1、International Electrotechnical Commission,3,rue de Varemb,PO Box 131,CH-1211 Geneva 20,SwitzerlandTelephone:+41 22 919 0211 Telefax:+41 22 919 0300 E-mail:inmailiec.ch Web:www.iec.chAdministrative Circular81/218/AC2003-05-23TO ALL NATIONAL COMMITTEESDear Sir/Madam,Next meeting of TC 81 to be held in
2、 Palma de Mallorca(Spain)on 29th and 30th September2003_We are pleased to inform you that,at the invitation of theSPANISH NATIONAL COMMITTEEand after consultation with the chairman and the secretariat,the next meeting ofTechnical committee No.81:Lightning protectionwill be held in Palma de Mallorca
3、on 29th and 30th September 2003.The provisional programme,the general information,as well as the registration andaccommodation forms concerning this meeting will be sent to you shortly.Would you be so kind as to convey this documentation to the delegates of your NationalCommittee who will attend thi
4、s meeting.As the Central Office no longer provides spare copies at meetings,may we also ask you to remindyour delegates that they should take with them a complete file of working documents.Wewould also like you to recommend that your delegates use the electronic meeting folders madeavailable on the
5、IEC Web Site not later than 4 weeks prior to the meeting.Information on electronicmeeting folders is given in Bits and Bytes,Volume 7,January 1999.All past issues of thispublication can be accessed via the IEC website under Technical Work,Bits&Bytes on the mainweb page.Yours faithfully,(Signed by Mr.Cordelier)A.AMITGeneral Secretary