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1、盲校义务教育实验教科书英 语(三年级起点)五年级上册(盲文版)五年级上册(三年级起点)英语盲 校 义 务 教 育 实 验 教 科 书人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心编著北 京主 编:吴 欣副 主 编:曹 洁本册主编:刘荔芳主要编写人员:方雪娟 刘荔芳 刘晓燕 吴 欣 张秋兰 徐洪妹(以姓氏笔画为序)责任编辑:周 斌美术编辑:王 喆插图绘制:焦 洁封面设计:张傲冰封面绘图:焦 洁盲校义务教育实验教科书 英语(三年级起点)五年级 上册人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心 编著出版发行 (北京市海淀区中关村南大街17

2、号院1号楼 邮编:100081)网 址 http:/经 销 全国新华书店印 刷 印刷厂版 次 年 月第 版 印 次 年 月第 次印刷开 本 1/16印 张字 数 千字书 号 ISBN978-7-107-定 价 元价格依据文件号:京发改规 2016 13号 版权所有 未经许可不得采用任何方式擅自复制或使用本产品任何部分 违者必究如发现内容质量问题,请登录中小学教材意见反馈平台:如发现印、装质量问题,影响阅读,请与本社联系。电话:400-810-5788致同学亲爱的同学们:你们好!欢迎来到英语学习的世界。首先,向你们介绍两位新朋友:一位是来自澳大利亚的Oliver,另一位是机器人Robin。他们将

3、和书中的老朋友一起,陪伴你们快乐学习,健康成长。随着年级的升高,我们在书里设计了更多更具挑战性的活动。如果你们遇到困难,不要着急。坚持多听、多读、多说、多写、多模仿,学习一些听说读写的方法,你们一定会进步。另外,也许你们已经发现,英语学习也有规律可循。我们专门设计了复习总结性的活动板块(Lets wrap it up),引导大家观察、发现并总结规律。及时归纳总结这些规律,对你们今后的英语学习一定会大有帮助。亲爱的同学们,愿你们和书里的小主人公成为好朋友,一起度过这快乐美好的学习时光。编者2019年9月CONTENTSMain characters 1Unit 1 Whats he like?2

4、Unit 2 What do you have on Thursdays?12Unit 3 What would you like?22Unit 4 What can you do?32Unit 5 Do you like your new room?42Unit 6 Is there a river in the forest?52Appendix 1:Vocabulary 62Appendix 2:Proverbs 68Main charactersAmya girl from the UKZhang Penga boy from ChinaSaraha girl from the USA

5、Wu Yifana boy from ChinaChen Jiea girl from ChinaMikea boy from CanadaJohna boy from the USALiu Yuna girl from ChinaOlivera boy from AustraliaRobina robotZipa squirrelZooma bearMain characters 12 英语 五年级上册Unit 1 Whats he like?A Lets talkOliver and Wu Yifan see Mr Li.Listen and say True or False.1.Mr

6、Li is a PE teacher.2.Mr Li is strong.Listen,read and talk.场景说明:Oliver和Wu Yifan在谈论他们的音乐老师。Oliver:Whos our music teacher,Yifan?Wu Yifan:Mr Young.Oliver:Is he young?Wu Yifan:No,he isnt.Oliver:Is he funny?Wu Yifan:Yes,he is.Oliver:Great!I like funny teachers.I like music,too!Talk about Mr Li and Mr Youn

7、g.A:Is Mr Li strong?B:Yes,he is.A:Is he strict?B:Yes,sometimes.供选择词汇 young strong strict funnyUnit 1 Whats he like?3A Lets learn new wordsListen,read and say.场景说明:Oliver和Zhang Peng在谈论几位老师:年长的音乐老师Mr Young、年轻的美术老师Mr Jones、幽默的科学老师Miss Green、和蔼的英语老师Ms White以及严厉的数学老师Mr Li。Oliver:Whos our art teacher?Zhan

8、g Peng:Mr Jones.Oliver:Is he young?Zhang Peng:Yes,he is.old young funny kind strictPlay a guessing game.活动说明:一位同学心里选定一位老师,另一位同学提问并根据对方的回答猜测他/她想的是哪位老师。A:Is it a man?B:No.Its a woman.A:Is she young?B:Yes,she is.A:Is she tall?B:No,she isnt.A:Its Miss Green,our science teacher.B:No.A:Ms White?B:Yes.4 英语

9、 五年级上册A Lets spell Read,listen and chant.baby happy candy sorry Read,listen and choose.1.happy candy many 2.windy sunny baby3.sorry family partyListen,write and say.1.The is .2.I like .3.I am .Choose one sentence from above and write it below.Unit 1 Whats he like?5B Lets talkMs Wang is a new teacher

10、.What is she like?Listen and choose.A.She is quiet.B.She is friendly.Listen,read and talk.场景说明:Chen Jie和John在谈论新来的语文老师。Chen Jie:Hey,Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.John:Really?Whats she like?Chen Jie:Shes kind.John:Is she strict?Chen Jie:Yes,sometimes.John:How do you know?Chen Jie:Shes my mo

11、ther!John:Ha!Ha!Cool!Talk about“your”new teachers.活动说明:根据下面两位老师的信息进行问答。Mr Han(PE teacher):young()funny()kind()strict()Miss Black(art teacher):young()funny()kind()strict()A:Whos your PE/.teacher?B:.A:Whats he/she like?B:Hes/Shes.A:Is he/she young?B:.6 英语 五年级上册B Lets learn new words Listen,read and sa

12、y.场景说明:Oliver和Mike在谈论同学和朋友的特点。Oliver:Whats Zhang Peng like?Mike:Hes helpful.helpful clever hard-working polite shy Talk about your classmates.A:What is.like?B:Hes/Shes.A:Is he/she.?B:.Unit 1 Whats he like?7B Read and writeMeet Robin!Tuesday,Sept.1stI have a robot!His name is Robin.My grandpa made hi

13、m.Robin is short but strong.He is really clever.He can speak Chinese and English.He is hard-working.He is very helpful at home.He is strict,too.He makes me finish my homework!What is Robin like?Say the key words.Suppose you have a robot of your own.Write about him/her.1.is .2.is .3.is .8 英语 五年级上册C L

14、ets checkListen and say True or False.1.Miss Chen is friendly.2.Mr Grey is not strict.Listen again and write.1.Miss Chen is a teacher.She is .2.Mr Grey is a teacher.He is .Lets wrap it upThink and choose.供选择词汇 am is areyou/we/they I it/he/she Choose and write.1.I am helpful.2.He funny.3.She kind.4.I

15、t small.5.They old.6.We strong.Unit 1 Whats he like?9C Story time场景说明:Zip、Zoom和朋友们在踢足球。Zip:Hey!Our new PE teacher will come today!Zoom:Really?Whats he like?Zip:I only know hes a good football player.Zoom:He must be tall and strong.场景说明:这时,来了一只兔子。Rabbit:Can I join you?Zoom:Youre very thin and so shor

16、t.Can you play football?Rabbit:Sure.Let me show you.Rabbit scores ten goals.Rabbit:Ten to three!We win!Zoom:Youre great!Dog:Our new PE teacher is a great football player,too.Rabbit:I am your new PE teacher!10 英语 五年级上册New words(注:黑体词要求能够听、说、读、写;白体词只作听、说、认读要求;加*的词选学。)old 老的;年纪大的young 年轻的;岁数不大的funny 滑稽的;可笑的kind 体贴的;慈祥的strict 要求严格的;严厉的helpful 愿意帮忙的clever 聪明的;聪颖的hard-working 工作努力的;辛勤的polite 有礼貌的;客气的shy 羞怯的;腼腆的true 正确的false 错误的 science 科学choose 选择;挑选 will(谈及将来)be(提供名称或信息时用)是our 我们的 sometimes 有时;间或 Tue


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