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1、Unit6合同的标的篇一:中英文合同标的对照格式合同标的文件翻译中英文对照Subject of Contract 合同标的1.1. The Buyer agrees to buy from the Seller and the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer the Steam Dryer (hereinafter referred to as Equipment) and Spare Parts. The scope of the Sellers supply of Equipment is defined in Annex No. 1 and list

2、s of spare parts are defined in Annex No. 5 attached to this Contract.买方同意从卖方处购置蒸汽枯燥机和备件,卖方同意向买方出售蒸汽枯燥机(以下简称“设备)和备件。卖方的设备供应范围在本合同的附录1中载明,备件清单在本合同的附录5中载明。 1.2. The Seller is obligated to supply the Buyer with the engineering and engineering documents necessary for the construction, assembly, erection

3、, test runs, production, production management and maintenance, drawings and documents for construction and erection, manuals for erection, operation, maintenance and inspection of equipment and other relevant technical documentation (hereinafter called Technical Documentation). The scope of the Sel

4、lers supply of the Engineering and the Technical Documentation and the delivery time, etc. are defined in Annex No. 6 attached hereto.卖方有义务向买方提供工程效劳,并提供建造、装配、安装、试运行、制造、制造管理、维护所需的工程文件,设备安装、运行、维护、检验手册,以及其他相关技术文件(以下统称“技术文件)。卖方须提供的工程效劳和技术文件的范围,以及其他规定(如交付时间等),在本合同的附录6中载明。1.3. The Seller is obligated to s

5、end to the Buyers Plant site skilled, competent, healthy and experienced technical personnel to give technical instruction in construction, assembly, erection, commissioning and performance test of the Equipment. The treatment and conditions of the Sellers technical personnel in China and other rele

6、vant provisions are specified in Annex. No. 7 attached hereto.卖方有义务派遣技能熟练的、有能力的、健康的和有经验的技术人员到买方的工厂现场工作,就设备的建造、装配、安装、试车和性能测试提供技术指导。卖方技术人员在中国工作的条件和待遇,以及其他相关规定,在本合同的附录7中载明。1.4. The Equipment and Spare Parts to be supplied by the Seller to the Buyer under this Contract shall be of the Sellers latest, mo

7、st advanced and most mature design, technology and equipment at the time of entering into this Contract.卖方根据本合同向买方供应的设备和备件,须是在签订本合同时卖方最新、最先进、最成熟的设计、技术和设备。Article 2 第二条Price 价格2.1. The total price of the Equipment and Spare Parts including their Engineering and Technical Documentation to be supplied

8、by the Seller as specified in Annexes 1 and 5, hereof is设备和备件的总价格,包括卖方依照本合同附录1和附录5提供的工程效劳和技术文件,为:华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关合同标的的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Subject of ContractEUR ,- (Euros)欧元 (大写: 欧元)2.2. The above mentioned price in 2.1 is fi

9、xed price for delivery of Equipment and Spare Parts (hereinafter called goods) on basis of CIF Shantou (Incoterms 2022).以上第2.1条所述之价格,为卖方基于CIF汕头到岸价(CIF价格条件根据2022年国际贸易术语解释通那么解释)交付设备和备件的固定价格。 2.3 The fees for technical services shall be paid according to the Annex No.7. The unit prices are fixed and fi

10、rm for the year 2023. 买方应依据本合同附录7的规定,向卖方支付技术效劳费。 2023年技术效劳费的单价为固定价格和实价。2.4. The above mentioned total Contract price includes all packing charges, freight, insurance and all other charges and costs incurred before the Seller delivers all Technical Documentation CIP ShanghaiAirport, China (Incoterms

11、2022).以上所述的合同总价,包括所有包装费用、运费、保险费,以及在卖方依据CIP上海机场价格条件(CIP,运费及保险费付至,根据2022年国际贸易术语解释通那么解释)将技术文件交付给买方之前所发生的其他所有费用。装运文件 Shipping Documents6.1. Immediately after each shipment is effected, the Seller shall deliver the originals of documents for L/C negotiation to his bank as mentioned in Article 3.完成每批货物的装运

12、后,卖方应立即将本合同第三条中所述的装运文件的正本提交给卖方银行,以对信用证进行议付。3 (three) copies of each above-mentioned document shall be sent by the Seller to the Buyer directly by express mail.卖方应将以上所述的每份文件的3份副本,用特快转递直接寄送给买方。6.2. The Seller shall send to the Buyer by express mail immediately after each dispatch of the Technical Docu

13、mentation, the following documents:在每次发送技术文件后,卖方应立即用特快转递将以下文件寄送给买方: a. 空运提单的三份副本Airway Bill in 3 (three) copiesb. 三份技术文件的详细清单Detailed List of Technical Documentation in 3 (three) copiesTo following address: 买方的收件地址如下:篇二:国际贸易理论与实务 第六章合同的标的第六章货物的品质、数量和包装第一节 货物的品质商品是进出口合同的物质根底。买卖双方在进行交易时,不仅要明确商品的名称,还要规

14、定它的具体品质,否那么就无从肯定买卖合同的物质根底,交易也就无法进行。商品的品质是指商品的外观形态和内在质量的综合。品质的好坏不仅影响到销价和销路,还将影响到一个企业乃至一个国家的声誉。每个企业都应像保护自己的生命一样维护企业的产品声誉。品质条件在书面合同中包括“货号、品名和规格一栏。一、表示品质的方法表示品质的方法根本上有两大类:一是用文字来说明,二是以样品来表示。(一)凭文字说明表示品质的方法此方法即“凭文字说明销售(Sale by Description),具体可分为以下几种:1、凭规格、等级或标准交易(Sale by Specification,Grade or Standard) 例

15、19317中国绿茶特珍一级9317 China Green Tea Special Chunmee。国际化标准组织(ISO)于1987年发布了ISO9000标准系列,这一标准系列主要是规定了生产企业要靠产品质量保证体系来运行,从而保证产品的质量。在经过有关机构合格认证,确认产品符合标准要求,经“认证企业的产品就可以进入国际市场,而未经 “认证的企业不能进入国际市场。现在越来越多的国家通过采用这个国际标准系列,来提高出口生产企业的信誉和知名度,增强在国际市场的竞争能力。对于某些农副土特水产品,由于难以确定统一的标准,一般采用“良好平均品质(Fair Average Quality,F.A.Q)或

16、“上好可销品质(Good Merchantable Quality,G.M.Q)来表示。“良好平均品质是指一定时期内某地出口商品的平均品质水平。所谓“上好可销品质,是指卖方只须保证货物品质良好、适合销售。因此我们可以看出,上述两种品质表示方法,其“标准含义非常笼统,事实上并不代表固定、确切的品质规格。在使用时,除了注明F.A.Q或G.M.Q字样外,最好还应订明商品的主要规格指标。2、凭牌名或商标交易(Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark)例如:大白兔奶糖 White Rabbit Brand Creamy Candy蝴蝶牌缝纫机 Butterfly Brand Sewing Machine欧米茄手表Omega Watch3、凭产地名称交易(Sale by Original Products)例如:四川榨菜 Sichuan Preserved Vegetable金华火腿 Jinhua


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