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1、Numerotation des publicatlonsPublicatlon numberlngDepuls le 1er Janvier 1997,les publications de la CElAs from 1 January 1997 all IEC publications aresont numerotees a partir de 60000.Ainsi,la CEI 34-1issued with a deslgnation in the 60000 series.Fordevlent la CE1 60034-1.example,IEC 34-1 is now ref

2、erred to as IEC 60034-1.Editlons consolideesConsolldated editlonsLes versions consolldees de cerlalnes publlcations de laThe IEC is now publishing consolidated verslons of itsCEI incorporant les amendements sont disponibles.Parpublicallons.For example,edition numbers 1.0,1.1exemple,les numros dditio

3、n 1.0,1.1 et 1.2 Indiquentand 1.2 refer,respectively,to the base publication,respectivement la publication de base,la publication dethe base publicallon incorporating amendment 1 andbase incorporant Iamendement 1,et la publication dethe base publication Incorporaling amendmenls 1base Incorporant les

4、 amendemenls 1 et 2.and 2.Informations supplementairesFurther informatlon on IEC publlcatlonssur les publications de la CElLe contenu technique des publicatlons de la CEl estThe technical content of IEC publications is keplconstamment revu par la CEI afin qull refiete Ietalunder constant revlew by t

5、he IEC,thus ensuring thatactuel de ia technique.Des renseignements relatifs athe content reflects current technology.Informationcette publicallon,y compris sa validite,sont dispo-relating to this publication,Including its validity,isnibles dans le Catalogue des publications de la CElavailable in the

6、 IEC Catalogue of publications(voir cl-dessous)en plus des nouvelles editions(see below)in additlon to new editions,amendmentsamendements et corrigenda.Des informations sur lesand corrigenda.Informatlon on the subjects undersujets a ltude et Iavancement des travaux entreprisconslderatlon and work in

7、 progress undertaken by thepar le comite detudes qul a elabore cette publication,technical commiltee which has prepared thisainsi que la lisle des publications parues,sontpublication,as well as the list of publications Issued,egalement disponibles par IIntermediaire de:is also available from the fol

8、lowing:.Site web de la CEl(www.lec.ch).IEC Web Site(www.lec.ch).Catalogue des publlcations de la CEl.Catalogue of IEC publlcationsLe calalogue en ligne sur le site web de la CEIThe on-line catalogue on the IEC web site(www.lec.chsearchoub)vous permet de faire des(www.lec.ch/searchoub)enables you to

9、search by arecherches en utillsant de nombreux criteresvarlety of crilerla including text searches,comprenant des recherches textuelles,par comitetechnical commitlees and dale of publication.On-deludes ou dale de publicalion.Des Infomations enline informatlon is also available on recentlyligne sont

10、egalement disponibles sur les nouvellesissued publications,withdrawn and replacedpublications,les publlcations remplacees ou retirees,publications,as well as corrigenda.ainsl que sur les corrigenda.IEC Just PublishedIEC Just PubllshedCe resume des denieres publications paruesThis summary of recently

11、 Issued publications(www.lec.ch/online news/lustoub)est aussi dispo-(lec.chondine)is also avallablenible par courrier electronique.Veuillez prendreby email.Please contact the Cuslomer Serviceconlact avec le Service client(voir cl-dessous)Centre(see below)for further information.pour plus dinformatio

12、ns.Servlce clientsCustomer Service CentreSi yous avez des questlons au sujet de cetteIf you have any questions regarding thispublication ou avez besoln de renselgnementspublication or need further assistance,pleasesupplementaires,prenez contact avec le Servicecontact the Customer Service Centre:clie

13、nts:Emall:custserylec.chEmall:custservlec.chTel:+41229190211Tel:+4122 919 0211Fax:+4122919 0300Fax:+41229190300CONTRLEDIF STAMPED INRED608401EC:2004-3-CONTENTSINTRODUCTON31Scope.152 Normative references.153 Definitions.173.1 Definitions of dimensional values(thicknesses,cross-sections,etc.).173.2Def

14、initions concerning the tests.74Voltage designations and materials.194.1Rated v0ltag阳s.194.2 Cable insulating materials.194.3 Cable oversheathing materials.19Precautions against water penetration in cables.26Cable characteristics.217Accessorycharacteristlcs.28Test conditions.238.1 Ambient tomperatur

15、e.238.2Frequency and waveform of power frequency test voltages.238.3Waveform of lightning impulse test voltages.238.4Relationship of test voltages to rated voltages.238.5Determination of the cable conductor temperature.239Routine tests on cables and on the main insulation of prefabricated accessorie

16、s.259.1General.259.2Partial discharge test.259.3Voltage test.TC0Wff-ekcb259.4Electrical test on oversheath of the cable.10 Sample tests on cables.p-STAMPED IN27R后D2710.General.2710.2 Frequency of tests.2710.3 Repetition of tests.2710 Conductor examination.2710.5 Measurement of electrical resistance

17、of conductor and metallic screen.2710.6 Measurement of thickness of cable insulation and oversheath.2910.7Measurement of thickness of metallic sheath.310.8 Measurement of diameter.33SUPPLIED BY BSB10.9 Hot set test for XLPE,EPR and HEPR insulations.3310.10 Measurement of capacitance.3310.11 Measurem

18、ent of density of HDPE insulation.33UNDER1111.1 Tests on components.3311.2 Tests on complete accessory.33LICENCE12 Type tests on cable systoms.5FROM12.1 Range of type approval.3512.2 Summary of type tests.3712.3 Electrical type tests on complete cable systems.3712.4 Non-electrical type tests on cabl

19、e components and on completed cable.4560840IEC:2004-5-13 Type tests on cables.5513.1 Range of type approval.5513.2 Summary of type tests.5713.3 Electrical type tests on completed cables.5714 Type tests on accessories.5914.1 Range of type approval.5914.2 Summary of type tests.5914.3 Electrical type t

20、ests on accessories.6115 Electrical tests after installation.6315.1 DC voltage test of the oversheath.6315.2 AC voltage test of the Insulation.63Annex A(informative)Determination of the cable conductor temperature.77Annex B(normative)Rounding of numbers.5Annex C(informative)Summary of type tests of

21、cable systems,of cables and ofaccessories.Annex D(normative)Method of measuring resistivity of seml-conducting screens.89Annex E(normative)Datermination of hardnes of HEPR insulaton.93Annex F(normative)Water penetration test.Annex G(normative)Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally appli

22、ed metalfoil.101Annex H(normative)Tests of outer protection for buried jolnts.107Bibliography.111Figure A.1-Typical test set-up for the reference lop and the main test loop.79Figure A.2-Arrangement of the thermocouples on the conductor of the reference loop.79Figure D.1-Preparation of samples for me

23、asurement of resistivity of conductor andinsulation screens.91Figure E.1-Test on surfaces of large radius of curvature.95Figure E.2-Test on surfaces of small radius of curvature.95Figure F.1-Schematic diagram of apparatus for water penetration test.9Figure G.1-Adhesion of metal foil.101Figure G.2-Ex

24、ample of overlapped metal foil.103Figure G.3-Peel strength of overlapped metal foil.NiR.D103IF STAMPED INTable 1-lasulating compounds for cables.RED63Table 2-Oversheathing compounds for cables.65Table 3-Tan&requirements for insulating compounds for cab.5Table 4-Test voltages.65Table 5-Non-electrical

25、 type tests for insulating and oversheathing compounds for-(12(7xCcables.67Table 6-Test requlrements for mechanical characteristics of insulating compounds for元Ccables(before and after ageing).696084001EC:2004-7-Table 7-Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of oversheathingcompounds for c

26、ables(before and after ageing).71Table 8-Test requirements for particular characteristics of insulating compounds forcables4.73Table 9-Test requirements for particular characteristics of PVC oversheathingcompounds for cables.95Table C.1-Type tests on cable systems,on cablesand on accessories.87Table H.1-Impulse voltage tests109CCITRDIF STALD INSUPPLIED BY BSB UNDER LICENCE FROM IEC


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