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1、C?Writing?Group?of?English,?Oxford?University?Press?(China)?Limited?and?Yilin?Press?2012?“Oxford”is?a?registered?trademark?of?Oxford?University?PressC?英语 编写组、牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司和译林出版社 2012Oxford 为牛津大学出版社的注册商标版权所有。未经版权所有人书面许可,不得在任何地区以任何形式、任何媒介、任何文字翻印、仿制或转载本书的内容、文字或图片。英语(三年级下册)中方主编何锋齐迅英方主编牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司英

2、语教材编写委员会副 主 编许以达赵雪如沈峰编者欧阳旭李娜魏惠葛连干万琰胡迪歌曲创作官思渡责任编辑季钰欧阳旭装帧设计牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司设计部插图石慧高文浩出版译林出版社地址南京市湖南路 1 号 A 楼邮箱教材热线02583658349,?83672889重印江苏凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司发行江苏凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司印刷江苏凤凰通达印刷有限公司开本787 毫米1092 毫米1/16印张4.5版次2012 年 10 月第 2 版2018 年 11 月第 7 次印刷标准书号ISBN?9787544733199定价4.84 元版权所有侵权必究如发现印、装质量问题,请与凤凰传媒联系。电话:8

3、008281132(固话拨打)编者的话亲爱的同学们:你们好。欢迎来到英语乐园。在小学英语三年级下册里,你们将继续与Miss Li和她的学生Mike、Wang Bing、Liu Tao、Yang Ling、Su Hai等小朋友一起快乐地学习。另外,你们还将结识Su Hai的双胞胎妹妹Su Yang。当然,Sam和Bobby还会有更多有趣的事儿和你们分享。在这本书里,你们将与这些小朋友一起帮助Mike寻找铅笔,一起参观玩具博物馆,一起参观Liu Tao爷爷的农场。你们还将看到Bobby如何面对老鼠形状的蛋糕,Sam在生日聚会上如何许愿,Bobby如何在匆忙中错拿了姐姐的包。你们将学会用英语做更多的

4、事情,如谈论时间,请求别人关门开窗,询问别人的年龄,告诉别人图书馆里的一些注意事项,等等。你们将了解b、p、r、d、s、t、m、n等字母在单词中的读音。你们将学会认读和书写更多的英语单词,它们是有关教室、文具、数字、水果、动物、家人等方面的。同学们,小学英语三年级下册究竟还有哪些丰富多彩的内容和活动呢?让我们一起走进这精彩的英语世界吧!2012年9月Mr GreenCharactersBobbySu HaiSu YangWang BingMiss LiLiu TaoHelenMikeSamYang LingTimUnit 1In class 6Unit 2In the library 12Un

5、it 3Is this your pencil?18Unit 4Wheres the bird?24Project 1My puppy 30Unit 5How old are you?32Unit 6What time is it?38ContentsUnit 7On the farm 44Unit 8Were twins!50Project 2A magic clock 56Learning tips 58Word lists 60612Story timeUnit In class1Yes,Mr Green.a doora windowa blackboardStand up.Good m

6、orning,Mr Green.Good morning,class.Sit down,please.Liu Tao,please open the door.7Unit 134Come in,Mike.stand upsit downopencloseGood morning,class.Yes,Mr Green.Wang Bing,please close the window.Im sorry,Mr Green.82413Fun timeMake and sayMr Robot,please open the book.9Unit 11324Cartoon timeRobot!Its a

7、 rubber.Its a robot.Whats this,Sam?Look at the blackboard,Sam.Whats this?No.Its a robot,Sam.No!Its a rubber!Dont listen to the parrot,Sam!Rubber!10Practise more.See page 58.Rhyme timeSound timeOpen the windowOpen the window,open the door.Open your book and say“Hello!”Close the window,close the door.

8、Close your book and off we go!Big books,big books,Bob has two big,big books.ballbirthday bookrobotb11Unit 11234567Checkout timeTicking timeI can understand and say instructions.I can use“please”and“Im sorry.”I know the sound of the letter“b”.Please.Look and say12123Story timeUnit In the library2Woul

9、d you like a sweet,Yang Ling?No,thank you.Dont eat here.Hello,Yang Ling!Shh!Dont shout,Liu Tao.Dont run,Liu Tao.shouteatrun13Unit 24567Dont sleep,Liu Tao.Dont shout.Dont run.Dont eat.Im sorry.Shh!Dont talk.talksleepdrink14Fun timeMake and sayDont shout.Dont _.Dont shout.Yes!Dont _.Dont _.Dont _.Dont

10、 _.15Unit 2654321Cartoon timeHello,Bobby!Dont shout!Dont eat my cake!Whats this?Its my English book.Dont run!Is this your book?Dont drink my milk!16Compare the sounds of“p”and“b”.See page 58.pSong timeSound timeDont talk,Tom!Up and down,up and down,Paul is walking up and down.cappiesleepup1=D 241 2

11、3 4 5 5 Dont talk,Tom!I want to sleep,4 4 1 3 5want to sleep,want to sleep.1 2 3 4 5 5 Dont sleep,Tim!I want to talk,4 4 1 3 1want to talk,want to talk.:5 4 35 4 34 3 24 3 217Unit 2Checkout time34521In the libraryDont _.Dont _.Dont _.Dont _.Dont _.Read and writeTicking timeI can say“Dont.”I can unde

12、rstand the signs in the library.I know the sound of the letter“p”.18123Story timeUnit Is this your pencil?3a pena pencila crayona schoolbagThis isnt my pencil.Is this your pencil?Is that your pencil?No,it isnt.No,it isnt.19Unit 345a pencil casea rubbera rulerOh,thats my pencil.Is that a pencil?Yes,i

13、t is.Its a pencil.20123Fun timeGuess and sayIs this your ruler?Is this your ruler?No,it isnt.Yes,it is.21Unit 3124356Cartoon timeIs this my lunch box?Wheres your lunch box?What is it?Ha!Ha!Its over there.Yes,it is.This is for you,Bobby.No!Thank you.Cakes!22Sound timeRhyme timeA rulerHello,Mr Fuller.

14、Is this your ruler?Its on the floor,Just beside the door.A ruler,a rubber,A red robot has a ruler and a rubber.redrobot rubberrulerrunr23Unit 3Write correctly and clearly.See page 58.123Checkout timeRead and writeIs this your _?Is that your _?This is my _.Thats my _._,it is._,it isnt.Ticking timeI c

15、an talk about things for school.I can use“my”and“your”.I know the sound of the letter“r”.24123Story timeUnit Wheres the bird?4a deska chaira birdLook!A bird!How beautiful!Its under your desk.Wheres the bird?Now its behind the door!25Unit 44567underbehindoninSu Hai!Its on your chair!Its not here.Wher

16、e is it?Its in my desk.Its in the tree now.26132Fun timeUse games to help remember words.See page 58.Guess and sayIs it in your schoolbag?Yes,it is.Wheres my pencil?Guess.Is it in your pencil case?No,it isnt.27Unit 41324657Cartoon timeOne,two,three.Wheres Bobby?Where is he?Oh,its not Bobby.Ah,hes behind the door.Wow!A cake!Ha!Ha!Here you are,Bobby.28d1=C 245 5 6 6 5 6 5 4 3 Where,where,wheres the bird?Where are herSound timeSong time2 .V 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 5 4 friends?The lit-tle bird and all her fri


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