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1、?E58?dental?deteriorate?1294.dental dentl adj.?dent=tooth?+?-al?The cost of dental treatment is also an issue for many people.?1295.dentist dentist n.?5037.tooth tu:n.?pl.teeth?1302.depict dipikt vt.?de-?+-pict-=paint?1?The artist had depicted her lying on a bed.?2?The novel depicts French society i

2、n the 1930s.?20?30?3577.picture pikt n.?v.?3430.paint peint n.?v.?3431.painter peint n.?3432.painting peinti n.?v.?3593.pint paint n.?painted mark?1 gallon=4 quarts=8 pints?a pint a pound the world around?1312.describe diskraib vt.?de-?+-scrib(e)-=scar?Several people described seeing strange lights

3、in the sky.?1313.description diskripn n.?Police have issued a description of the gunman.?4281.script skript n.?1?That line isnt in the original script.?2?She admired his neat script.?3?The bug was caused by an error in the script.?4747.subscribe sbskraib vi.?to?vi.?sub-?1?2.3 million people subscrib

4、e to this online music service.?230?2?Ive personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.?3?I subscribe to a few charities.?3731.prescribe priskraib vt.?pre-?1?The doctor may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.?2?Ive been prescribed painkillers.?3?The

5、 law prescribes that all children must go to school.?3732.prescription priskripn n.?The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics.?2929.manuscript mnjuskript n.?-manu-?I read her poems in manuscript.?4276.scrape skreip vt.?n.?1?She scraped the mud off her boots.?2?I scraped the side of my car on

6、 the wall.?3?I could hear his pen scraping across the paper.?4?Her grades werent great,but she scraped into university.?330?5?I hate the scrape of chalk on a blackboard.?4275.scrap skrp n.?vt.?1?Do you have a scrap of paper I could write on?2?We sold our old car for scrap.?3?Give the scraps to the d

7、og.?4?This old aircraft were scrapped.?4282.scrutiny skru:tini n.?formal?scrut=scrap?+?-iny?1?Her argument doesnt really stand up to scrutiny.?2?The documents should be available for public scrutiny.?4274.scramble skrmbl vi.?1?She managed to scramble over the wall.?2?He scrambled to his feet as we c

8、ame in.?3?People are scrambling to buy property before prices rise even further.?scrabble skrbl v.?1?She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.?2?He scrabbled up the cliff.?4277.scratch skrt v.?n.?1?The dog scratched itself behind the ear.?2?You scratch my back and Ill scratch yours.?3?I scrat

9、ched some paint off the door as I was getting out of the car.?4?Her legs were covered in scratches and bruises after her walk through the forest.?4283.sculpture sklpt n.?-sculp-=scar?+?-(t)ure?1?He teaches sculpture at the local art school.?2?The museum has several life-sized sculptures of people an

10、d animals.?4279.screen skri:n n.?vt.?1?Our television has a 19-inch screen.?19?2?Her ambition is to write for the screen(=for television and films).?3?The nurse pulled a screen around the bed so that the doctor could examine the patient in private.?4?She raised her hand to screen her eyes from the b

11、right light.?5?I always screen my calls while Im eating dinner.?4280.screw skru:n.?v.?1?One of the screws is loose.?2?You need to screw all the parts together.?1141.crab krb n.?carve?1147.crawl kr:l vi.&n.?claw?1?The injured soldier crawled to safety.?2?Traffic moved forward at a crawl.?1155.creep k

12、ri:p vi.?1?He crept toward the edge of the cliff.?2?Someone was creeping around outside my window.?3?Mist had crept in from the sea.?1160.cripple kripl n.?vt.?crip=creep+-ple?1?People now use disabled person instead of cripple.?2?He was crippled by polio as a child.?3?a country crippled by war?4072.

13、reptile reptail n.?-rept-=creep?+?-ile?There is a fashion for keeping reptiles as pets.?331?1320.desk desk n.?1395.disc disk n.?disk?1414.dish di n.?4856.table teibl n.?vt.?board?1?The suggestion was tabled for discussion at a later date.?2?An amendment to the proposal was tabled.?4857.tablet tblit

14、n.?table?+(-le)t?1?a sleeping tablet?2?The poem was engraved on a tablet of stone.?1334.detail di:teil,diteil n.?vt.?de-?+-tail-?1?She refused to disclose any details about the plan.?2?The brochure details all the hotels in the area and their facilities.?4862.tailor teil n.?vt.?1?The tailor tailored

15、 him a suit.?+?2?Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.?4861.tail teil n.?vt.?1?The dog wagged its tail excitedly.?2?The police have put a tail on him.?3?A private detective had been tailing them for several weeks.?4114.retail ri:teil;riteil n.

16、?vt.?re-?1?The clothing company has six retail outlets in the city.?6?2?The company makes and retails sportswear.?1654.entail inteil vt.?formal?en-?1?The job entails a lot of hard work.?2?Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk.?4344.sew su v.?1?She sews all her childrens clothes.?2?My

17、grandmother taught me to sew.?4286.seam si:m n.?The bags we sell have very strong seams,so they will last for years.?4686.stitch stit n.?v.?1?He got hit with a broken bottle and needed five stitches in his cheek.?5?2?I got a stitch after running for the bus.?3?Stitch the pieces together along the fo

18、ld.?1339.deteriorate ditirireit vi.?de-?+-ter?+?-ior+?-ate?She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated.?2582.interior intiri adj.?n.?inter-?+?-ior?1?interior design?2?The interior of the country is mainly desert.?1796.exterior ikstiri adj.?n.?ex-?1?In some of the v

19、illages the exterior walls of the houses are painted pink.?332?2?The exterior of the house needs painting.?2585.internal int:nl adj.?inter-?+?-n-+?-al?1?The bank conducted its own internal investigation into the robbery.?2?The medicine is not for internal use.?3?The government warned its neighbours

20、not to interfere in its internal affairs.?1797.external ikst:nl adj.?1?the external walls of the building?2?This cream is for external use only(=it must not be put inside the body).?3?The government is committed to reducing the countrys external debt.?2596.into intu:,-tu,-t prep.?1?She dived into th

21、e water.?2?He was shocked into a confession of guilt.?2529.inner in adj.?inner beauty/world/voice?/?/?2599.intrinsic ntrnzk adj.?intrin=inter-?+-sic-=-sec-?1?the intrinsic value of education?2?These tasks were repetitive,lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest.?2581.interim intrim adj.?n.?1?an in

22、terim solution?2?Her new job does not start until May and she will continue in the old job in the interim.?2594.intimate intimt adj.?n.?intim?+?-ate?1?intimate friends?2?The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.?3?an intimate connection between class and educational success?4?an intimate of the

23、 movie star?2595.intimidate intimideit vt.?in-?+-timid-=fear?+?-ate?They were accused of intimidating people into voting for them.?timid tmd adj.?-tim-=fear?+?-id?He stopped in the doorway,too timid to go in.?3372.out aut adv.?adj.?3376.outer aut adj.?the outer layers of the skin?5221.utmost tmust a

24、dj.?n.?ut-=out?1?This is a matter of the utmost importance.?2?He did his utmost to persuade me not to go.?5222.utter t vt.?adj.?1?She did not utter a word during lunch.?2?The meeting was a complete and utter waste of time.?333?1294.dental dentl adj.?dent=tooth?+?-al?1295.dentist dentist n.?5037.toot

25、h tu:n.?pl.teeth?1302.depict dipikt vt.?de-?+-pict-=paint?3577.picture pikt n.?v.?3430.paint peint n.?v.?3431.painter peint n.?3432.painting peinti n.?v.?3593.pint paint n.?painted mark?1 gallon=4 quarts=8 pints?1312.describe diskraib vt.?de-?+-scrib(e)-=scar?1313.description diskripn n.?4281.script

26、 skript n.?4747.subscribe sbskraib vi.?to?vi.?sub-?3731.prescribe priskraib vt.?pre-?3732.prescription priskripn n.?2929.manuscript mnjuskript n.?-manu-?4276.scrape skreip vt.?n.?4275.scrap skrp n.?vt.?4282.scrutiny skru:tini n.?formal?scrut=scrap?+?-iny?4274.scramble skrmbl vi.?scrabble skrbl v.?42

27、77.scratch skrt v.?n.?4283.sculpture sklpt n.?-sculp-=scar?+?-(t)ure?4279.screen skri:n n.?vt.?4280.screw skru:n.?v.?1141.crab krb n.?carve?1147.crawl kr:l vi.&n.?claw?1155.creep kri:p vi.?1160.cripple kripl n.?vt.?crip=creep+-ple?4072.reptile reptail n.?-rept-=creep?+?-ile?1320.desk desk n.?1395.di

28、sc disk n.?disk?1414.dish di n.?4856.table teibl n.?vt.?board?4857.tablet tblit n.?table?+(-le)t?1334.detail di:teil,diteil n.?vt.?de-?+-tail-?4862.tailor teil n.?vt.?334?4861.tail teil n.?vt.?4114.retail ri:teil;riteil n.?vt.?re-?1654.entail inteil vt.?formal?en-?4344.sew su v.?4286.seam si:m n.?46

29、86.stitch stit n.?v.?1339.deteriorate ditirireit vi.?de-?+-ter?+?-ior+?-ate?2582.interior intiri adj.?n.?inter-?+?-ior?1796.exterior ikstiri adj.?n.?ex-?2585.internal int:nl adj.?inter-?+?-n-+?-al?1797.external ikst:nl adj.?2596.into intu:,-tu,-t prep.?2529.inner in adj.?2599.intrinsic ntrnzk adj.?i

30、ntrin=inter-?+-sic-=-sec-?2581.interim intrim adj.?n.?2594.intimate intimt adj.?n.?intim?+?-ate?2595.intimidate intimideit vt.?in-?+-timid-=fear?+?-ate?timid tmd adj.?-tim-=fear?+?-id?3372.out aut adv.?adj.?3376.outer aut adj.?5221.utmost tmust adj.?n.?ut-=out?5222.utter t vt.?adj.?335?E59?determine

31、?dismay?1340.determine dit:min vt.?de-?+-term-?+-ine?decide?1?He determined that one day he would be an actor.?2?Your health is determined in part by what you eat.?4917.term t:m n.?pl.?1?Many students now have paid employment during term.?2?He was sentenced to a 150-year prison term for cheating tho

32、usands of ordinary people out of their savings.?150?3?a technical/legal/scientific term?4?terms of employment?4918.terminal t:minl adj.?n.?1?She has terminal cancer.?2?The industry is in terminal decline.?3?Terminal 3 is used mostly for domestic flights.?4919.terminate t:mineit vi.?Your contract of

33、employment terminates in December.?1343.device divais n.?de-=dis-?+-vic(e)-=wide?1?electronic device?2?A trademark can be a powerful marketing device.?1345.devise divaiz vt.?1?A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.?2?Hes good at devising language games that you can play with s

34、tudents in class.?1448.divide divaid v.?by?1?He divides his energies between politics and business.?2?The cells began to divide rapidly.?3?30 divided by 6 is 5(30 6=5).?30?6?5?1070.contrive kntraiv vt.?con-?+-triv(e)-=trope?=turn?1?Somehow she contrived to get tickets for the concert.?2?Do you think

35、 you could contrive something for hanging my clothes on until I can get a wardrobe?5410.wide waid adj.?adv.?3158.narrow nru adj.?nervous?1?a narrow bridge/passage/gap?/?/?2?She has a very narrow view of the world.?1451.division divin n.?1?the equal division of labour between workers?2?the sales divi

36、sion?3?divisions between rich and poor?1449.dividend dividend n.?-end?336?Dividends will be sent to shareholders.?2488.individual,individjul,-dl adj.?n.?in-?+divid(e)?+?-ual?1?Like many creative individuals,she can be very bad-tempered.?2?respect for individual freedom?5412.widow widu n.?wide?2496.i

37、nevitable inevitbl adj.?in-?+e-?+-vit-=wide?+?-able?It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.?1369.digest dadest vt.?n.?di-?+-gest-=carry?1?You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest.?2?He paused,waiting for her to digest the information.?3?a monthly news digest?2109.

38、gesture dest n.?v.?1?They communicated entirely by gesture.?2?They gestured that I should follow.?3?She gestured for them to come in.?4771.suggest sdest v.?sug-=sub-?1?May I suggest a white wine with this dish,Sir?2?I suggested going in my car.?3?Theres no absolute proof,but all the evidence suggest

39、s(that)hes guilty.?4772.suggestion sdestn n.?4009.register redist n.&v.?v.?re-?+-gist-=-gest-?+-er?1?I registered the car in my name.?2?The thermometer registered 32C.?32?3?a registered letter?4?Guests write their names in the(hotel)register.?1725.exaggerate izdreit v.?ex-?+ag-=at-?+-ger-=carry?+?-a

40、te?Dont exaggerate-it wasnt that expensive.?1375.dim dim adj.?1?He sat in a dim corner of the waiting room.?2?We could see a dim(=not easily seen)shape in the fog.?1515.dumb dm adj.?Hes been deaf and dumb since birth.?1233.deaf def adj.?He was deaf to my requests for help.?1522.dust dst n.?v.?1?The

41、furniture was covered in dust.?2?I was dusting the vase when I noticed a crack.?1521.dusk dsk n.?dark?from dawn to dusk?337?1453.dizzy dizi adj.?dust?Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy and light-headed.?1482.doze duz vi.&n.?dizzy?1?My cat likes dozing in front of the fire.?2?I h

42、ad a doze on the train.?1473.dorm drm n.?dormitory?dormitory?I had no food in my dorm,so I had to go to canteen.?1514.dull dl adj.?1?Life in a small town could be deadly dull.?2?Her eyes were dull.?3?a dull pupil?4?a dull knife?1461.doll dl n.?Dorothy?Sally for Sarah,Hal for Harold?1?I like that lov

43、ely doll.?2?Shes quite a doll.?1525.dwell dwel vi.?dust?1?She dwelt in remote parts of Asia for many years.?2?So you made a mistake,but theres no need to dwell on it.?1526.dwelling dweli n.?2049.fume fju:m n.?vi.?1?car exhaust fumes?2?She sat in the car,silently fuming at the traffic jam.?3532.perfu

44、me pfju:m n.?v.?per-?+fume?1?She adores French perfume.?2?The garden was perfumed with the smell of roses.?1527.dye dai n.?v.?dust?1?There are dozens of different dyes to choose from.?2?He dyed his hair black.?4636.stain stein n.?v.?stay?1?You can remove a red wine stain from a carpet by sprinkling

45、salt over it.?2?Tomato sauce stains terribly-its really difficult to get it out of clothes.?1378.dine dain vi.?1?I hate dining alone.?2?We dined by candlelight.?1379.dinner din n.?578.breakfast brekfst n.?v.?break?+fast?1849.fast f:st,fst adj.?adv.?firm?1?Movable items were made fast to the deck.?2?

46、He tried to get away,but she held him fast.?4483.slow slu adj.?v.?down?4464.slack slk adj.?n.?pl.?1?These tent ropes are too slack-they need tightening.?2?Hes been very slack in his work lately.?3?Business is always slack at this time of year.?4?Theres too much slack in the rope.?5?Theres very littl

47、e slack in the budget.?338?1850.fasten f:sn,f-v.?1?Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.?2?The window wouldnt fasten.?1925.fix fiks vt.?n.?fasten?1?They couldnt fix my old computer,so I bought a new one.?2?Shall we fix a time for our next meeting?3?We fixed the bookcase to the wall.?4?Whose

48、 turn is it to fix dinner?5?His eyes were fixed on the distant yacht.?6?The result was a fix!?7?Im in a bit of a fix with the arrangements.?1926.fixture fikst n.?1?All fixtures and fittings are included in the house price.?2?Next seasons fixtures will be published early next month.?1865.feast fi:st

49、n.?1?a wedding feast?2?The evening was a real feast for music lovers.?3?a visual feast?1887.festival festvl n.?a folk/pop/rock festival?/?/?1823.fair fe adj.?n.?feast?1?Why should I have to do all the cleaning?Its not fair!?2?Shes got fair hair and blue eyes.?3?All my family are fair-skinned.?4?Weve

50、 had a fair number of applicants.?1824.fairly feli adv.?1?He claimed that he hadnt been treated fairly by his employers.?2?Shes fairly tall.?1825.fairy feri n.?Do you believe in fairies?2888.lunch lnt n.?1388.dirt d:t n.?His coat was covered with dirt.?1389.dirty d:ti adj.?vt.?1?You have a really di


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