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1、STD.IEC61897-EN6L319B48448910685687T6TNORMECEIINTERNATIONALEIECINTERNATIONAL61897STANDARDPremiere editionFirst edition1998-09Lignes aeriennes-Exigences et essais applicables aux amortisseursde vibrations eoliennes StockbridgeOverhead linesRequirements and tests for Stockbridge typeaeolian vibration

2、dampersgNumero de referenceReference numberCEI/1EC61897:1998Copyright by the International Electrotechnical Commission1 ed Mar1717:05:082004STD.IE(61897-EN6L199B484489106856889T6Numeros des publicationsNumberingDopuis lo for janvier 1997.los publications do la CEAs from 1 January 1997 all IEc public

3、ations aresont numerotees a partir de 60000.issued with a designation in the 60000 series.Publications consolideesConsolidated publicationsLes versions consolidees de certaines publications deConsolidated versions of some IEC publicationsla CEI incorporant les amendements sont disponibles.including

4、amendments are available.For example.Par exemple.les numeros dedition et 1.2edition numbers and 1.2 refer,respectively,toindiquent respectivement la publication de base,lathe base publication,the base publication incor-publication de base incorporant iamendement 1,etporating amendmen

5、t 1 and the base publicationla publication de base incorporant les amendements 1incorporating amendments 1 and 2.et 2.Validite de la presente publicationValidity of this publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la CEl estThe technical content of IEC publications is kept underconstamment r

6、evu par la CEl afin quil reflete letatconstant review by the IEC,thus ensuring that theactuel de la technique.content reflects current technology.Des renseignements relatifs a la date de re-Information relating to the date of the reconfirmation ofconfirmation de le publication sont disponibles danst

7、he publication is available in the IEC catalogue.le Catalogue de la CEl.Les renseignements relatifs a des questions a letude etInformation on the subjects under consideration anddes travaux en cours entrepris par le comite techniquework in progress undertaken by the technical com-qui a etabli cette

8、publication.ainsi que la liste desmittee which has prepared this publication.as well aspublications etablies,se trouvent dans les documentsthe list of publications issued,is to be found at theci-dessous:following IEC sources:Site webx de la CEl。IEC web siteCatalogue dee publlcations de la CEICatelog

9、ue of IEC publicationsPublie annuellement et mis a jour regulierementPublished yearly with regular updates(Catalogue en ligne)(On-line catalogue)。8 ulletin de la CElIEC BulletinDisponible a la fois au*site web de la CEI*Available both at the IEC web siteandet comme periodique imprimeas a printed per

10、iodicalTerminologie,symboles graphiquesTerminology,graphical and letteret littrauxsymbolsEn ce qui concerne la terminologie generale,le lecteurFor general terminology,readers are referred tose reportera a la CEl 60050:Vocabulaire Electro-IEC 60050:International Electrotechnical Vocabularytechnique I

11、ntemational(VEI).(0EV.Pour les symboles graphiques,les symboles litterauxFor graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signset les signes dusage general approuves par la CEl,leapproved by the IEc for general use,readers arelecteur consultera la CEI 60027:Symboles litteraux areferred to publications I

12、EC 60027:Letter symbols toutiliser en electrotechnique,la CEl 60417:Symbolesbe used in electrical fechnology,IEC 60417:Graphicalgraphiques utilisables sur le materiel.Index.releve etsymbols for use on equipment.Index,survey andcompilation des feuilles individuelles,et la CEI 60617:compilation of the

13、 single sheets and IEC 60617:Symboles graphiques pour schemas.Graphical symbols for diagrams.Voir adresse msite web.sur la page de titreSee web site address on title page.Copyright by the International Electrotechnical Commission1 ed Mar1717:05:282004STD.IE(61897-ENGL199B48448910685b89832NORMECEIINT

14、ERNATIONALEIECINTERNATIONAL61897STANDARDPremiere editionFirst edition1998-09Lignes aeriennes-Exigences et essais applicables aux amortisseursde vibrations eoliennes StockbridgeOverhead linesRequirements and tests for Stockbridge typeaeolian vibration dampersIEC 1998 Droits de reproduction reserves-C

15、opyright-all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut etre reproduite niNo part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized inutilisee sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucunany form or by any means.electronic or mechanical.procede.electronique ou mecanique.y compris ia ph

16、oto.including photocopying and microfilm,without permission incopie et les microfilms,sans Iaccord ecrit de lediteur.writing from the publisher.International Electrotechnical Commission3,rue de Varembe Geneva,SwitzerlandTelefax:+41229190300e-mail:inmailiec.chIEC web site http:/www.iec.chCommission E

17、lectrotechnique IntemationaleCODE PRIXPRICE CODESnternational Electrotechnical CommissionCopyright by the Intemational Electrotechnical Commission1 ed Mar1717:05:302004STD.IECb1897-EN6L199B4B4489106B5690554-2-61897CE1:1998SOMMAIREPagesAVANT-PROPOS.Articles1Domaine dapplication.82 References normativ

18、es.03.104Exigences generales*646441104.1Conception.104.2Mat伯riaux.104.3 Masse,dimensions et tolerances.104.4 Protection contre la corrosion.124.5Aspect et finition de fabrication.1246 Marquage.124.7Consignes dinstallation.125 Assurance de la qualite.126Classification des essais.126.1 Essais de type.

19、126.1.1Gn6 ralits126.1.2 Applicatic0n126.2 Essais sur echantillon.146.2.1G6 neralits146.2.2 Application.146.2.3Echantillonnage,criteres de reception.146.3 Essais individuels de serie.146.3.1G绝neralites146.3.2 Application et criteres de rception.146.4 Tablcau dcs essais a effectuer.167M6th0 des dessa

20、i167.1 Contre6 le visuel.167.2 Verification des dimensions,des materiaux et de la masse.187.3Essais de protection contre la corrosion.187.3.1Composants revetus par galvanisation a chaud(autres que les fils des cables de liaison).187.3.2 Produits en fer proteges contre la corrosion par des methodesau

21、tres que la galvanisation a chaud.187.3.3 Fils du cable de liaison revetus par galvanisation a chaud.187.4 Essais non destructits.207.5Essai de glissement des pinces.207.6Essai des b0 ulons fusibles4207.7Egsai de serrage des boulons de pince.227.8Fixation dee poide au cable de liaison.227.9 Essai de

22、 fixation de la pince au cable de liaison.227.10 Essais deffet couronne et de perturbations radiolectriques(TPR).24Copyright by the International Electrotechnical Commissioned Mar1717:05:322004STD.IECb1897-EN6L199848448910665691490618971EC:1998-3-CONTENTSPageFOREWORDClause1 Scope92 Normative referen

23、ces.93114Gengral requirements.114.1Design114.2Matepials.114.3 Mass,dimensions and tolerances.114.4Protection against corrosion.134.5Manufacturing appearance and finish.134.6Marking.134.7 Installation instructions.135Quality assurance.136Classification of tests.136.1 Type tests.136.1.1 General.136.1.

24、2 Application.136.2Sample tests156. Sampling,acceptance criteria.156.3月0 utine tests,156.3.1 Gener阳l156.3.2 Application and acceptance criteria.156.4Table of tests to be applied.177Tegt mgthod.177.1Visual examination177.2Verification of dimensions,matcrials and mass.197.3Corrosion

25、protection tests.197.3.1Hot dip galvanized components(other than messenger cable wires).197.3.2Ferrous components protected from corrosion by methods otherthan hot dip galvanizing.197.3.3Hot dip galvanized messenger cable wires.197.4 Non-destructive tests.217.5 Clamp slip test.217.6Breakaway bolt test.7.7Clamp bolt tightening test.7.8Attachment of weights to messenger cable.27.9 Attachment of clamp to messenger cable test.7.10 Corona and radio interference voltage(RIV)tests.25Copyright by the International Electrotechnical Commissioned Mar1717:05:342004


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