3、吗?刷了几轮了?正确率怎么样呢?正确率怎么样呢?开始刷真题了吗?开始刷真题了吗?单词背完了吗?刷了几轮了?单词背完了吗?刷了几轮了?正确率怎么样呢?正确率怎么样呢?还打算刷下去吗?还打算刷下去吗?单词单词词意太多,背了白背你的痛你的痛我懂我懂英语英语听力听力叽里呱啦,不知所云单词单词阅读阅读翻译翻译词意太多,背了白背一听就会,一做就废你猜猜,我写的是啥你的痛你的痛我懂我懂英语英语听力听力叽里呱啦,不知所云单词单词阅读阅读翻译翻译词意太多,背了白背一听就会,一做就废你猜猜,我写的是啥你的痛你的痛我懂我懂英语英语听力听力叽里呱啦,不知所云名词短语:名词短语:FourFour generations
4、generations underunder oneone roofroof六级课程规划六级课程规划词汇词汇写作写作翻译翻译写作预测写作预测听力听力阅读阅读语法语法课程课程框架框架一一课程总览课程总览核心词汇核心词汇六级听力六级听力六级写作六级写作六级阅读六级阅读真题精讲真题精讲写译预测写译预测六级翻译六级翻译针对针对20232023年年6 6月考试月考试核心语法核心语法词汇如何学习?词汇如何学习?Q1Q1单词书?单词书?abandonabandon新东方新东方 老师好!老师好!阿阿阿阿超老师阿阿阿阿超老师单词书?单词书?abandonabandon新东方新东方 老师好!老师好!APPAPP?
5、阿阿阿阿超老师阿阿阿阿超老师词汇学习词汇学习TipsTips 词汇:词汇:重复重复+多场景多场景!重复重复:一天多次一天多次 一次多时一次多时多场景:纸质书多场景:纸质书+手机手机+课堂课堂+真题真题死啃一本单词书死啃一本单词书新东方新东方 老师好!老师好!复习过程:大纲词汇复习过程:大纲词汇-核心词汇核心词汇-真题词汇真题词汇阿阿阿阿超老师阿阿阿阿超老师 乐词app下载新东方专属背词软件“乐词”APP选择“新东方学员”“新东方在线学员”登录选择“更多词书”点击“大学”新东方专属 六级绿宝书乱序版2.0升级版下载词书 六级核心词汇课(16h)寒假期间没有直播课,寒假期间没有直播课,如何复习?如
6、何复习?Q2Q2寒假期间没有直播课,寒假期间没有直播课,如何复习?如何复习?Q2Q2顺序项目题数总分时间时间21仔细阅读102020分钟30min2长篇阅读101013分钟15min3翻译11530分钟20min4词汇理解1057分钟5min原则:避重就轻,策略取胜。原则:避重就轻,策略取胜。做题顺序做题顺序 时间分配时间分配考场时间把握 周一:周二:半天:半天:周三:一周一周刷题刷题计划计划 周一:写作刷题一套、听力刷题一套 周二:半天:(四级同学上午做,六级同学下午做)阅读刷题一套 翻译刷题一套(共计时70min)建议顺序:2篇仔细阅读1篇长篇阅读翻译选词填空半天:周三:一周一周刷题刷题计
7、划计划 周一:写作刷题一套、听力刷题一套 周二:半天:(四级同学上午做,六级同学下午做)阅读刷题一套 翻译刷题一套(共计时70min)建议顺序:2篇仔细阅读1篇长篇阅读翻译选词填空半天:做周一的听力复盘:解题句精听复听,总结替换表达。做周一的写作复盘:参照范文,提炼框架,积累词句 周三:做周二的阅读复盘:错题精析、定位句精翻、生词积累 做周二的翻译复盘:积累表达,背诵句式一周一周刷题刷题计划计划 周四:重复周一步骤,换下一套题 周五:重复周二步骤,换下一套题 周六:重复周三步骤,换下一套题 周日:一周一周刷题刷题计划计划 周四:重复周一步骤,换下一套题 周五:重复周二步骤,换下一套题 周六:重
8、复周三步骤,换下一套题 周日:灵活机动安排复习任务,背单词即可;适当放松半天(散步、运动、补觉、约会等.)周日晚:制定下周刷题计划,早些休息。阿超叮嘱:1.近五年真题2018-2022优先做2.寒假期间保证至少两周完整的复习时间!一周一周刷题刷题计划计划如何利用好真题?如何利用好真题?Q3Q3 能刷最新的题,就别刷十年之前的题。近五年真题优先刷。能计时刷题,就别肆无忌惮地随意刷题。能做真题词汇积累,就别偷懒,建议专门记在本子上,因为真题可能会丢。能动笔写写,就别只求背会,眼高手低。能把功夫用在平时,就别临考前各种转发求佛脚。阿超阿超真心话真心话关于阅读:你的苦恼是?关于阅读:你的苦恼是?全选全
9、选四六级阅读:你的痛我懂四六级阅读:你的痛我懂 4.4.错题不知道如何总结错题不知道如何总结阅读:你的痛我懂阅读:你的痛我懂你做完题后:你做完题后:对对答案对对答案精翻全文精翻全文 4.4.错题不知道如何总结错题不知道如何总结你做完题后:你做完题后:对对答案对对答案精翻全文精翻全文阅读:你的痛我懂阅读:你的痛我懂 4.4.错题不知道如何总结错题不知道如何总结你做完题后:你做完题后:对完答案结束对完答案结束精翻全文精翻全文正解:正解:五环节三补充(五环节三补充(5+35+3)让你让你“不白错不白错”!不再只感动自己!不再只感动自己!阅读:你的痛我懂阅读:你的痛我懂审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句
10、分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析文化背景文化背景真题词汇真题词汇做题技巧做题技巧阿超阿超“5+35+3”总结法总结法 技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivation.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.C)It can increase ones vigor as one keeps tryin
11、g.D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many people associate their self-worth with their work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?Well,not always.According to recent r
12、esearch,in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say abo
13、ut the pursuit of work-related self-esteemwork-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivation.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.C)It can increase ones vigor as one keeps trying.D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many people associate their self-worth with their
14、 work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?Well,not always.According to recent research,in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality
15、is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-related self-esteemwork-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivati
16、on.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.C)It can increase ones vigor as one keeps trying.D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many people associate their self-worth with their work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteemWo
17、rk-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?Well,not always.According to recent research,in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive conse
18、quences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-related self-esteemwork-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivation.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.C)It can increase ones vigor as one
19、 keeps trying.D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many people associate their self-worth with their work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteemWork-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?W
20、ell,not always.According to recent research,in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读
21、真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-related self-esteemwork-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivation.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.C)It can increase ones vigor as one keeps trying.D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many peopl
22、e associate their self-worth with their work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteemWork-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?Well,not always.According to recent research,in which psychologists interviewed
23、370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-related self-este
24、emwork-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivation.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.C)It can increase ones vigor as one keeps trying.D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many people associate their self-worth with their work.The more successful their career,t
25、he better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteemWork-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?Well,not always.According to recent research,in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more
26、 complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符选项排查:感情色彩技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-related self-esteemwork-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivation.B)It
27、 contributes to ones accomplishments.C)It can increase ones vigor as one keeps trying.D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many people associate their self-worth with their work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteemWork-rela
28、ted self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?Well,not always.According to recent research,in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences
29、.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符选项排查:感情色彩技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-related self-esteemwork-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivation.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.(反)C)It can increase ones vigor a
30、s one keeps trying.(反)D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many people associate their self-worth with their work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteemWork-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor
31、,right?Well,not always.According to recent research,in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符选项排查:感情色彩技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2
32、022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-related self-esteemwork-related self-esteem?A)It may result in negative motivation.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.(反)C)It can increase ones vigor as one keeps trying.(反)D)It costs too much emotionally and psycho
33、logically.P1 Many people associate their self-worth with their work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteemWork-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?Well,not always.According to recent research,in which psy
34、chologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符选项排查:感情色彩研究结论 研究过程背景技巧点技巧点语言点语言点2022/12/1 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练46.What does the author say
35、about the pursuit of work-related self-esteemwork-related self-esteem?A AA)It may result in negative motivation.B)It contributes to ones accomplishments.(反)C)It can increase ones vigor as one keeps trying.(反)D)It costs too much emotionally and psychologically.P1 Many people associate their self-wort
36、h with their work.The more successful their career,the better they feel about themselves.Work-related self-esteemWork-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor,right?Well,not always.According to recent research,in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over
37、a period of three weeks,the reality is a little more complicated.And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析定位词:大数符选项排查:感情色彩研究结论 研究过程背景审题审题定位定位定位句分析定位句分析同义替换同义替换选项辨析选项辨析文化背景文化背景真题词汇真题词汇做题技巧做题技巧阿超阿超“5+35+3”总结法总结法 54.What is the dilemma developing count
38、ries face?A)They cannot modernise farming without causing land degradation.B)They cannot promote industrialisation without polluting waterways.C)They cannot boost crop yields without causing greenhouse gas emissions.D)They cannot catch up with rich countries without sacrificing the environment.P6 De
39、spite the recent global agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions,global carbon output continues to rise.This will put a long-term strain on the ability of developing economies to feed their own people.Climate change is aggravated by the emissions of greenhouse gases from chemical and natural fe
40、rtilisers used in agriculture which increased by more than a quarter between 2000 and 2010.Other problem areas identified in the report included glaciers,which provide vital water resources for millions of people,but which are shrinking as the climate warms.2022/12/2 2022/12/2 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练审定读同辨5
41、4.What is the dilemma developing countriesdeveloping countries face?A)They cannot modernise farming without causing land degradation.B)They cannot promote industrialisation without polluting waterways.C)They cannot boost crop yields without causing greenhouse gas emissions.D)They cannot catch up wit
42、h rich countries without sacrificing the environment.P6 Despite the recent global agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions,global carbon output continues to rise.This will put a long-term strain on the ability of developing economies to feed their own people.Climate change is aggravated by the
43、emissions of greenhouse gases from chemical and natural fertilisers used in agriculture which increased by more than a quarter between 2000 and 2010.Other problem areas identified in the report included glaciers,which provide vital water resources for millions of people,but which are shrinking as th
44、e climate warms.2022/12/2 2022/12/2 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练审定读同辨54.What is the dilemma developing countriesdeveloping countries face?A)They cannot modernise farming without causing land degradation.B)They cannot promote industrialisation without polluting waterways.C)They cannot boost crop yields without c
45、ausing greenhouse gas emissions.D)They cannot catch up with rich countries without sacrificing the environment.P6 Despite the recent global agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions,global carbon output continues to rise.This will put a long-term strain on the ability of developing economies dev
46、eloping economies to feed their own people.Climate change is aggravated by the emissions of greenhouse gases from chemical and natural fertilisers used in agriculture which increased by more than a quarter between 2000 and 2010.Other problem areas identified in the report included glaciers,which pro
47、vide vital water resources for millions of people,but which are shrinking as the climate warms.2022/12/2 2022/12/2 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练审定读同辨54.What is the dilemma developing countriesdeveloping countries face?A)They cannot modernise farming without causing land degradation.B)They cannot promote industri
48、alisation without polluting waterways.C)They cannot boost crop yields without causing greenhouse gas emissions.D)They cannot catch up with rich countries without sacrificing the environment.P6 Despite the recent global agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions,global carbon output continues to r
49、ise.This will put a long-term strain on the ability of developing economies developing economies to feed their own people.Climate change is aggravated by the emissions of greenhouse gases from chemical and natural fertilisers used in agriculture which increased by more than a quarter between 2000 an
50、d 2010.Other problem areas identified in the report included glaciers,which provide vital water resources for millions of people,but which are shrinking as the climate warms.2022/12/2 2022/12/2 仔细阅读仔细阅读真题带练真题带练审定读同辨54.What is the dilemma developing countriesdeveloping countries face?A)They cannot mo