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1、NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD60534-3-2Deuxime ditionSecond edition2001-04Vannes de rgulation des processus industriels Partie 3-2:Dimensions Dimensions face-face des vannesde rgulation rotatives except les vannes papillonIndustrial-process control valves Part 3-2:Dimensions Face-to-

2、face dimensionsfor rotary control valves except butterfly valvesNumro de rfrenceReference numberCEI/IEC 60534-3-2:2001Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-Numrotation

3、 des publicationsDepuis le 1er janvier 1997,les publications de la CEIsont numrotes partir de 60000.Ainsi,la CEI 34-1devient la CEI 60034-1.Editions consolidesLes versions consolides de certaines publications de laCEI incorporant les amendements sont disponibles.Parexemple,les numros ddition 1.0,1.1

4、 et 1.2 indiquentrespectivement la publication de base,la publication debase incorporant lamendement 1,et la publication debase incorporant les amendements 1 et 2.Informations supplmentairessur les publications de la CEILe contenu technique des publications de la CEI estconstamment revu par la CEI a

5、fin quil reflte ltatactuel de la technique.Des renseignements relatifs cette publication,y compris sa validit,sont dispo-nibles dans le Catalogue des publications de la CEI(voir ci-dessous)en plus des nouvelles ditions,amendements et corrigenda.Des informations sur lessujets ltude et lavancement des

6、 travaux entreprispar le comit dtudes qui a labor cette publication,ainsi que la liste des publications parues,sontgalement disponibles par lintermdiaire de:Site web de la CEI(www.iec.ch)Catalogue des publications de la CEILe catalogue en ligne sur le site web de la CEI(www.iec.ch/catlg-f.htm)vous p

7、ermet de faire desrecherches en utilisant de nombreux critres,comprenant des recherches textuelles,par comitdtudes ou date de publication.Des informationsen ligne sont galement disponibles sur lesnouvelles publications,les publications rempla-ces ou retires,ainsi que sur les corrigenda.IEC Just Publ

8、ishedCe rsum des dernires publications parues(www.iec.ch/JP.htm)est aussi disponible parcourrier lectronique.Veuillez prendre contactavec le Service client(voir ci-dessous)pour plusdinformations.Service clientsSi vous avez des questions au sujet de cettepublication ou avez besoin de renseignementssu

9、pplmentaires,prenez contact avec le Serviceclients:Email:custserviec.chTl:+41 22 919 02 11Fax:+41 22 919 03 00Publication numberingAs from 1 January 1997 all IEC publications areissued with a designation in the 60000 series.Forexample,IEC 34-1 is now referred to as IEC 60034-1.Consolidated editionsT

10、he IEC is now publishing consolidated versions of itspublications.For example,edition numbers 1.0,1.1and 1.2 refer,respectively,to the base publication,the base publication incorporating amendment 1 andthe base publication incorporating amendments 1and 2.Further information on IEC publicationsThe te

11、chnical content of IEC publications is keptunder constant review by the IEC,thus ensuring thatthe content reflects current technology.Informationrelating to this publication,including its validity,isavailable in the IEC Catalogue of publications(see below)in addition to new editions,amendmentsand co

12、rrigenda.Information on the subjects underconsideration and work in progress undertaken by thetechnical committee which has prepared thispublication,as well as the list of publications issued,is also available from the following:IEC Web Site(www.iec.ch)Catalogue of IEC publicationsThe on-line catalo

13、gue on the IEC web site(www.iec.ch/catlg-e.htm)enables you to searchby a variety of criteria including text searches,technical committees and date of publication.On-line information is also available on recentlyissued publications,withdrawn and replacedpublications,as well as corrigenda.IEC Just Pub

14、lishedThis summary of recently issued publications(www.iec.ch/JP.htm)is also available by email.Please contact the Customer Service Centre(seebelow)for further information.Customer Service CentreIf you have any questions regarding thispublication or need further assistance,pleasecontact the Customer

15、 Service Centre:Email:custserviec.chTel:+41 22 919 02 11Fax:+41 22 919 03 00.Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD60534-

16、3-2Deuxime ditionSecond edition2001-04Vannes de rgulation des processus industriels Partie 3-2:Dimensions Dimensions face-face des vannesde rgulation rotatives except les vannes papillonIndustrial-process control valves Part 3-2:Dimensions Face-to-face dimensionsfor rotary control valves except butterfly valves Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical CommissionPour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor price,see current catalogue IEC 2001 Droits de reproduction rser


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