ofDin search of3You can never be _ when crossing the street.Avery carefulBtoo carefulCcarefully enoug

3、hDenough careful4Its always a good idea to have a second key somewhere_ you lose the first one.Ain caseBnow thatCeven thoughDas long as5The conflict between economic development and environmental protection, if not appropriately _, can cause disastrous consequences in daily life settings.Abeing mana

4、gedBto manageCmanagedDmanaging6Our teacher entered the classroom, _.Aa book in hand Bbook in hand Cbook in his hand Da book in hands7Large quantities of time _ for practising guided writings. Awas neededBare neededC needsDis needed8 How did you find Professor Smiths speech last night ? To be frank,

5、his speech didnt _ to me .AappealBbelongCreferDoccur9Obviously,a good habit help us to speed up to reach our destinations.AneedBmustCcanDshall10 Whats wrong with your ipad2? The sound _is not clear. -Yes. It has been broken for some time.Acome outBcoming outCto come outDcame out11 How do you think I

6、 can make up with Jack? Set aside _ you disagree and try to find _ you have in common.Awhat; whatBwhat; whereCwhere; whatDwhere; whether12 you can learn to appreciate the challenges in life, you will find inner strength.AWhen BWhileCBefore DUnless13Did Max go to the concert with his family yesterday

7、?The report scheduled to be handed in tomorrow, he _ it.Acouldnt have attendedBneednt have attendedCwouldnt attendDshouldnt attend14-I feel nervous when taking an exam.- and you can do it well.ATake it w easy BTake your time CGood luck DIts up to you15What about your self-drive trip yesterday?Tiring

8、! The road was being widened, and we _ a rough ride.AhadBhaveCwould haveDhave had16The education system in China is very different from _ in the USAAone BitCthose Dthat17Many writers are drawn to building a world, _ readers are somewhat familiar with but also feel distant from our normal lives.AitBo

9、neCthatDthe one18Halfway through the chapter _ I didnt take anything in.Adid I realizeBhad I realizedCI realizedDI would realize19That was a very busy street that I was never allowed to cross accompanied by an adult.AwhenBifCunlessDwhere20Bob was trying to _ that he knew the famous singer who would

10、perform in our city.Alet outBlay outCfigure outDmake out第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) American families are accustomed to settling in faraway places, which has been a national phenomenon. Decades of data, including a more recent Gallup study, characterizes the US as one of

11、the most geographically mobile countries in the world. “About one in four US adults(24 percent) has reported moving within the country in the past five years.” the reported noted. With the exception of Finns(23 percent) and Norwegians(22 percent), Americans move considerably more than their European

12、 peers.Though some may move for love or family, the major reason why Americans choose to move around is, unsurprisingly, related to work. Citing data from the Current Population Survey, a post on the blog of the New York Fed noted that between 1998 and 2013, “slightly more than half of interstate(州际

13、的) migrants said they moved for employmentrelated reasonsa category that includes moves undertaken for new jobs, job transfers, and easier commutes(通勤).”The seeking of opportunity, particularly for an immigrant nation, is a national mythology(神话) as well as an emotional attachment to work. A new wor

14、king paper analyzed by Ben Steverman at Bloomberg suggests that workers in the US now “put in almost 25 percent more hours than Europeans” in a given year. This figure has steadily risen since the 1970s, when the hours logged by workers in Western Europe and the US were roughly the same.There are, o

15、f course, some internal factors. The US is much vaster than most European countries, plus it boasts(拥有) a common language. It is considered to be a sign of an efficient labor market that US workers can be persuaded to move to regions where there is a steady growth in jobs, such as the Sun Belt in recent years. And while Amer


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