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1、g1EC61788-4Edition 4.0 2016-01INTERNATIONALSTANDARDNORMEINTERNATIONALEcolourinsideSuperconductivityPart 4:Residual resistance ratio measurement-Residual resistance ratio ofNb-Ti and Nb3Sn composite superconductorsSupraconductivite-Partie 4:Mesurage du rapport de resistance residuelle-Rapport de resi

2、stanceresiduelle des composites supraconducteurs de Nb-Ti et de Nb3SnTHIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTEDCopyright 2016 IEC,Geneva,SwitzerlandAll rights reserved.Unless otherwise specified,no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any formor by any means,electronic or mechanica

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6、e pays de residenceIEC Central OfficeTel.:+412291902113,rue de VarembeFax:+41229190300CH-1211 Geneva 20infoiec.chSwitzerlandwww.iec.chAbout the IECThe International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)is the leading global organization that prepares and publishesInternational Standards for all electrica

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12、line andIf you wish to give us your feedback on this publication oralso once a month by email.need further assistance,please contact the Customer ServiceCentre:csciec.ch.A propos de IlECLa Commission Electrotechnique Internationale(IEC)est la premiere organisation mondiale qui elabore et publie desN

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19、nous:csciec.ch.1EC61788-4Edition 4.0 2016-01INTERNATIONALSTANDARDNORMEINTERNATIONALEcolourinsideSuperconductivity-Part 4:Residual resistance ratio measurement-Residual resistance ratio ofNb-Ti and Nb3Sn composite superconductorsSupraconductivite-Partie 4:Mesurage du rapport de resistance residuelle-

20、Rapport de resistanceresiduelle des composites supraconducteurs de Nb-Ti et de Nb3SnINTERNATIONALELECTROTECHNICALCOMMISSIONCOMMISSIONELECTROTECHNIQUEINTERNATIONALE1CS17.220.20:29.0501SBN978-2-8322-3129-6Warning!Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributorAttention!Veui

21、llez vous assurer que vous avez obtenu cette publication via un distributeur agree.Registered trademark of the Intemnational Electrotechnical CommissiorMarque depose de a Comission Electrotechnique Intemationale-2-1EC61788-4:20161EC2016CONTENTSFOREWORD4INTRODUCT1ON.61Scope.2 Normative references.Ter

22、ms and definitions.5 Apparatus.85.1 Material of measurement mandrel or of measurement base plate.85.2Diameter of the measurement mandrel and length of the measurement baseplate.85.3Cryostat for the resistance(R2)measurement.96 Specimen preparation.97Data acquisition and analysis.97.1 Resistance(R)at

23、 room temperature.97.2 Resistance(R2 or R2)just above the superconducting transition.97.2.1Correction of strain effect.97.2.2Data acquisition of cryogenic resistance.107.2.3Optional acquisition methods.127.3Correction on measured R2 of Nb-Ti composite superconductor for bendingStrain.27.4Residual re

24、sistance ratio(RRR).128 Uncertainty and stability of the test method.128.1 Temperature.128.2Voltage measurement. Test report.139.1RRR value.139.2Specimen.139.3Test conditions.149.3.1Measurements of R and R2.149.3.2Measurement of R1.149.3.3Measurement of R2.14Annex A(informative)Additional

25、 information relating to the measurement of RRR.15A.1Recommendation on specimen mounting orientation.15A.2Alternative methods for increasing temperature of specimen abovesuperconducting transition temperature.15A.3Alternative measurement methods of R2 or R2.15A.4 Bending strain dependency of RRR for

26、 Nb-Ti composite superconductor.18A.5Procedure of correction of bending strain effect.21Annex B(informative)Uncertainty considerations.23B.1Overview.23B.2Definitions.23B.3Consideration of the uncertainty concept.231EC61788-4:20161EC2016-3-B.4Uncertainty evaluation example for TC 90 standards.25Annex

27、 C(informative)Uncertainty evaluation in test method of RRR for Nb-Ti andNb3Sn composite superconductors.27C.1 Evaluation of uncertainty.27C.2Summary of round robin test of RRR of a Nb-Ti composite superconductor.30C.3 Reason for large COV value in the intercomparison test on NbaSn compositesupercon

28、ductor.31Bibliogtaphy.32Figure 1-Relationship between temperature and resistance.8Figure 2-Voltage versus temperature curves and definitions of each voltage.10Figure A.1-Definition of voltages.17Figure A.2-Bending strain dependency of RRR value for pure Cu matrix of Nb-Ticomposite superconductors(co

29、mparison between measured values and calculatedvalues)19Figure A.3-Bending strain dependency of RRR value for round Cu wires.19Figure A.4-Bending strain dependency of normalized RRR value for round Cu wires.20Figure A.5-Bending strain dependency of RRR value for rectangular Cu wires.20Figure A.6-Ben

30、ding strain dependency of normalized RRR value for rectangular CuFigure C.1-Distribution of observed rRRR of Cu/Nb-Ti composite superconductor.31Table A.1-Minimum diameter of the measurement mandrel for round wires.21Table A.2-Minimum diameter of the measurement mandrel for rectangular wires.21Table

31、 B.1-Output signals from two nominally identical extensometers.2.4Table B.2-Mean values of two output signals.24Table B.3-Experimental standard deviations of two output signals.24Table B.4-Standard uncertainties of two output signals.25Table B.5-coV values of two output signals.2Table C.1-Uncertainty of each measurement.30Table C.2-Obtained values of R,R2 and rRRR for three NbaSn samples.31


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