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1、广东省健身气功发展现状分析及对策研究摘要健身气功是民族传统体育项目之一,它的运动形式是以自身的形体活动、呼吸锻炼、意念的控制和运用相结合的。它不仅仅是我们中华民族5000多年文化的一个组成部分,同时也是新时期全民健身运动的主要内容之一,受到广大老百姓的喜爱。本文采用文献资料法、专家咨询法、实地考查法、问卷调查法、统计学方法等研究方法,就广东省健身气功推广普及方式进行研究。对广东省健身气功练习人群的年龄和练功年限进行调查来说明健身气功具有较强的适应性;对广东省健身气功推广专家和管理干部进行调查来了解他们的观点和认识,对构建科学合理的健身气功推广普及方式有重要的意义; 对广东省健身气功推广的主要目



4、ct Health Qigong in the activities of the body, breathing exercises, the idea to use a combination of national tradition sports as the main form of exercise is a part of the ancient culture of the Chinese nation, but also one of the main contents of the nationwide fitness campaign in the New, the ma

5、jority ofthe peoples favorite .In this paper, the methods of literature, consulting experts, field visits, questionnaires, statistical methods, research methods, Guangdong Province Health Qigong popularizing the study. The investigation of the age and practice useful lives of of Fitness Qigong exerc

6、ises populations in Guangdong Province to the Health Qigong has strong adaptability; Guangdong Province of Health Qigong promotion experts and management cadres survey to understand their point of view and understanding to build a scientific and reasonable the health Qigong popularizing the way sign

7、ificance; investigate the main objectives and the problems on the the health Qigong promotion in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province, to help establish good health Qigong popularizing the way. For this article the survey results, the following conclusions can be drawn: Guangdong Province Health Q

8、igong promotion must give full play to the dual role of the government and society, to go new ways of combining government-led social autonomy, in order to make the promotion of Health Qigong embark on the path of sustainable development. Health Qigong driving range equipment requirements are lower,

9、 less expensive, and decided that a fitness effect, low-cost practice project has a broad market.From the the Health Qigong popularity of perspective, the publication of the Health Qigong exercises books, CDs, and other audio-visual materials can low-cost operation, and economic returns. However, su

10、ch information must go through the identification and review of relevant departments to prevent pseudo-science abused and lead to adverse social impact.In view of the Falun Gong, the lessons of history and the urgency to promote Health Qigong work, community organizations, we must improve gradually

11、clear the functions and responsibilities of the organization and management departments at all levels, coordination, and gradually realize the conversion of popularizing the way. Health Qigong Management Center as a department of the Health Qigong Association, the site mainly to macroeconomic manage

12、ment, civil affairs departments do a good job on the Health Qigong Association registration, supervision and review the work of Health Qigong Association to mobilize the enthusiasm of Qigong enthusiasts, to provide them with information consulting, organization and mobilization services, gradually a

13、ssume the functions of the main channel to promote health Qigong.In the popularizing the way in Guangdong Province, construction of excellent fitness Qigong instructor for the implementation of the ideal model of good talent on the reserve, and establish a good variety of oversight mechanisms is an

14、important part of the implementation the Health Qigong ideal popularizing the way.Key Words: Guangdong Province Health Qigong popularizing the way目录中文摘要 英文摘要 1前言12调查对象与研究方法53调查结果63.1调查对象的基本情况63.2广东省健身气功推广的主要目标及存在问题93.3广东省健身气功推广的具体模式133.4广东省健身气功推广的内容与形式193.5广东省健身气功推广的市场化途径234讨论254.1构建广东省健身气功推广普及方式的依据



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