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1、六年级 上册英语(三年级起点)英语上册六年级英语义务教育教科书(三年级起点)六年级上册全国优秀教材二等奖义务教育教科书YINGYUYIWU JIAOYU JIAOKESHU绿 色 印 刷 产 品 绿 色 印 刷 产 品 小学PEP英语六上封面 1小学PEP英语六上封面 12022/5/7 16:222022/5/7 16:22六年级上册(三年级起点)人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心灵通教育有限公司编著(中 国)(加拿大)北京义 务 教 育 教 科 书(PEP)英语主 编:吴欣 LarrySwartzBethLevy副主编:曹洁主要编写人员:周佳 马剑

2、辉 刘荔芳 FraserBewick责任编辑:周佳版式设计:刘欣焦洁插图:焦洁(含封面)葛南陈露茜 刘欣Copyright 2013 by Peoples Education Press Ltd.and Lingo Learning Inc.No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without permission in writing from the publisher.版权共有,未经出版社书面同意,任何人不得以任何形式或方式复制或转换本作品的任何部分

3、。义务教育教科书 英语(三年级起点)六年级 上册(中 国)人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心编著(加拿大)灵通教育有限公司出版(北京市海淀区中关村南大街17号院1号楼 邮编:100081)网址 http:/版权所有 未经许可不得采用任何方式擅自复制或使用本产品任何部分 违者必究如发现内容质量问题,请登录中小学教材意见反馈平台:如发现印、装质量问题,影响阅读,请与联系调换。电话:-致 同 学亲爱的同学们:你们好!祝贺你们升入了小学高年级。学习了三年的英语,你们一定收获不小吧?在这小学阶段的最后一年,你们将和老朋友吴斌斌、陈杰、张鹏、Sarah、Amy、M

4、ike、John、Oliver、Robin等一起学习更多的英语知识,了解更多的中外文化。大熊Zoom和小松鼠Zip也会陪伴你们一道继续快乐地学习。学习英语需要多听、多读、多说、多写,除了对话和词汇学习以外,六年级的教材还为你们设计了听的活动(Lets try)和读写活动(Read and write)。希望你们坚持多听、多读、多说、多写、多模仿,学习一些听说读写的方法,你们一定会进步。在英语学习中有很多有趣的规律性的知识,也许你们已经发现了一些。这册教材也专门为你们设计了这样的活动(Lets wrap it up,Tips for pronunciation),引导你们仔细观察、发现并总结规律

5、。及时归纳总结这些规律,对你们今后的英语学习一定会大有帮助。亲爱的同学们,愿你们和书里的主人公一起享受小学生活的美好时光,为初中的学习做好准备。编 者 2013年5月212 223236465666 70 72 75 7980Unit 3 My weekend planUnit 6 How do you feel?CONTENTSUnit 1 How can I get there?Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolRecycle 1Unit 4 I have a pen palUnit 5 What does he do?Recycle 2Appendix 1:Songs

6、 in each unitAppendix 2:Words in each unitAppendix 3:VocabularyAppendix 4:Useful expressionsAppendix 5:ProverbsAppendix 1:Songs in each unit Turn right at the school.Thengo straight.Hey,Robin.Where is the science museum?I see.How canI get there?Its near the library.OK.Lets go.Unit One2How can I gett

7、o the science museum?Sure.Its over there.Thanks.Excuse me.Can you help me?Oh,where is Robin?How can I get there?3AWu Binbin:Robin,where is the museum shop?I want to buy a postcard.Robin:Itsnearthedoor.Wu Binbin:Thanks.Where is the post office?I want to send it today.Robin:Idontknow.Illask.Excuse me,

8、sir.Man:Wow!Atalkingrobot!Whatagreatmuseum!Robin:Where is the post office?Man:Itsnexttothemuseum.Robin:Thanks.1.Where are they?In the museum.In the bookstore.2.Is Grandpa there?Yes,heis.No,heisnt.Is there a?Where is it?Itsnear/nextto/behindparklibraryzoopost officeschoolmuseum Wu Binbin and Robin ar

9、e looking at some robots.Listen and tick.Lets tryWhere is the museum shop/post office?Lets talkTalk about the places in your city/town/village.4Wu Binbin:Where is the cinema?Robin:Itsnexttothebookstore.Thereisapethospitalin my city.Itsnearthepark.Where is it?science museum post office bookstorehospi

10、talpethospitalparkcinema Lets learnMake a map and talkWords5BMike:Whataninterestingfilm!WuBinbin:Yes,butImhungrynow.IknowagreatItalianrestaurant.Mike:Yum!Ilikepizza!Whereisthe restaurant?WuBinbin:ItsnexttotheparkonDongfang Street.Mike:Howcanwegetthere?Robin:Turnleftatthebookstore.Thenturnrightattheh

11、ospital.Mike:OK.Letsgo!1.()Theywanttogotothebookstore.2.()Thecinemaisnexttothebookstore.Ilike.Turnleft/rightatHowcanIgettothe?Lets try Wu Binbin is calling Mike.Listen and tick or cross.Lets talk Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like.How can you get there?How can Wu Binbin and Mike get to the r

12、estaurant?6 Mike:Where is the Italian restaurant?Turn right here?Robin:No,turn left.crossing Now we are in front of Tiananmen.Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum.Beihai Park Tiananmen Youre here.Palace Museum turn left turn right go straight Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver

13、 in Beijing.Can you help her?Lets learnBe a tour guideWords7Wu Binbins grandpa gave Robin a new feature.He now has BDS.He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant.Robin:Were in front of the cinema.Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore.Follow me,please!Mike:There is the restaurant!mapc

14、ompassBDSstars Mike:Is it far?Robin:No.Now we are behind the hospital.Lets turn right and then turn right again.Robin:My BDS works!Wu Binbin:Yes!Ill tell Grandpa.But lets eat first.Im so hungry!Read and write Robin has BDS!You are in a car.Which of these can help you find a place?81.What is Robins n

15、ew feature?He can find food.He can find the way.2.How many places did they pass by?_ Underline them in the text.3.Which word under the fourth picture means 奏效,起作用?_Wu Binbin and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant.They _ and _.They _ and then turn right again.Read the text an

16、d answer the questions.Listen,look and say.Fill in the blanks.Then retell the story.You are in a car.Which of these can help you find a place?me,BDS.restaurant?Robin hasFollowWhere is theIs itfar?please!91.Where does the boy want to go?_2.How can he get there from the post office?_nearnext tobesideCan you make sentences with these words?Listen again and answer.Lets checkListen and tick the places you hear.Write the words under the pictures.Lets wrap it upTry to write more words.10C CZoom:Hey,tha


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