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1、新标准英语九年级上Module 12 Unit 3教学设计设计者课题名称课时义乌市苏溪镇中NSE 九(上)Module 12Period Three教学内容Unit 3 Language in use设计思路采用“先学后教的教学方式,课前发给每位学生学案导学,注重培养学生自觉学习的能力。课堂上面向全体,由浅入深,循序渐进深化教学内容。展开以教师为主导,学生为主体的师生双边活动,鼓励学生小组合作学习。 教学目标1语言知识目标:掌握Unit 3的词汇;进一步理解和掌握谓语动词与前面主语一致。2语言技能目标:能对某一语言现象进行大致的理解与归纳;能用英文叙写自己暑期的经历与活动。3情感目标:培养学生

2、团结协作的精神;了解西方文化,增强学英语的责任感。重点难点1教学重点:谓语动词与前面主语一致。2教学难点:集体名词与某些代词作主语时对谓语动词的选择。Period Three教学步骤设计说明Step 1. Warming-up Enjoy an English song: “Summer time.旨在给学生营造一个轻松愉快的学习气氛。Step 2. Free answers1. What is your favorite music group2. Where does your family live3. What is the name of one of your best frien

3、ds4. What lesson is your class going to have after this one 5.What sports team do you support, and why 通过自由问答含本模块语言知识点的问题,凸现主谓一致,训练学生说的能力。Step 3. Revision 1. Present some sentences including the structure.2. Complete the sentences with the right form of the words. (Activity 1)3. Summarize the gramma

4、r in Module 12.让学生按照从复现理解练习归纳稳固练习的顺序,由浅入深,着重掌握本模块重点。Step 4. Practice 1. Ss revise some words and phrases in Unit 12.2. Ss do Activity 2.5.3. Check the answers together.4. Puzzle time.学生自主复习,练习符合本模块主题的句子、短文填空,到达稳固词汇和拓宽主题内容的目的,并为下一步听力内容作铺垫。Step 5. Listening 1. Make sure the Ss understand the questions

5、 and the ad.2. Listen to the recording twice or more. (Activity 7)3. Check the answers together. 同一听力材料,不同形式要求,着重培养学生捕捉信息的能力,同时让学生进一步了解中西方文化的交流与差异。Step 6. Around the worldAsk Ss read the short passage about summer camps in Canada and the USA, then answer two questions. (1)Where do the children often

6、 sleep during the summer camp(2)What do they do there 培养学生快速阅读掌握信息的能力。了解西方学生的夏令营活动,引出下一步的讨论主题。Step 7. Group work1. Watch some pictures about summer camps or summer holidays.2. Work in groups and discuss what they did in a summer camp or what they will do in it.3. Ask several Ss to have a report for it.要求学生通过小组合作收集信息,着重培养学生的听、说、写的能力和合作学习精神。Step 8. HomeworkA: Revise the words and expressions in Module 12.B: Write a short story about your summer camps or your past experience in summer holidays.分层次布置作业,兼顾两头,培养学生的主动性,又表达了学以致用的原那么。


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