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1、天舟益考衡舒巷有益考究存道同卷2020年高考模拟调研卷衡水中学全国独家授权出版张文茂总主编参考答案及解析determine英语fancylikelyreliablexplorepeacequality北京出版集团公司北京教育出版社全国卷衡中同卷调研卷全国I卷英语衡同务叁专答案及解折天舟益海公众号英语(一)第一部分听力验的选手了,故选D。1-5 BAABB6-10 CBCBC27.A推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,Tim的目11-15 ABCCA16-20 BCACB标就是证明自己能像一个正常人一样生活。第二部分阅读理解第一节【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。本文用对比的手法讲述了在生活中我们为

2、何要遵守道德,怎样做才能不愧对自己【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了几个旅的良心游活动的具体安排,涉及旅游的地点、特色以及价格等28.B推理判断题。作者写第一段是为了通过形象化的情况。办法引入一个新的话题,故正确选项为B。21.D细节理解题。根据Alcantara Boat Trip部分的29.C细节理解题。根据第二段中的This is ourPrice:23 per adult and 19 per child(2-11 yearsconscience()which tells us whether our actionsol)可知,应付三个成年人的票价。故D项正确。are rig

3、ht or wrong,可知,良知帮我们区分对错,故正确22.D细节理解题。根据Historic Caceres Walking Tour选项为C。The old town of Caceres has one of the most30.A推理判断题。文中第四、五、六段从正反两方面解impressive artistic and huge collections of buildings.释了为件么要做道德上对的事情,尤其从第四段最后One of the best preserved in Europe,this ancient句话可知,A为正确答案。walled city was decl

4、ared a World Heritage Site by3C主肯大意题。这篇文章通过对比法循序渐进地说UNESCO in1986.可知,这个地方有很多保存良好的古明了以“良心”为行动的指南,做符合道德之事的原因,老的建筑物。故选C23.A细节理解题。根据每个活动的具体时间可知D选A。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了科学家B们正在研究如何利用VR技术来帮助人们避免老年痴呆【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了个残的情况。疾儿童不但参加三项全能运动,而且还想成为子名足球32.A细节理解题。根据第一段的For three days a运动员的故事。week.Faster and

5、faster he goes.可知,Garcia戴着VR24.B细节理解题。根据第二段的“Ninety-three-pound,设备,来进行骑车锻炼,故选A。14-year-old,5-foot-7 kid,young man,is going to try33.B细节理解题。根据第二段的Garcia recalls hisout for kicker on the football team,he said.All myfather once reading a newspaper.when they used tofriends were laughing at me and were l

6、ike,You?take care of you.可知,作者提及Garcia回忆他父母患知,朋友们听到从小出生没有双臂的Tim要踢足球时,老年痴呆症,是为了引起人们对痴呆的关注。认为他的这个想法是可笑的。34.C细节理解题。根据第四段的Our goal is to prevent25.A推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的People see Timdementia and to prevent Alzheimers disease.There areand our other athletes doing extraordinary feats likeno effective treatments

7、 yet.We hope that we will getdoing the triathlon.get active and throw away theirthere eventually,but my idea and the research that weexcuses.可知,Serota认为人们看到残疾的Tim不但参do in my laboratory are really surrounding prevention.加三项全能运动,而且还要踢足球等,而很多正常的人可知,Judy等研究人员目前的目标是防止痴呆的发生。都不会参与三项全能运动,他们会想,既然一个残疾少35.D推理判

8、断题。根据最后一段Garcia says about年都这样做,为什么他们不能更加健康积极地生活呢?what VR might mean for the future.There might be a故选A。place where you could go,and you can get your daily26.D词义猜测题。根据第五段画线词前面的Dare2tridose of virtual reality and cardio to keep the mindco-founder Keri Serota said Tim was shy at first butgoing.”可知,Gar

9、cia对于VR技术的未来充满了希望。came out of his shell as he built up his skills.I think第二节he had some more confidence after so many experiences【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了培养青in swimming,biking and running,”可知,Tim起初害少年作为志愿者的一些具体做法。羞,但是后来已经有了很多的经验,说明他是一个有经36.G根据空格后面的If you can show your teen how全国I卷英语参考答案及解析rewarding it

10、is from a young age,theyll start to make的身体重量不轻,也与后面的aformer college basketballa connection between helping someone else and theirstar呼应,说明她身体重,而他竟然扛着她走。ownjoy.可知,通过志愿活动,青少年们可以在帮助他53.DNow,Im not tiny,says Wedelstedt,a人的过程中获得快乐,因此与G项呼应。former college basketball star 呼应,因为她并不轻,因37.E结合空格面的 Choosing the

11、 right service此Matt不能一个人扛着她坚持全程。opportunity和后面的 Try to choose an activity that54.A Matt obviously couldnt carry her all thesuits the teens interest and time可知,选择志愿活动的way down by himself呼应,由于 Matt不能一个人扛着时候,要考虑青少年们的能力、兴趣、时间等。她下山,因此其他的人们轮流扛着她。38.A Parental participation in volunteering55.B面 I told them

12、 I wanted to.a lot of guys,regularly or even occasionally promotes relationship andbut this isnt the way I wanted to do it.可知,此处指她common respect.可知,父母们要起带头示范作用。想让这种严肃的氛围变得轻松一点。39.C面的 Stress on discipline 呼应,选 C。56.D面 a lot of guys,but this isnt the way I40.D面 They also build a stronger resume forwan

13、ted to do it可知,她说她希望遇见一些小伙,但是college and scholarship applications.可知与D项中的不希望以这种方式。perform better at school呼应。57.C根据上文可知,登山者们轮流扛着她下山,因此这第三部分语言知识运用好像是一个人工传送带。第一节58.A前文内容面 one thing from that day:【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了一群陌the.of the group of strangers who came to her可知,生登山者轮流扛着一位受伤的女登山者安全下山的故事。虽然她已经从那次登

14、山受伤中康复了,但是她仍然不41.B境 It was August 2018,and Wedelstedt,能忘记别人给予自己的帮助。56,was on her way back down 和后面 with three59.B此处指她没有忘记他人给予的帮助。friends可知,她应该是和朋友们顺着小路下山。60.C根据全文内容可知,这些登山者在她遇到困难的时42.D根据前面的 A storm was coming可知,他们应该是候,来给予帮助,故填C。急于下山。第二节43.C根据后面 a rocky slope(斜坡)of a couple of feet【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要

15、介绍了世界上可知,她们到了一个几英尺高的斜坡。最大的旅游网站之一TripAdvisor,停止出售有海豚和鲸44.A slipping down on her hip知,鱼等海洋动物的旅游景点和海洋馆门票,目的是保护动坡滑下来,才是安全的做法。物等。45.B 根据前面的 instead of slipping down on her hip 和61.selling 查非动词。stop doing sth.停止正在做后面的 She landed on her left leg.可知她没有采取安的某事,故填selling。全的下坡的方式,而是跳下来。62.that/which考查定语从句。分句子结构

16、,先行词是46.B 与上文的 She landed on her left leg.和 the snap 呼名词,且在从句中作主语,故填that/which。应,此处指由于她的腿受伤了,因此每走一步都是63.forbade态。分,少语,同痛苦。据The companys 2016 policy可知是一般过去时,故填47.C As one friend ran down to get help,aforbade。number of other hikers可知,她只有几个朋友,因此这64.physically。副。些帮助的登山者,都是陌生人。65.performances词。与面的 shows并

17、列,48.D attempted to help Wedelstedt by故填 performances。walking on either side of her和后面的 her weight66.to。apply to应。知,起初人们帮助她,是在她的两侧扶着她走,给她减67.limited考查过去分词。此处指鲸鱼、海在的轻重量。空间中不能生活得很好,故填limited,修饰后面的49.A that proved slow and dangerous,environments。此处指别人在她两侧扶着她走,这样不但慢而且危险,68.the。in the wild境。她看到有人离边缘很近,踩着

18、了边缘,有石头掉下去。69.adopted。adopted。50.B与前面 that proved slow and dangerous.One70.highest高。SeaWorldman was so close to the edge.呼应,她看到有人扶着界上最高的保护动物的标准。故填 highest。她走的时候,离小径的边缘很近,有石头掉下去,说明第四部分写作了危险性。第一节短文改错51.B根据上文的 that proved slow and dangerous知,My friend John and I went to a park last Saturday.人们扶着她走,比较慢并

19、且危险,因此Matt问她,别人The moment when we got there,we were great attractedgreatly扛着她走怎么样?by the beautiful scenery.We couldnt help taking photo to52.C与上文的carry呼应,别人扛着她走,而她认为自己photos2衡中同卷调研卷全国I卷英语record the wonderful moments.As we walked on,weText 5noticed the boy on his bike in front of us suddenly fall toM

20、:Ive been looking for that book for ages!Yeah.whereadid you get it?the ground.The boy struggled to his feet,and failed.JohnbutW:I bought it online.I just did a search and found it,youand I ran to offer our help A him immediately.Johnknow.Its not that difficult.toText 6helped him stand carefully whil

21、e I picked up our bike.hisW:Did you see the new pictures of Pluto?Noticing that the boy wasnt hurt,I gave the bike back toM:Yes,I did.Theyre amazing!him and remind him to be careful while ride.He wasW:They look really cool.remindedridingM:Honestly,its strange that we have photos of Plutovery pleasin

22、g and thanked us for what we did.because its so far away.pleased第二节书面表达W:Yeah.I am just so excited that we finally got new,Dear Johnson,clear pictures of Pluto.Im Li Hua,a senior 3 student of our school.HearingM:Yeah.We have high quality photos of what its surfacethat you will give a speech about th

23、e Cultural Comparisonlooks like.between Chinese and English and need an assistant,I amW:Its pretty amazing to think that were alreadywriting to apply for the position.exploring space while we havent even explored theOptimistic and outgoing,I get along well withdeepest oceans on our planet.M:Its true

24、.Its the final frontier.everyone.I am sure we will have a happy time workingW:Do you know where I could learn more about.together.Whats more,I have a gift for computer,whichM:Outer space?enables me to work efficiently when handling someW:Yes.All of the universe!computer-related tasks.Last but not le

25、ast,I have a goodText 7knowledge of Chinese and English cultures,so I am sure IM:Where is your dressing room?will be qualified for the job.W:Right over there.How do you like the sweater?Thank you for the patience in reading and considering.M:I love it.Ill take it.I am looking forward to your early r

26、eply.W:Great.It comes to$87.Do you have a credit card?YoursM:No,I dont.Li HuaW:If you open up a card,you can save 10%on all your听力录音文稿purchases today.Text 1M:Not today.Thanks though.M:I cant find my new tie.I need it for tonights party.W:Is there anything else I can help you with?W:Lets look for it

27、later.Right now,I need your help toM:Yeah.I was looking at some of your pants,but theyremove the table before I cook dinner.are all a bit too long.Text 2W:What about these jackets?They are on sale today.M:I went surfing yesterday.It was so exciting.M:Thanks,the brown one suits me well.W:Do you reall

28、y enjoy such sports?Text 8M:Yes,they are challenging.Someday I want to try skyM:Thank you for inviting me to the show.diving and rock climbing,too.W:You are welcome.Im happy you enjoyed it.The stepsText 3of the dancers were unbelievable.It reminds me ofW:Could you help me repair the computer,Neel?I

29、cantwhen I used to dance.log on to the Internet again.M:I know!You were such a talented dancer.Do you missM:You have to download a 360 virus-killing software ontodancing?your computer.Otherwise,your computer may oftenW:Oh,thats very kind of you,James.I do miss itbreak down.sometimes.But I will alway

30、s be a fan of the arts.Text 4Thats why I love going to musicals.Its the perfectM:Mary,we are going to hold a party tonight at bination of song,dance and theater.Who else can we invite?M:Absolutely!Im glad you are still an art fan.What aW:Well,we could ask Sally and Jane.fantastic performance!Its alw

31、ays a pleasure to attendM:But Jane is not available.Shes busy with her project.an arts event with you and learn something new.3全国I卷英语参考答案及解析Text 9be late.It will take an hour for us to reach the beach.W:My plans for shopping at the weekend got canceled,soW:Sounds good.do you want to hang out?Text 10

32、M:Ive already made plans to celebrate World Oceans DayWhen you walk on the streets of Germany,you feelthis weekend.you are surrounded by books.In Germany,publicW:Whats that?Ive never heard of that event before.bookshelves are lined across the nation on street corners,M:The worlds oceans are getting

33、more polluted than evercity squares and supermarkets.In the free-for-all libraries,before,especially with all the trash and plastic people dumppeople can take whatever they want to read,and leavein them.Reefs and fish are dying in record numbers,so thebehind anything they want for others.Theres no n

34、eed toUnited Nations set up this special day back in 2008.register,no due date,and you can take or give as many asW:How are you going to celebrate that?Watch someyou want.This project is aimed at everyone who likes tomovies about all the oceans environmental problems?read-without regard to age or ed

35、ucation.It is open forM:Nope.I got a big group of students from schooleveryone.Each shelf holds around 200 books and it takestogether to go to clean up all the trash on the beach.about six weeks for a complete turnover,with all the oldDo you want to help out?titles replaced by new ones.The public bo

36、okshelves areW:That sounds like a lot of work.usually cared for by local volunteer groups.Germans thinkM:It will be hard work,but itll also be a ton of fun.Afterthey should make it easy for everyone to enjoy reading inthe beach is all clean,were going to have a barbecue,this reading culture on the s

37、treet-from old readers togo swimming,and play volleyball.kids.While most of the shelves have so far been put in richW:Saving the ocean and eating some grilled burgers?neighborhoods,they are planning to put up future shelvesCount me in.in poor neighborhoods,where people often dont have easyM:Thats th

38、e spirit.We are meeting at the school gate at 7:00access to literature.a.m.and leaving at 7:30 a.m.on Saturday morning,so dont英语(二)第一部分听力24.B细节理解题。第二段Earle描述她第一次见到大海1-5BCCBA6-10BCBAA的情景:三岁的时候被海浪打翻,从那以后,大海引起11-15ABCCA16-20 ACCBA了她的注意,大海激发了她的想象力,促使她走向研究第二部分阅读理解海洋的道路。第一节25.D节。第三 Her special focus is on

39、Adeveloping a global network.provide the foundations【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。文章分别介绍了四个旅of global processes.谈到了 Earle 现在特别关注的是:发游项目的内容和特点。展陆地和海洋区域的全球网络,以保护为全球进程奠21.D。National Parks Camping Tour定基础的生物系统。部分的内容可以得知,参观此地需要乘飞机、吉普车、26.C推理判断题。作者在第三段中专门提到了Earle对中巴等。墨西哥湾海洋状况所做的前后对比,尤其提到了在2022.C节。Pawn Stars Tour of Las

40、Vegas世纪末,由于过度捕捞和污染,生活在墨西哥湾数百万中的 Finally,make your way to the Gold&.Silver年的鲨鱼、鲸鱼和许多其他大型生物的数量已经减少Pawn Shop.you might just see Pawn Stars filming了90%。作者借此说明现在海洋所面临的严重问题。one of the most-watched reality shows on television.可27.A观点态度题。最后一段中Earle谈到:我找到了希知,如果你幸运的话,你可能会在这里看到电视节目的望的理由,那就是远离密西西比河河口的清澈的海洋拍摄。中充

41、满了生命;墨西哥湾大部分地区没有受到破坏。23.A细节理题。据 Novi Sad on Sundays信息由此推知,Earle对海洋的未来充满了乐观和希望。可知,在这一天的旅行中,你将体验到诺维萨德的悠久C文化,还将参观奥匈边境的城堡,并在当地导游的带领【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。100多年来,高中舞会一下参观天然地下洞穴。由此可知本题选A。直是美国社会各阶层高中生的社交场所。本文主要讲述B了高中舞会的发展历史,介绍了过去和现在高中舞会不同【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了被时代杂的特色。志称为“地球英雄”的Sylvia Earle从事保护海洋工作的28.C推理判断题。由第一段内容可推知是按照时间顺经历。序来行文的。4


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