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1、苏教版牛津小学英语2B期末复习材料教案篇一:苏教版牛津小学英语总复习材料附牛津小学英语(4B)期末复习归类nit1 A new student四会单词:听明白、会说、会读、会写新的 妇女、女士学生 教师男孩护士三会单词:听明白、会说、会读ourtreeschoolwowwhoclimb三会短语:听明白、会说、会读excuse meall rightin the treeclimb treeslet me seelook atcome herein the zoo掌握缩略方式和其完好方式whosyouresheshesIm四会句型:听明白、会说、会读、会写1. A:那个是谁医生女孩男士sirri

2、ghtover thereour schoolnew herelisten todont1B:他/她是他/她是一名2. A: 你是吗B: 是的,我是。/不,我不是。我是一名三会句型:听明白、会说、会读1. Welcome to our shool.2. Whos that boy in the tree3. Come down, 4. All right.5. Dont climb trees again.6. Yes, sir.7. Im new here.语音/w/ woman Walkman what which /z/ zebra zoo zero nose dolls2nit 2 A

3、t a party四会单词:听明白、会说、会读、会写兄弟白色 姐妹朋友 爷爷祖父三会单词:听明白、会说、会读partyhairwithheadeyeearwhichnosein三会短语:听明白、会说、会读be late forwith big eyesat a partyin the white skirt四会句型:听明白、会说、会读、会写1. 他/她是2、那个是你的吗3、穿着的那一个.三会句型:听明白、会说、会读奶奶祖母父亲母亲mouthoclockwehurrywrongin the caron the chair31. Good evening.2. Whos the boy with

4、big eyes3. Which one4. The one in the white skirt.5. This is my frient, Mike.6. Nice to meet you.7. Were late for the party.8. wheres your brother语音ck/k/ blackclockjacketsock4nit 3 Whats your job四会单词:听明白、会说、会读、会写男效劳员 警察女效劳员 女警察司机 工人三会单词:听明白、会说、会读jobtodaynameoldtheirabout三会短语:听明白、会说、会读your jobmy frie

5、nd四会句型:听明白、会说、会读、会写1.你的/他的/她的职业是什么?我/他/她是 2他们的职业是什么?他们是 3.你/他/她多大了?炊事员农民,农场主wanttobein the red sweaterin the tree5篇二:苏教版牛津小学英语2B期末复习材料1+3苏教版牛津小学英语2B单元词句总汇苏教版牛津小学英语2B期末复习卷一学号_ 姓名 _ 班级_一、选出你所听到的单词,将序号写在题前的括号内。() 1. A. bearB. boat() 2. A. pandaB. pear () 3. A. spring B. summer() 4. A. train B. plane ()

6、 5. A. dress B. shirt() 6. A. bottle B. box () 7. A. eleven B. twelve () 8. A. Maths B. Music () 9. A. puzzle B. puppet () 10. A. onB. in 二、按照所听单词的顺序给图片标上序号。( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( )三、按照所听的排序,将对应序号写在括号内。 () Oh, I see. () What can you see () Wheres the plane () Its on the sofa. () I can see a plane.1. Do

7、 you like tigers No, I dont.s time to go home.4. Can I help you Id like a skirt. 5. Lets keep the desk clean!“五、按照图片,从方框中选出相应单词,抄写在四线格上。六、找出不同类的单词,并将序号写在括号内。( ) 1. A. pandaB. lion C. dress ( ) 2. A. Art B. bear C. PE( ) 3. A. bottle B. three C. box( ) 4. A. Chinese B. seeC. Music( ) 5. A. sevenB. si

8、xC. can 七、找朋友,把相应的句子用线连起来。1.Can I help youA. Its in the box. 2.How many pens B. Id like a jacket. 3.What do you like C. I like monkeys. 4.Do you like winter D. Six.s the apple E. No, I dont. 八、按照所给的中文,选择正确的句子。 1、我能够看到一只老虎,能够说:A. I can see a lion. B.I can see a tiger. ( )2、你想明白别人喜爱什么,能够征询:A. What do

9、you likeB. What can you see ( )3、我喜爱洋娃娃,能够说:A.I like dolls.B.I can see a doll. ( )4、你想明白铅笔在哪里,能够如此征询:A. Id like a pencil. B. Wheres the pencil ( )5、你要去睡觉了,能够对妈妈说:A. Goodbye! B. Good night!牛津小学英语2B期末测试卷一听力材料及局部参考答案一、选出你所听到的单词,将序号写在题前的括号内。1. boat 2. panda3. summer 4. plane 5. dress 6. bottle7. eleven8

10、. Music9.puppet10.in 二、按照所听单词的顺序给图片标上序号。1.a plane2.a doll3.a jeep4.go to bed 5.in 6.a shirt 7.twelve 8.bottle9.a puppet 10.eleven 三、按照所听句子的排序,将对应序号写在括号内。 ( 5 ) Oh, I see. ( 1 ) What can you see ( 3 ) Wheres the plane ( 4 ) Its on the sofa. ( 2 )I can see a plane.“ Yes, do. s time to go to school.Id

11、like a jacket.s keep the desk clean!五、按照图片,从方框中选出相应单词,抄写在四线格上。shirt can go home English boxgo to bedblouse bottle plane Maths 六、找出不同类的单词,并将序号写在括号内。1. C. 2. B. 3. B. 4. B. 5. C. 七、 找朋友,把相应的句子用线连起来。1. B.2. D.3. C.4. E.5. A. 八、按照所给的中文,选择正确的句子。1、B. 2、A. 3、A. 4、 B. 5、 B.苏教版牛津小学英语2B期末复习卷二学号_ 姓名 _ 班级_篇三:苏教版牛津小学英语2B期末复习材料牛津小学英语2B 期末复习 新课标第一网系列材料


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