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1、temper tmp n.脾气temperature tmprtr n.温度He had a temper and could be nasty.他脾气暴躁,会令人讨厌。基础必备类&高阶拓展词001force frs n.力量enforce nfrs v.执行reinforce rinfrs v.增强Boulder was one of the first cities in the nation to enforce a ban on smoking.博尔德是该国率先施行禁烟令的城市之一。I hope this will reinforce Indonesian determination

2、to deal with this kind of threat.我希望这会加强印度尼西亚对付这类威胁的决心。order rd n.顺序orderly rdl adj.整齐的,有秩序的coordinate kordnet v.使协调ordinary rdnri adj.平常的;普通的,平庸的002regular rjl adj.规则的irregular rjl adj.不规则的regulate rjulet v.控制,管理regulation rjlen n.控制,管理Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday mo

3、rning to coordinate the relief effort.政府官员星期四上午视察了地震灾区以协调救灾工作。I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me.我强烈地感到大多数普通老百姓会赞同我。Get regular exercise.定期进行锻炼。Under such a plan,the government would regulate competition among insurance companies so that everyone gets care at lower cost

4、.根据这样一个计划,政府会控制保险公司之间的竞争,这样每个人都能以较低价格获得保险。in n prep.在里inner n adj.内部的,内心的inward nwd adj.向内的,里面的She got up and went into an inner office.她起身走进里间办公室。I sighed with inward relief.我内心释然地长出了一口气。out at adv.在外outer at adj.外面的,外表的outward atwd adj.向外的He heard a voice in the outer room.他听到外屋有人声。In spite of my

5、outward calm I was very shaken.尽管表面看似镇静,我内心却非常慌乱。003intimate ntmt;ntmt adj.亲密无间的utmost tmost adj.最大的,极度的 n.最大的可能I discussed with my intimate friends whether I would immediately have a baby.我和我的密友们商量我是不是该马上要孩子。It is a matter of the utmost urgency to find out what has happened to these people.当务之急是弄清楚

6、这些人出了什么事。interior ntri(r)adj.内部的exterior kstr adj.外部的internal ntnl adj.内部的external kstnl adj.外部的The interior of the house was furnished with heavy,old-fashioned pieces.房内陈设着些笨重、老式的家具。The exterior of the building was a masterpiece of architecture,elegant and graceful.该建筑物在外观上是一项建筑杰作,精美雅致。004construct

7、 knstrkt v.建造,构造construction knstrkn n.建筑destruction dstrkn n.破坏His company recently constructed an office building in downtown Denver.他的公司最近在丹佛市中心建造了一座办公楼。.an international agreement aimed at halting the destruction of the ozone layer.一项旨在停止对臭氧层的破坏的国际协议。scale skel n.刻度,规模;秤escalator sklet n.电梯ascen

8、d snd v.上升descend dsnd v.下降descendant dsndnt n.子孙Mrs.Clayton had to hold Lizzies hand as they ascended the steps.上台阶时克莱顿夫人不得不抓着莉齐的手。Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.我们往地窖中下得越深,里面就越冷、越潮湿。005explode ksplod v.爆炸explosion ksplon n.爆炸explosive ksplosv;ksplosv adj.易爆炸的The explos

9、ive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.该爆炸装置定在交通高峰时间爆炸。structure strkt n.结构,构造infrastructure nfrstrkt n.基础设施instruct nstrkt v.指导instruction nstrkn n.指导;说明书The typical family structure of Freuds patients involved two parents and two children.弗洛伊德的病人们的典型家庭结构包括一对父母和两个孩子。A doctor will often ins

10、truct patients to exercise.医生将经常嘱咐病人要锻炼身体。006sight sat n.视力insight nsat n.洞察力foresight frsat n.远见sightseeing satsi n.观光,游览shortsighted tsatd adj.近视的They had the foresight to invest in new technology.他们有投资新技术的先见之明。.a days sightseeing in Venice.在威尼斯的一日游。applaud pld v.鼓掌plausible plzbl adj.似有道理的The aud

11、ience laughed and applauded.观众欢笑并且鼓掌。A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the administration.一个更合理的解释似乎是人们对行政机关感到厌倦。007prison przn n.监狱prisoner przn n.囚徒The prisons inmates are being kept in their cells.监狱里的囚犯们被关在各自的牢房里。The committee is concerned about the large

12、number of prisoners sharing cells.该委员会很关心共用牢房的大量犯人。008hard hrd adj.坚硬的harden hrdn v.变硬,硬化hardware hrdwr n.五金;硬件Mould the mixture into shape while hot,before it hardens.在混合物变硬之前,趁热将其塑造成形。To be totally secure,you need a piece of hardware that costs about$200.为保证绝对安全,你需要一个花费约为两百美元的硬件。spark sprk v.冒火花 n

13、.火花sparkle sprkl v.发光 n.火花The fire gradually got bigger and bigger.Sparks flew off in all directions.火势逐渐变得越来越大。火花四处飞溅。The jewels on her fingers sparkled.她手指上的珠宝闪闪发光。009passion pn n.热情enthusiasm nuzizm n.热情Their skill and enthusiasm has got them on the team.他们的技术和热情使他们进了那支团队。cherry tr n.樱桃cherish tr

14、 v.珍惜The president will cherish the memory of this visit to Ohio.总统将铭记这次对俄亥俄州的访问。010bias bas n./v.偏心prejudice prdds n.偏见 v.使有偏见discriminate dskrmnet v.歧视rage red n.暴怒,愤怒rager red n.狂暴;狂欢He was red-cheeked with rage.他因盛怒而满脸通红。There was a deep-rooted racial prejudice long before the two countries went to war.早在两国交战之前就有了根深蒂固的种族偏见。He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one.他没能力在一个好主意和一个坏主意之间进行区分。


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