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1、明特教育教学辅导教案学科:英语 任课教师:吕老师 授课时间: 2023 年10 月 20日姓名年级三年级性别男教学课题1单词认读2,be动词学习3.句子的认读教学目标重点难点课堂教学过程复习:老师和多名学生自由对话T: Hi. XXXS1: Hi. Miss Yu.T: This is XXX.Ss: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.实例:T: Hi. Im Miss “Aa. Im your new teacher.Ss: Hi. Miss “Aa.T: This is “Bb. w W w .Ss: Nice to meet you.S

2、1: Nice to meet you, too. 抄写以下单词:1. pig 2. morning 3.study 4. play 5. see 6. tiger 7. duck 8. book 9. uncle 10. eat练习一:、选出句子所缺的单词。( )1. Hello, is Mr. Chen.A. this B. it( )2. How you.A. is B. are( )3. My is Janet.A. name B. brother( )4. Im , thank you.( )5.Hi, Im new teacher.( )6. morning.A. Good B.H

3、ow二单项选择:( )1. A:Whats your name B: A.Hello. B.My name is Xiaohong. C.Thanks. ( )2. A:Hello, Miss White. B: A. Hello. B. Im Jiamin. C. Im OK.( )3. A:Good afternoon,children. B: A. Good evening, Mr White. B. Good afternoon, Mr White.C. Good morning, Mr White.( )4. A:How are you B: A. Nice to meet you.

4、 B. Im fine,thanks. C. And you( )5. A:This is my brother, Mike. B: A. Hi, Mike. B. Im Mike. C. Thank you. ( )6. A:Good morning, Xiaoling. B: A. Im zhou yongxian.( )7. A:Hello, am Lily.( )8. A:Nice to meet .()9. A:Good evening, Lucy. B: A. Goodbye, Lucy. B. Hello, class. C. Good evening, Lucy.三写出相邻的字

5、母1. M 2. B 3. J 4. g 5. x 6. K 7. w 8. l 9. f 10. y 四、填空,使对话完整。A: _ !B: Hi !A: Im Mr Green. Whats your name B: Im Tom.A: are you, Tom B: Im , you A: Im OK. A._ bye. B: Good bye. 五、选出相应的答句,把所选答句的字母编号写在括号内。(8 % )( ) 1.Good afternoon. A . Good morning . B. Good afternoon . ( ) 2.Whats your name A . I a

6、m Ben Webb . B . Hello . ( ) 3.Wash your hands. A . All right , Dad . B . Thank you .( ) 4.How are you A . How are you B . I am fine , thank you .六、根据图片,在括号里写出单词的英文大写字母编号。( 8 % ) A、head B、foot C、nose D、armE、hair F、eye G、face H、hand七 用英语在方框内写出以下人体部位的名称 八抄写句子:听吕老师读句子,然后写下来。 www . 复习及作业 小学三年级第一学期英语练习(M

7、odule 1-3)Class(班级): Name(姓名): 一、看图填入所缺单词。1.-Whats that 2. Is this a desk -Its a _ . -No, its a _ .3. -Wheres the ball 4、Open your , children.-Its _ box. - OK.5.-Where is the bag 6、Brush your . -It is the bed.二、看下面两幅图把句子补充完整。1、Wheres the book Its the .2、Wheres the bag Its the 3、Is the pencil-case on the desk ,it is .4、Is the box on the desk ,it isnt.三、看图根据单词的第一个字母补全单词。4、Ben! Clean your t . 5、Wash your h , please. 6、Touch your t . 7、Raise your right l . 8、Close your m . 9、Touch the t , please.签字教师:家长或学生阅后意见及签字: 家长签名: 教师评价


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