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1、1名校历年作文范文名校历年作文范文第一章第一章多多段式作文段式作文段式作文段式作文北大作文三、Writing.(50 points)题目:The unexamined life is not worth livingAn Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living“The unexamined Life is not worth living.”Socrates said when he was tried forheresy and sedition for encouraging his students to ask tough questions about

2、themselves and society.Upon examining his life and situation,he chose to die fordignity rather than live out the rest of life in disgrace and humiliation.Socrates wasseeking truth to live a life of high station.According to him,the unexamined existenceis of no discipline,no freedom and void of digni

3、ty.Tobegin with,the unexamined life is a life without discipline.Put it another way,a life that has not been subjected to certain codes and purposes is doomed to morallooseness,human alienation and insatiable indulgence.It is such life style that,tomany of us,leads to a lack of sense of justice or d

4、irection of values.Acase in point isDorian Gray in Oscar Wildes novel,The Portrait of Dorian Gray.Dorian Gray is ayoung man who takes advantages of his beauty and ruins many pure women.It is hisunexamined life and loose lifestyle that lead to his hurt of others and his own finaldownfall.Contrariwise

5、,the examined life can provide one with chance for a more thoroughand better understanding of life and the world-an understanding which can bring usmaximumfreedomfreedomfreedomfreedomin thought.Leading an examined life,Emerson is believed bymany to understand the world better even than most people d

6、o today.His words“Tobe great is to be misunderstood.”show that an independent individual needs to trusthimself even if people around doubt and question his life.Few could live a life assober and examined as Emerson did in that his realm of thought enjoys such a degreeof freedom and independence that

7、 it can even tolerate the misunderstanding of the restof the world.Last but not least,the unexamined life may amount to the absence of dignity.Inorder to be a true man of integrity,one should subject his life and beliefs toexamination and introspection or else his life will degenerate into a life of

8、 moralfrivolity and waywardness.As Socrates himself put it,“I eat to live while others liveto eat.”This chiasma embodies his contempt for those who live an unexamined lifewith no dignity.However,the examined life is not confined to such a learned man orwoman as a teacher or philosopher.Aworking clas

9、s man can also have a clearpurpose in life.Santiago,Hemingway code hero,has such a quality.He clings to a lifeof dignity even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.He has beenregarded as the embodiment of indomitable spirit of humanity.Tosum up,Socratesdecision to die is the logical cons

10、equence of his outlook on2life.If he had chosen otherwise,he would have felt he was robbed of the only thingthat made life meaningful:examining the world around him,the universe and lifeitself.Where an“examined life”is,there are discipline,freedom and dignity thathighlight the essence of life.IV.IV.

11、IV.IV.WritingWritingWritingWriting(30(30(30(30 points)points)points)points)Directions:Youare required to write an essay of at least 300 words on The Functions of aUniversity.The essay is expected to include a clear thesis statement,supporting evidence foreach of your arguments,and some conclusive re

12、marks.北外 09.WRITINGWRITINGWRITINGWRITING(50(50(50(50 points)points)points)points)The graphs below give information about waste generation.Summarise the information reportingthe main features,and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 200 words.3.WRITINGWRITINGWRITINGWRITING(50(50(50(50 point

13、s)points)points)points)【题目分析】本题属于图表类作文,通过观察题目给出的三幅图表作文。这三幅图表饼图、条形图、折线图各一,都是跟废弃物产生有关,除了图表之外,题目在写作要求部分几乎再没有任何相关提示的语句,所以完全需要考生自行识解图表信息。但题目中给出了总结图表信息和必要时作比较这两个要求,写作时应紧紧围绕这两个要求来写。【写作攻略】针对这样的题目,考生要首先正确理解图表信息:饼图给出的是 2007 年全球产生废弃物的总体情况,中等收入国家约占一半,高收入和低收入国家大约各占四分之一;条形图反映的是 2007 年日均人均产生废弃物的量,从多到少依次是高收入、中等收入和低

14、收入国家;折线图说的是中国、美国、印度这三个国家各自的情况。然后根据题目要求,对以上信息作一总结,交代出重要数据,在相关的时候对三个图表中的数据进行比较,然后得出结论。【参考范文】OnOnOnOn WasteWasteWasteWaste GenerationGenerationGenerationGenerationThe three above-mentioned charts are quite informative concerning waste generation acrossthe globe,especially in three individual countries.

15、It can be inferred from the graphs that hugeamounts of waste are being produced and waste production will finally pose a serious problem tothe earth in the years to come.In the first place,the pie chart indicates that the total waste generation on earth has reached2.12 tons in 2007.Middle-income cou

16、ntries account for nearly half of the waste generation,high-income and low-income countries about a quarter respectively.However,it is clear thatpeople in high-income countries are more responsible for waste generation,with nearly 1.5kilograms of waste generated per person per day.In comparison,peop

17、le in middle-andlow-income countries are less responsible for producing waste,about 0.8 and 0.6 kilograms percapita waste production each day in 2007,as shown in the bar chart.Population in middle-incomecountries is far larger than that of high-income ones;therefore,middle-income countries take up a

18、bigger proportion of the gross value of waste generation.Additionally,the line chart predicts the condition of waste production in China,the UnitedStates and India in the coming years.China has the sharpest increase compared with the other twocountries,possibly reaching 500 million tons in the year

19、2030.The annual waste generation of theUnited States will remain stable around 200 tons,with just a slight rise each year.As for India,thefigure starts low in 2000,but has a growing tendency and will surpass that of the US around 2020.Both the US and India are below China most of the time in terms o

20、f waste generation.It goes without saying that some drastic measures should be taken to cope with this seriousproblem.China,with a large population and a large potential of generating wastes,should assumethe responsibility to combat waste generation-a common enemy of man.Hopefully,the increasein was

21、te generation will be slowed down.外经贸 09PartPartPartPartV V V VWritingWritingWritingWriting(35(35(35(35 points)points)points)points)4Directions:Write an essay of 300 words to state your own opinion on the following topic.Giveexamples,either your personal observations and experiences or simply things

22、 you have read thatmould back up your view.Your writing will he assessed for language,content,organization andlength.AreAreAreAre InterpersonalInterpersonalInterpersonalInterpersonal skillsskillsskillsskills importantimportantimportantimportant totototo youryouryouryour futurefuturefuturefuture deve

23、lopment?development?development?development?PartPartPartPart WritingWritingWritingWriting(35353535 points)points)points)points)Are Interpersonal Skills Important toYourFuture Development?Afamous poet once said,“Life is like a large piece of net.”Then what is the netmade of?To this question,people ma

24、y have their own answers.I have my ownversion,“Life is like a large piece of net composed of interpersonal relations.”Forsure,this interpersonal net can either snare birds for your benefits or trap yourself foryour harm.Harnessing and using this net skillfully is of course part of socializationand l

25、ife techniques for every one,especially for a special group-college students whoare at the cross-path of their growth and fulfillment.Therefore,this important lessonof interpersonal relationship must be learnt timely,presumably in the years of college.So many tragedies have been staged in almost all

26、 walks of life just because theinterpersonal path has somehow been blocked.Acase in point is the successiveincidents of suicide of scientists in Tsukuba,a science town in Japan.In this supermodern and almost obsolete town,many scientists are so concentrative on theirresearch and so spurred by prizes

27、 that they are reluctant to communicate andcooperate with other people so that gradually they become self-closed and depressedand some of them finally resort to suicide.In fact,the murderer is none but the lack ofgood interpersonal skills that terminates the lives of those outstanding scientists.Con

28、trariwise,if we have good interpersonal skills,we will be in the midst ofharmony and happiness.Maura,31,had the most successful life experience recentlywhen she helped dissolve a family duel that has lasted a century.Maura said hersuccess was attributable to her interpersonal techniques.For a time s

29、ince then,herday-to-day existence has been replete with delight.At this hour of economic crisis,weve heard of so many encouraging cases of entrepreneurs braving the storm.But atthe same time,occasionally,tragedies of suicide are heard.An investigation to thecauses of these tragic deaths reveals that

30、 many of these perpetrators are suffering frominterpersonal syndrome.Atherapy offered by some psychiatrists?Talk out yourproblems.Yes,communication may not be a panacea,but proves effective in copingwith our psychological inability.Tosum up,just as Dale Carnegie once put it,success is due 15%to prof

31、essionalknowledge and 85%to interpersonal skills.Wemay meet with a lot of differentpeople with various kinds of characters.And so friction and attrition are inevitable.But a tactful interpersonal skill which can make communication much easier andmore pleasant may help us deal with all the conflicts

32、and thus we can become thewinners.南京大学 08.Francis Bacon says,Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;and5writing an exact man.Write an essay of about 300 words to either support or refuteBacons statement Reading makes a full man.”Illustrate your point with examplesfrom your own reading exper

33、ience.Reading ContributesFrancis Bacons statement“Reading makes a full man.”tells us how importantreading is to the development of ourselves.It is quite true that reading benefits us inmany ways.In fact,it is part of our growth into a human capable of creation andcontribution.Reading broadens the ho

34、rizon.It opens for me a good number of windows on theuniverse.In the course of reading,I have become more aware of how immense theworld is and how tiny a species I am compared with the universe.Reading makes memore open-minded and more tolerant of differences.Through reading,I have becomemore concer

35、ned with issues related to the present,past and future of the planethumans inhabit.At the same time,reading arouses my curiosity about the unknown.As I read extensively,my experiences build up.In books,I am able to figurativelymeet more people,travel to more places and experience new excitements.Rea

36、ding helps me with self-discovery.It helps me adjust my goals and makes memore down-to-earth.Reading makes me more aware of my strengths and weaknesses.It also gives me courage to tap my potentials.As I read,my purpose can be clearlydefined.I am more sure of myself and know better to what I will dev

37、ote time andenergy after graduation.Reading helps me with choice making.Equipped with a wide range of knowledgeacquired through reading,I have become more decisive than ever.For instance,in thefirst two years of college,the question of whether I will further my study as agraduate or not really bothe

38、red me for quite a while.But as I keep reading,its nolonger a problem because reading has helped develop my interest in the discipline andhas made me realize how much I need to learn to be an expert in it.In conclusion,reading has contributed in many ways to my growth into a matureadult.It makes me

39、more specifically oriented,decisive and devoted.南开 07PartPartPartPart V V V VCompositionCompositionCompositionComposition(20(20(20(20 points)points)points)points)Topic:People can recognize differences between children and adults.Can you simplysay that college students are adults?What events(experien

40、ces or ceremonies)make aperson an adult?Your composition should be no less than 500 words.And please write yourcomposition on theAnswer Sheet.Moving from Adolescence towards AdulthoodLife consists of several stages in which infanthood,adolescence and adulthoodare the part and parcel.It is commonly h

41、eld that the transition from adolescence toadulthood is an extremely painful experience.But how could we tell one has achievedthe transition from adolescence to adulthood is a hard job.Do such things as age,6appearance and manners really matter in identifying the transition?Can all collegestudents b

42、e identified as adults in the full sense of the term?If not,what are theessential differences between them?For my part,moving from adolescence toadulthood,especially for a college freshman,one should show such qualities as astrong sense of responsibility,independence and adaptability.Tobegin with,re

43、sponsibility should be an identifiable feature of adulthood.Anadult should be able to take responsibility for his own life,his own decision and hisown deeds.Besides that,he also should be responsible for others.Acase in point isHong Zhanhui,who was selected one of ten personages that have moved Chin

44、a in2005.Veryfew could endure so many personal tragedies that life has inflicted onthem as Mr.Hong has suffered from.When he was eleven,his father was insane.Hissister was dead and his mother left them for good.However,he never gave up.Instead,he shouldered the responsibility of taking care of his s

45、ick father and an adopted sister.He led a very hard life but won respect from the whole society.Can anyone deny thefact that Mr.Hong was a responsible adult although he was only 18 then?Additionally,another sign of being a mature adult is being independent.In theearlier stage of our life,we depend o

46、n parents for most of our needs,both physicaland mental.However,as college freshmen,we have to rely on ourselves.Wehave tosolve our own problems,make our own decisions and sometimes even endure solitudeon our own.Through all these an adult can achieve his independence and establish hisown identity a

47、nd autonomy.Mark Twain is a good example in this regard.He wasforced to be independent at very young age and such an autonomous life brought himface to face with valuable American experiences he otherwise could not possibly havegone through.In fact,it is his rich adult independent life that has prod

48、uced worldliterary classics.Last but not least,adulthood is characterized by adaptive ability.Weare nowliving in a changing world in a changing time.If we fail to adapt ourselves to thechanging environment,we will lag behind and end up with failure.Achild mayunderstandably be scared and at loss when

49、 facing a totally strange situation.But foran adult,such response is mean and abject and cannot be acceptable.An adult shouldpossess the courage to face changes and challenges and turn them into advantages.Anadult should be much stronger.Toput it in a nutshell,responsibility,independence and adaptab

50、ility,among someothers,will help build a stronger and mature adult who is capable of the appreciationof complexities of the real world as opposed to the blackandwhite mindset inadolescent thinking.南开 08五、Composition(20 points)Write a composition of no less than 300 words on the topic bellow:Employme


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