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1、英语四级作文四级作文 Honesty 世界上大局部甚至所有的文化和宗教都将老实称赞为一种美德。如果要刘局出我们希望能在朋友或恋人身上扎到的一些品质,很多人都会把老实列在首位。事实上,很多人也行认为老实是其他人的事,而与自己无关。但是考虑到撒谎和欺骗会带来不良影响,我认为老实会为自己带来的是最大的利益。 一方面,不老实对心里健康也会带来严重的负面影响。不老实的人即使他们尚未被“发现,也会在心里承受内疚感和羞耻感。这是因为,尽管撒谎是不道德的,不局部撒谎的人内心深处还是有道德观念的。另一方面,那些做出误导或欺骗行为的人是迟早要被揭穿的。当然,一次次的谎话也学都可能会侥幸不被发现。但是,一旦发现,撒

2、谎的人面临的可能就是巨大的损失,甚至导致他们身败名裂。根据欺诈的性质,有些人的谎话被揭露后,可能意味着失去工作,众叛亲离甚至有可能要蹲监狱。 总体而言,虽然我们周边的欺诈行为不可能被去除,但是我们可以决定自己是否要做一个老实的人,城市到什么程度。考虑到撒谎带来的不良影响包括损害精神健康以及受到沉重的损失,毋庸置疑,做一老实的人是我们唯一的选择。 【参考范文】 Honesty is regarded as a virtue by most, if not all, of the worlds cultures and religions. Many of us, if asked to enum

3、erate动词,列举 the qualities we seek in a friend or a partner, would place honesty at the top of the list. In reality, many people seem to think that being honest is for others and not for themselves. However, I believe that, given the negative consequences of lying and deception名词,欺骗, practicing honest

4、y is in our own best interest n 利益. For one thing, being dishonest can have serious side-effects n 副作用 on our mental health. Dishonest people even if they have not yet been “found out, are likely to carry guilt and shame inside them. This is because, although lying is an immoral adj不道德, most liars s

5、till have a conscience deep down 内心深处inside. For another thing, those who misleads v误导 or lie to others are bound to be caught sooner or later. Indeed, people may get away with侥幸逃脱 lying once or even several times. However, the one time that they get caught could entail v需要,承当 great loss, or even sp

6、ell their downfall n 衰败. Depending on the nature n 本质 of deception, having ones lies could mean losing ones job, being deserted by friends and family, or even spending time in jail. Generally speaking, while it may be impossible to eliminate v 减少the deceit n 欺骗that exists around us, each of us can d

7、ecide whether, and to what extent, to practice truthfulness ourselves. Considering the adverse adj 不利的 influence that lying can have including destroying our mental heath and , ultimately adv 终于, causing us to suffer great loss it is apparent that honesty is our only viable adj 可行的option. 如今的大学生的花销越

8、来越高,因为有家里的经济支援,有不少大学生对金钱的使用毫无概念,铺张浪费现象比比皆是。但是其实,花的钱并非自己挣得,是父母辛辛苦苦的血汗钱,所以,还是需要多少节俭一些的。 作文题目:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Extravagant Spending on College Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline b

9、elow: 1)很多大学生每月的花销越来越高,根本没有节俭的概念, 2)分析产生这一现象的原因, 3)我的看法。 参考范文:Extravagant Spending on College Campus According to a survey, in recent years the monthly expenditure n 消费支出 of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students have no concept of thrift n 节俭 in their mind. They take it

10、 for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into the society. This extravagant adj 奢侈的spending is primarily caused by the following factors. First of all, nowadays most of the students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their familys eyes父母眼中的掌

11、上明珠 and naturally get more care and pocket money. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditure of their children. Moreover, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tend to need more money. Finally, campus love校园恋情 is also a possible fact

12、or causing extravagant spending. From my point of view, a college student, as a pure consumer, should learn to be thrifty. We should limit our expenditure on daily necessities but not buy whatever we want regardless of their prices. The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable

13、adj 有帮助的 有利的 to our future development. 俗话说:读书如交友。通过书,你可以和几千年前的孔子、苏格拉底交流思想,你也可以与几百年前的曹雪芹、卢梭围炉恳谈。可是你和几个伟大的灵魂交流过 参考例文一: Life is a journey,during which we are all in desperate need of a true friend. Books,to a large extent,are considered as the best friends of many individuals.However,in contemporary s

14、ociety,due to the accelerated tempo n 节奏 of life,many people are so indulged 使放纵,沉溺于 in the internet that they do not read books any more,thus suffering from moral desertification 道德荒漠化.Hence 因此, the value of reading books is highlighted again. Persistent attention should be paid to books for severa

15、l reasons. First,with a broad coverage of subjects and topics,books enable one to become better.According to a saying,there is no royal road and to learning.Whats more,since time-honored 历史悠久books accumulate the wisdom of ancient talents,it is books that offer people the possibility to attain an in-

16、depth understanding of history and culture得到更深层次的了解.Last but not least,books assist people to fully enjoy their leisure adj空闲的time. To sum up,it is imperative adj 必须的 for people from all walks of life to read books-perpetual永久的 adj friends in human life.Not only should we read masterpieces to realize the ancient wisdom,we should also read all kinds of books selectively有选择的 to learn human life. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minut

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