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1、Unit 1 教 学 目 标语 言 知 识类别内 容课次要求词 汇training, bell, whole, learn.from., tidy1A掌 握article, granny, describe, afford, education, develop, development, picture, when, abroad1Bhungry, divide, divide.into., use, elder, recent, rapid, progress, make progress, present, dream1Cthanks to, capital, note, composi

2、tion, consider, draw up, check, right, example1Dyet, already, everybody, population, take place, policy, possible2Aincrease, rise, medical2Bdifficulty, energy, trouble, less, offer2Cunless, couple, a couple of, market, excellent, even though, difference, grandson2Dprovide, stairs3Afair, excite3Bskil

3、l, drug, succeed, purpose, mention, war3Csocial, home and abroad3Ddisabled1A理 解detail, in detail, support, child laborer, nowadays, rapidly, entertainment1Bnarrow1Cslogan, billion, outline, title, conclusion1Dscenery, one-child policy 2Aum, lifespan, conclude, medical care 2Bhuman being2CHard-workin

4、g, pressure2Dhomeless, flood, mate3Adisobey3CProject Hope, French3D语 言 知 识类别内 容语 法1.现在完成时You have just come back from your hometown.Where have you been, JaneI have been to Mount Huang with my parents.Have you ever fed the disabled childrenYes, I have. / No, I havent.Ive just tried to call you.Have y

5、ou found him yetYes, he has already gone home.Has he ever been abroad2.直接引语和间接引语“What are you reading, Jane Maria asked.Maria asked Jane what she was reading.Jane said, “Im reading a newspaper from Canada.Jane said that she was reading a newspaper from Canada.“Are there homeless people in CanadaMari

6、a asked Jane.Maria asked Jane if there were homeless people in Canada.3.构词法(1)合成法:filmmaker, granddaughter, friendship, fireplace(2)派生法:disobey, rewrite, impossible, unhappy, laborer, peaceful, homelessness, snowy, exciting, rapidly功 能 和 话 题1.谈论假期发生的事情。2.谈论社会环境发生的变化。3.谈论人口问题。4.谈论社会效劳问题。5.谈论城乡生活的区别。6

7、.谈论有关社会问题的话题。7.谈论北京2023年奥运会。8.谈论童工和希望工程的话题。Topic 1 Section AThe main activities are 1a, 1c and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a, 1c和2a。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.Master some new words and useful expressions:training, bell, whole, learnfrom, tidy2.Master the present perfect:(1)You have just come back from your ho

8、metown.(2)Where have you been(3)I have been to.(4) Have you ever.3. Talk about what they did and what they have done in their summer holidays.Teaching aids教具录音机/多媒体课件或风景图片/印度童工图片/小黑板.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:8分钟)(以谈论学生暑假生活的形式复习一般过去时,引出现在完成时。)T: Nice to see you again af

9、ter a wonderful summer holiday. You enjoyed yourselves during the vacation, didnt youSs: Yes/Sure. We had a good time.T: I think so. You could do the things that you liked to do. Could you tell me what you did and where you wentS1: Certainly. I visited my aunt. She lives in Dalian. I learnt how to s

10、wim.S2: I climbed the Mount Tai. It was so great.S3: I had to stay at home to help my parents with housework.S4: I must study hard all day. In the morning, I did my homework at home. And in the afternoon, I had to have English class to improve my English. I felt tired.(同学们七嘴八舌纷纷站起来说暑假中他们的所见所闻。老师对着S4

11、。)T: Well done. Though you had little rest, you learnt much.(面向全体同学总结学生假期中的活动,引出主人公康康在暑假中的活动。)T: S1 has been to Dalian. He/She learnt how to swim there.S2 has been to Mount Tai. S3 has stayed at home to help his/her parents.S4 has been to a summer class to improve his/her English.How about Kangkang(

12、稍停顿,引起学生的注意。)T: Kangkang has been to an English Training School.He has improved his English a lot.(板书)has/ have been to training school has/ have improved(在新单词及过去分词下划线,教师讲解 training school。)(适时运用现在完成时,引出新单词。)T: Most of us have been to other places. But Kangkangs another classmate, Ann did a lot of t

13、hings to help disabled children. Disabled children means the children who cant use a part of their body properly.(可出示一张残疾儿童照片帮助学生理解disabled children。)Ann fed them, told them stories and cleaned their rooms.The activities are useful. We can learn a lot from them.(板书)Learn fromAnn stayed in a disabled

14、 childrens home during the summer holiday. That means she spent the whole holiday there.(板书)wholeT:S1(学生的名字) has been to Dalian. And I have been to.(教师向学生展示一张有许多游人的风景画。)Ss: Wow! How beautiful!T: But there were so many people that I couldnt find a good place to take photos.T: Do you want to know what

15、 Kangkang and his classmates have done in their vacationSs: Of course.Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)(方案一)(多媒体播放丽塔印度见闻:印度童工图片,简和父母登黄山图片,康康在仁爱英语培训学校学习的图片。)1. T: Now, listen to the tape. Kangkang and his friends are talking about their different experiences during their holidays. Pay attention to what they have done.(播放1a录音,注意文中主人公在暑假中的活动。)T: Please tell me: Who has just come back from India, Sally or Ri


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