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1、收稿日期:2021-11-25;录用日期:2022-04-23;网络出版:2023-02-20Received Date:2021-11-25;Accepted Date:2022-04-23;Online first:2023-02-20基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(42177339);陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(2021015)Foundation Item:National Natural Science Foundation of China(42177339);Selected Funding for Scientific and Technological Activit

2、ies of Overseas Students in Shaanxi Province(2021015)通信作者:陈怡平,E-mail:Corresponding Author:CHEN Yiping,E-mail:专论REVIEWVol.14 No.3 Jun.2023 DOI:10.7515/JEE221012地 球 环 境 学 报地 球 环 境 学 报Journal of Earth EnvironmentJournal of Earth EnvironmentJEE引用格式:Citation:王凯博,魏 蓉,孙 琦,等.2023.秦岭生态补偿理论研究与实践进展 J.地球环境学报,14

3、(3):263 271.Wang K B,Wei R,Sun Q,et al.2023.Progress in research and practice of ecological compensation theory in the Qinling Mountains J.Journal of Earth Environment,14(3):263 271.秦岭生态补偿理论研究与实践进展王凯博1,魏 蓉2,孙 琦2,江 瑶2,徐新涵2,王 益1,陈怡平1*1.中国科学院地球环境研究所 黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,西安 7100612.西安地球环境创新研究院,西安 710061Progr

4、ess in research and practice of ecological compensation theory in the Qinling MountainsWANG Kaibo1,WEI Rong2,SUN Qi2,JIANG Yao2,XU Xinhan2,WANG Yi1,CHEN Yiping1*1.State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology,Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xian 710061,China 2.Xian

5、Institute for Innovative Earth Environment Research,Xian 710061,China Abstract:Background,aim,and scope Ecological compensation is an important measure to promote an ecological civilisation in China.The Qinling Mountains are a key ecological function area and an important ecological safety barrier i

6、n China.Ecological compensation is of great significance to promote the protection and sustainable utilisation of the ecological environment in the Qinling region and achieve sustainable development of the social economy and promote the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.Materials and

7、methods The research and practice of ecological compensation in the Qinling Mountains are reviewed.Results The research and practice of ecological compensation in the Qinling Mountains mainly focus on regional water diversion,forest ecological benefits,biodiversity conservation,and mineral resources

8、 exploitation.They involve specific ecological protection projects such as the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,Grain for Green Program,and ecological migration.Discussion This paper discusses the problems of ecological compensation 摘 要:生态补偿是通过经济手段促进生态保护与受益地区利益共享的制度设计,是促进我国生态文明建设的重要举措。秦岭是我国重点生态


10、调;公众参与264地球环境学报第 14 卷DOI:10.7515/JEE221012DOI:10.7515/JEE221012in the Qinling Mountains from the perspectives of the compensation object,compensation standard,public engagement,and compensation model.At present,theoretical research on ecological compensation in the Qinling ecological function area i

11、s still in its infancy.Ecological compensation has a single object,mainly for ecological compensation of water sources,and relatively little consideration is given to the value of other ecosystem services.The ecological compensation standard is low.As a result,the current compensation standards cann

12、ot meet the cost of ecological protection.Additionally,the public participation in ecological compensation is low,inhibiting the formulation of ecological compensation standards that all stakeholders can agree with.Moreover,there is a single source of funds for ecological compensation,and the funds

13、mainly rely on national financial transfer payments.Diversified and market-oriented ecological compensation methods urgently need to be established.Conclusions The scope and standard of ecological compensation in the Qinling Mountains are unreasonable,the compensation is mainly led by the government

14、,and a long-term mechanism of ecological compensation in the Qinling Mountains has not been formed.Furthermore,a legal system of ecological compensation has not yet been established.Recommendations and perspectives The development of related research is prospected:(1)establishing and perfecting the

15、value realisation mechanism of ecological products in the Qinling Mountains;(2)enhancing public participation in ecological compensation in the Qinling Mountains;(3)deepening diversification and marketisation of ecological compensation and establishing a long-term mechanism for ecological compensati

16、on in the Qinling Mountains.Key words:Qinling Mountains;ecological product value;ecological compensation;South-to-North Water TransferProject;public engagement1 秦岭生态补偿研究的背景与意义生态补偿是指通过经济手段调节生态保护与损坏者利益关系的制度设计,对促进人与自然和谐共生、实现生态、社会、经济可持续发展具有重大意义(孙新章和周海林,2008)。关于生态补偿的概念目前尚无定论,一般认为:“生态补偿是以保护和可持续利用生态系统服务为目的,通过经济手段调节相关者利益关系的制度安排”(中国生态补偿机制与政策研究课题组,2007)。狭义的生态补偿指对生态系统和自然资源保护所获得效益的奖励或破坏生态系统和自然资源所造成损失的赔偿,广义的生态补偿则还包括对造成环境污染者的收费(李文华和刘某承,2010)。改革开放以来,我国社会经济在高速发展的同时也付出了生态环境不断恶化的惨痛代价。为此,党的十八大做出“大力推进生态文明建设”的战略决策。习


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