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1、NORME?CEIINTERNATIONALE?IECINTERNATIONAL?141-1STANDARD?1993AMENDEMENT 1AMENDMENT 11995-02Amendement 1Essais de cbles huile fluide,pression de gazet de leurs dispositifs accessoires Partie 1:Cbles au papier huile fluide et gaine mtalliqueet accessoires pour des tensions alternativesinfrieures ou gale

2、s 400 kVAmendment 1Tests on oil-filled and gas-pressure cablesand their accessories Part 1:Oil-filled,paper-insulated,metal-sheathed cablesand accessories for alternating voltages up toand including 400 kV CEI 1995 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright all rights reservedBureau Central de la Commi

3、ssion Electrotechnique Internationale 3.rue de Varemb Genve,SuisseIECCommission Electrotechnique Internationale CODE PRIXInternational Electrotechnical Commission PRICE CODEMermAYHapoAHaR 3neKTpoTexHH4ecKac liOMHCCHRPour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor price,see current catalogueLICENSED TO MECON

4、Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.DIS20A(BC)164Rapport de vote20A/265/RVD-2-?141-1 amend.1 CEI:1995AVANT-PROPOSLe prsent amendement a t tabli par le sous-comit 20A:Cbles de haute tension,ducomit dtudes 20 de la CEI:Cbles lectriques.Le text

5、e de cet amendement est issu des documents suivants:Le rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le voteayant abouti lapprobation de cet amendement.Page 324.3 Essai de langle de pertes dilectriques/tempratureRemplacer les points b)et c)existants par les suivants:b)

6、aprs que le cble a t chauff jusqu une temprature de lme nexcdant pasla temprature maximale admissible de plus de 5 C,en utilisant une des mthodesdcrites dans lannexe A;c)une temprature de lme de 60 C environ et 40 C au cours de refroidis-sement;LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL

7、 USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.DIS20A(CO)164Report on voting20A/265/RVD141-1 Amend.1 IEC:1995?-3-FOREWORDThis amendment has been prepared by sub-committee 20A:High-voltage cables,ofIEC technical committee 20:Electric cables.The text of this amendment is based on the follow

8、ing documents:Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in thereport on voting indicated in the above table.Page 334.3 Dielectric loss angle/temperature testReplace the existing items b)and c)by the following:b)after the cable has been heated to a conductor tempe

9、rature not exceeding themaximum permissible value by more than 5 C,using one of the methods describedin annex A;c)at a conductor temperature of about 60 C and 40 C during cooling;LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.ICS 29.060.20Typeset and printed by the IEC Central OfficeGENEVA,SWITZERLANDLICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.


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