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1、第3讲 主旨大意题 主旨大意题考查考生对文章内容的深层次理解主旨大意题考查考生对文章内容的深层次理解,它要求考生在充分理解全文的前提下它要求考生在充分理解全文的前提下,对整篇文章的对整篇文章的主旨大意有一个较为清晰的印象主旨大意有一个较为清晰的印象,既考查细节理解能力既考查细节理解能力,又考查深层次的推理、概括能力又考查深层次的推理、概括能力,难度较大。难度较大。【明命题方式】【明命题方式】把握主旨大意题常见的命题方式把握主旨大意题常见的命题方式:1.What would be the best title for the text /What is the topic of the text

2、 2.The main idea/The general idea/The main theme of this passage is _.3.The last paragraph ends the passage with an emphasis on _.4.What is mainly discussed in the text 5.Whats the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph 6.Which of the following statements is best supported by

3、the text 7.The passage mainly focuses on _.【晓解题捷径】【晓解题捷径】题型题型 特点特点 解题技巧解题技巧 主题类主题类(内容内容)考查文考查文章或段章或段落的主落的主旨大意旨大意 找主题句四窍门找主题句四窍门:(1)段落中出现表示转折的词语段落中出现表示转折的词语(如如however,but,in fact,actually等等)时时,该句很可能是主题句。该句很可能是主题句。(2)首段出现疑问句时首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的回答很可能就对该问题的回答很可能就是文章主旨。是文章主旨。(3)作者有意识地重复的观点作者有意识地重复的观点,通常是主旨通常是

4、主旨;反复出反复出现的词语现的词语,一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。(4)表示总结或结论的句子常包含表示总结或结论的句子常包含therefore,thus,in short,conclude,conclusion等词。等词。题型题型 特点特点 解题技巧解题技巧 标题类标题类 要求考生要求考生选出文章选出文章的最佳标的最佳标题题 文章标题三特点文章标题三特点:(1)形式一般为单词、短语或句形式一般为单词、短语或句子子,短语居多短语居多;(2)短小精悍短小精悍,精确性强精确性强;(3)涵盖性强涵盖性强,能覆盖全文大意。能覆盖全文大意。技法技法1 依据文章正三角形写作法依据文

5、章正三角形写作法,锁定文首锁定文首,找出主题找出主题句句 中心主题句出现在文首。开门见山中心主题句出现在文首。开门见山,提出主题提出主题,随随之用细节来解释、支撑或开展主题句所表达的主题思之用细节来解释、支撑或开展主题句所表达的主题思想。这是英语中最常见的演绎法写作方式想。这是英语中最常见的演绎法写作方式,即由一般到即由一般到特殊特殊,先提出观点先提出观点,后举例论证后举例论证,主题句那么出现在文首。主题句那么出现在文首。大意题、标题一般可在第一段找到答题依据。大意题、标题一般可在第一段找到答题依据。【典例】【典例】(2022 全国卷全国卷B)For Western designers,Chi

6、na and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative.“Its no secret that China has always been a source(来源来源)of inspiration for designers,says Amanda Hill,chief creative officer at A+E Networks,a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion(时尚时尚)shows.Earlier th

7、is year,the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art,with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics(美学美学)on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for c

8、enturies.The exhibition had record attendance,showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences.“China is impossible to overlook,says Hill.“Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world,which means Chinese women are not just consume

9、rs of fashion they are central to its movement.Of course,not only are todays top Western designers being influenced by Chinasome of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese.“Vera Wang,Alexander Wang,Jason Wu are taking on Galliano,Albaz,Marc Jacobsand beating them hands down

10、 in design and sales,adds Hill.For Hill,it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion.“The most famous designers are Chinese,so are the models,and so are the consumers,she says.“China is no longer just another market;in many senses it has become the market.If

11、 you talk about fashion today,you are talking about Chinaits influences,its direction,its breathtaking clothes,and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways.What can be a suitable title for the text A.Young Models Selling Dreams to the World B.A Chinese Art Exhibitio

12、n Held in New York C.Differences Between Eastern and Western Aesthetics D.Chinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends【技法点金】【技法点金】通读全文通读全文,定位原文第一段定位原文第一段For Western designers,China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative.可知可知,中国及其丰富的中国及其丰富的文化一直是西方创意的灵感源泉。文化一直是

13、西方创意的灵感源泉。仔细比照选项仔细比照选项,应选应选_。D 技法技法2 依据文章倒三角形写作法依据文章倒三角形写作法,锁定文尾锁定文尾,找出主题找出主题句句 主题句出现在文尾。在细节后主题句出现在文尾。在细节后,归纳要点、印象、归纳要点、印象、结论、建议或结果结论、建议或结果,以概括主题。这是英语中最常见的以概括主题。这是英语中最常见的归纳法写作方式归纳法写作方式,即细节表述的句子在前即细节表述的句子在前,概括性的句概括性的句子居后子居后,主题句那么常位于末段。主题句那么常位于末段。【典例】【典例】(2022 全国卷全国卷D)During the rosy years of elementa

14、ry school(小学小学),I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes,which allowed me to keep my high social status.I was the queen of the playground.Then came my tweens and teens,and mean girls and cool kids.They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes,breaking rules and playing jokes on

15、others,among whom I soon found myself.Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology.Mitch Prinstein,a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories:the likable and the status seekers.The likables plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships

16、,jump-start interpersonal skills and,when tapped early,are employed ever after in life and work.Then theres the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence:status born of power and even dishonorable behavior.Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed,Dr.Prinsteins studies show unpleasant consequences.Those who were highest in status in high school,as well as those least liked in elementary school,are“most likely to engage(从事从事)in dangerous and risky behavior.In one study,Dr.Prinstein examined


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