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1、天道酬勤高考英语写作失分原因分析陈才对书面表达中的常见错误,考生应该熟知并躲避,在考试中沉着应考,细心应对,力求书面表达做到“全、准、雅、顺。书面表达中的主要失分点有以下三个方面。一、拼写错误,表达随意标点符号与大小写的常见错误如下:1.某些专有名词应该大写而没有大写。或将某些词误作专有名词大写的情况。如:There is a temple on the Top of the mountain.应为:There is a temple on the top of the mountain.2.句子中不使用任何标点符号,从而无法区分句子的结构。如:I got up early this morn

2、ing went to the school and cleaned the classroom.應为:I got up early this morning,went to the school and cleaned the classroom.3.句子的结尾随意打点,句子散乱。如:Li Ming didnt come to the school.Because he was ill oday.这两句有因果关系,应用逗号将两句连起来,所以应改为:Li Ming didntcometothe school,be-cause he was ill today.4.用冒号代替逗号。在英语书信开头

3、出现“DearTom:,应为“Dear Tom.。5.使用英语中没有的标点符号。如用顿号来代替英语的标点符号。如:In the park,I saw some trees、flowers、birds、in-sects.应为:In the park,I saw some trees,flowers,birdsand insects.如用汉语中的书名号。英语中需要用引号来代替书名号。如:Can you lend meThe Arabian Nights?应为:Canyou lend me“The Arabian Nights?6.英语中的句号写法与汉语中的不同,英语中的句号是一个实心点,而汉语中用

4、圆圈。如:Having finished his homework,Xiao Li went home。应为:Having finished his homework,Xiao Li wenthome.以上种种错误都是误用标点或者滥用标点,另外还要注意大小写的问题,在写作完成后,检查全文时应注意以下几点:注意标题的大小写。标题开头第一个词的首字母要大写,除介词、冠词、连词以外,每个词的首字母都可大写。姓与名的第一个字母要大写。如:丁俊晖应写成Ding Junhui,不能写成Ding Jun Hui。专有名词中实词的首字母要大写。如the United States of America。英语中


6、字可组成各种词组,在英语中要用多种词组来表示,如:请假ask for leave,请人吃饭invite sb.for dinner,请问/劳驾excuse me,请人唱歌ask sb.to sing a song,请医生send sb.for a doc-tor,请随意help yourself。有些考生在写作时。常常把一些固定词组、习惯用语和固定句型错误搭配。结果写出来的句子让人看不懂。你愿意帮我个忙吗?误:Will you give me a favour?正:Will you do me a favour?析:“帮某人一个忙“给某人恩惠应是do sb.afavour。在回家的路上,史密斯

7、夫人的钱包被抢了。误:Mrs.Smiths wallet was robbed from her on her way home.正:Mrs.Smiths wallet was stolen from her on her way home.正:Mrs.Smiths wallet was robbed of her on her way home.析:“抢某人某物可译为“steal+某物+from+某人或某地或“rob+某人或某地+of+某物。你认为工程师的演讲怎么样?误:How do you think of the speech made bv the en-gineer?正:What d

8、o you think of the speech made by the engineer?析:本句出错的原因在于考生对Whatthink of的结构概念模糊,再加上母语的干扰。What在这一结构中作think的宾语。What do you think of还可以说成How do you like?How在句子中是疑问副词。作状语。三、结构混乱,成分残缺1.句子缺谓语一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两局部祈使句除外。如果把句子的某一个局部当成一个句子,就会导致句子不完整。误:The building like a match box.正:The building is/looks like a m

9、atch box.误:He told me that all my classmates sitting in the classroom.正:He told me that all my classmates were sitting in the classroom.两个各含有主语和谓语的分句不能写在一起,也不能只用逗号隔开。误:There were foreigners came to our school.正:There were foreigners who came to our school.误:The book was interesting,I read it rapidly

10、.正:The book was interesting;I read it rapidly.正:The book was interesting,and I read it rapidly.2.缺少主句有的考生因为对句子结构认识模糊。所以出现只写从句的现象,这也是造成失分的原因之一。误:Because the kids thought their wages were too low.正:Because the kids thought their wages were too low,they demanded a high pay.誤:While waiting for the bus.正

11、:While waiting for the bus.he talked with the lit-tle girl.3.be动词遗漏在主系表结构中。汉语中没有动词的句子是允许的。英语中每个完整的句子都必须有动词来承当谓语,如:“我累了。这个句子没有动词作谓语,而用形容词,但英语中的形容词不能作谓语,一定要写成“Im tired。误:He will sure to come and help me.正:He will be sure to come and help me.4.介词、冠词遗漏还有一些考生因为没有熟练掌握介词或者冠词的用法,所以会出现明显的错误,造成丢分。误:Because hi

12、s mistake several people died.正:Because of his mistake several people died.误:I have never seen such beautiful picture.正:I have never seen such a beautiful picture.5.修饰语错位英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能发生变化。对这一点不少考生往往重视不够,因而造成不必要的误解。如:I believe I can do it well and 1 will better know the world outside the campus.析:修饰语better的位置不当,应置于句末。责任编校/彭益


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