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普通高中教科书·英语必修 第三册.pdf

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1、主 编:束定芳副 主 编:王蓓蕾分册主编:钱晶晶 编 者:杨红燕 赵美娟 何 岚 任 远 楼 蕾 何幼平 徐继田责任编辑:秦平华美术设计:戴玉倩普通高中教科书 英语 必修第三册上海市中小学(幼儿园)课程改革委员会组织编写出 版 发 行 上海外语教育出版社(上海市大连西路 558 号)印 刷 上海中华印刷有限公司版 次 2021 年 1 月第 1 版印 次 2021 年 1 月第 1 次开 本 890 毫米 1240 毫米 1/16印 张 6.25字 数 198 千字书 号 ISBN 978-7-5446-6495-0电子出版物号 ISBN 978-7-900586-86-5(音视频)定 价 2

2、1.10 元(含音视频资料)版权所有未经许可不得采用任何方式擅自复制或使用本产品任何部分违者必究如发现内容质量问题,请拨打电话 4008-213-263。如发现印、装质量问题,影响阅读,请与上海外语教育出版社联系。电话:021-65609540全国物价举报电话:12315声明:按照中华人民共和国著作权法第二十五条有关规定,我们已尽量寻找著作权人支付报酬。著作权人如有关于支付报酬事宜可及时与出版社联系。Unit 1 Road to SuccessUnit 2 Artand ArtistsUnit 3 Healthy LifestyleUnit 4 Life and TechnologyUnder

3、standingDiscoveringReading,Listening and ViewingVocabulary Focus Grammar in UseReading A:Stay Hungry.Stay Foolish.(Speech)Reading strategy:Finding organisational patternsVerb+off-ing/-ed forms 3 used as complementsReading B:Malaria Fighters Path to Nobel Prize(Biography)Culture Link:Alexander Flemin

4、g and the Discovery of PenicillinListening:Teens Understanding of Success(Report)Viewing:A Significant Predictor of Success(Talk)Reading A:Peoples Artist(Biography)Verb+with Verb+ofInfinitives 1 used as objects,complements,adverbials and attributivesReading B:Banquet Speech(Speech)Listening:Vincent

5、van Gogh(Mini-lecture)Listening strategy:Listening for details Viewing:Blowin in the Wind(Music video)Culture Link:Bob DylanReading A:Take Charge of Your Health(Guide)Verb+outEllipsisReading B:Classic Health Debates(Magazine article)Listening:Super-agers(Radio programme)Viewing:Old Age in Okinawa(Ta

6、lk)Viewing strategy:Using text information to make predictionsCulture Link:The Blue Zone LifestyleReading A:Life with a Robot Dog(News story)Reading strategy:Making inferences while readingVerb+downPerfect modalsReading B:Doctors in China Do Surgery over 5G Internet(Magazine article)Listening:Americ

7、ans Are Worried about New Technology(Report)Viewing:VR Technology(Documentary clip)Culture Link:The Amish People and TechnologyUnitP2P18P34P50P50Appendices *Words and Expressions P66 Reading P66Listening and Viewing P78*Grammar Terms P82 *Glossary P83 ProducingExtending Speaking and Writing Critical

8、 ThinkingFurther ExplorationWriting about your secrets to successWriting strategy:Writing in the cause-effect patternGiving a talk to share your secrets to success Speaking strategy:Pacing your speechIdentifying key factors Creating your formula for successGuessing the artistSpeaking strategy:Emphas

9、ising important wordsIntroducing artists for an art exhibitionWriting strategy:Writing in the general-specific patternAnalysing and comparingTaking a field trip to a local art museumTalking about health problemsSpeaking strategy:Connecting your ideas with othersWriting a letter to offer advice about

10、 health problemsWriting strategy:Writing in the problem-solution patternClassifying and evaluatingForming a new habitAnalysing the similarities and differences between online and traditional classroom learningWriting strategy:Using comparison and contrastGiving a presentation on online learningSpeak

11、ing strategy:Pausing and collecting your thoughtsWeighing pros and consConducting a survey on the use of smart appsMap of the Book致同学们亲爱的同学们:经过小学和初中阶段的学习,大家已经掌握了一定的英语语音、词汇、语法等知识,也具备了一定的英语应用能力。大家是否希望通过英语了解更多的世界文化?是否希望能够运用英语来介绍中国文化和社会生活呢?是否希望通过英语学习获得更多的知识和技能,进而提升自己的思维品质和综合素养?是否希望在课内外英语学习活动中提升自主学习的能力?本


13、丰富的阅读、听力材料和视频片段;发现(DISCOVERING)板块包括词汇和语法知识,帮助同学们发现、掌握并学会使用规则,达到举一反三的效果;表达(PRODUCING)板块设计了听、说、读、看、写结合的综合活动,以帮助同学们提升用英语完成相关交际任务的能力;拓展(EXTENDING)板块包括思维训练(Critical Thinking)和项目探究(Further Exploration)两个部分,前者旨在帮助同学们训练逻辑思维和批判性思维的能力,后者指导同学们开展研究性学习、自主学习和合作学习。文化链接(Culture Link)为灵活板块,主要介绍与单元主题相关的世界文化或中国文化小百科知识

14、。同学们还可以通过每单元最后的自我评价(Self-assessment)检测自己的学习成效,发现需要改进的地方后,制定相应的提升计划。同学们,掌握一门外语意味着多一双看世界的眼睛,多一双听世界的耳朵,多一个探索世界的工具,也多一条传播中国文化的途径。学习外语需要大量的实践,需要持之以恒的努力。希望同学们在老师的指导下,把教材作为起跳板,充分调动你们已有的知识,探索未知的领域,“跃”向更广阔的世界。编者 2020 年 5 月1A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.Laozi2UnitRoad to Success13Im

15、honored to be with you today for your commencement.I want to tell you three stories from my life.The first story is about connecting the dots.When I was at Reed College,it offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country.I decided to take a calligraphy class.At that time none of what

16、I learned about calligraphy seemed to have even a hope of any practical application in my life.But ten years later when we were designing the first Macintosh computer,it all came back to me.And we designed it all into the Mac.It was the first computer with beautiful typography.Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward.You can only connect them looking backwards.So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.My second story is about love and loss.I wa


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