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1、牛津4B小学英语教学方案本学期我将以提高学生英语素质,以课堂教学为主阵地,以任务型教学方法为主要研究内容,在教学中,注意英语教学与情感教育的结合。小学英语教学的首要任务是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。教师应该自始至终关注学生的情感,营造轻松、民主、和谐的教学气氛。首先,教师要有激情、有亲和力,有与学生进行平等交流的能力。其次,通过听说读写做唱游画演等多种活动形式保持小学英语课堂的趣味性(可参考TPR全身反响法)。再次,教师多采用鼓励性言语,使学生产生成就感。 英语课程标准提出:倡导体实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径。各位教师宜对任务的设计、任务前输入阶段和任务完成阶段等方面作

2、更深的了解和更多的实践。在教学中,除了安排集体、个人活动形式外,更多的开展两人、多人小组活动,给学生留出充分表现的时间和自我开展的空间。 英语学习只有用科学的方法和良好的习惯,学习才能到达事半功倍的效果。首先,引导学生课上做到三要:静听、胆大、参与,以提高当堂稳固效率。其次,要求学生做好预习和复习。其中主要工作是模仿、朗读和背诵。小学生模仿力强,记忆力好,要多听录音多模仿,养成良好的发音习惯。布置一定的语篇让学生朗读和背诵,增加语言积累,增强英语语感。再者,引导学生课外创造自主学生的条件,如利用音像、网络、年级学生自觉性差,可采取家校联系,VCD、电视等不同渠道,不同形式接触、学习英语。 及时

3、辅导困难学生。由于我任教班级多,辅导学生时间有限,一些学生对英语学科的不重视等一些原因,已经呈现出两极分化现象。要通过激发学生兴趣,提高课堂效益等有效方法竭力缩小两极分化。对于学习困难的学生,要热情关心,真心帮助,及时采取老师帮教或学生帮教形式,使其不放弃英语学习。4B要求四会的句型:U1: Whos that Hes / Shes Hes / Shes a Are you Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im U2: Whos the with Hes / Shes ( my ) Is that your Which one The one in the U3: Whats

4、 your / his / her job Im / Hes / Shes a / an What are their jobs Theyre How old are you / is he / she Im / Hes / Shes U4: What are these / those Theyre How many kilos kilos, please. U6: Shall we go to by All right. / OK. Is this for U7: What would you likeHow much is it / are they Its / Theyre yuan.

5、 U8: Whats in / on / near Theres a / There are some in / on / near U9: Wheres / Where are the / my Its / Theyre Theres no in / on / near4B要求四会的单词: U1: a student, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a boy, a girl,a man, a woman, new U2: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister,an eye, a mo

6、uth, white, a skirt, a friend U3: a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook U4: apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons,pears, some U6: a station, a hospital, a supermarket, by train, by taxi, by plane, on foot, please U7: a pie, noodles, sweets, , tea, coffee, juice, milk U8: a chair, a blackboard, a computer, a picture, a bookcase,an office, a playground, a classroom, our U9: a knife, a plate, a glass, a cup, a bottle, a table, a fridge, an egg, bread, rice


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