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4、本图书馆CIP数据核字(2014)第023062号 同学们,欢迎你们使用由清华大学“大、中、小学一条龙英语教学”研究与实践项目组编写的英语课本!我们为什么要学习英语呢?你们肯定知道,这是因为英语很重要。英语像汉语一样,能够描述丰富多彩的世界,表达各种各样的思想。通过英语,我们可以更多地了解奇妙的世界,了解世界上更多的人,同时也可以把中国介绍给世界上更多的人,让世界上更多的人了解我们的祖国,了解我们自己。在21世纪全球化的国际舞台上,英语已经成为国际交流中的一种重要工具,因此,我们都要学好英语。但是,学好一门语言却不是一朝一夕的事情,而是需要多年的努力。你们年纪小,模仿力强,记忆力好,正是学习英
5、语的最佳时期。希望你们努力学好英语,为长大成材打下基础。我们要学习英语还有另外一个原因,那就是英语非常有趣!英语可以像积木、玩具汽车、布娃娃、拼图、动画片一样,给我们带来无穷的乐趣!翻开清华大学“大、中、小学一条龙英语教学”研究与实践项目组为你们编写的这套英语课本,你们肯定会被那令人赏心悦目的图画所吸引;听听课文录音,你们也一定会喜欢那纯正的英语和优美的歌曲。致同学 同学们,欢迎你们使用由清华大学“大、中、小学一条龙英语教学”研究与实践项目组编写的英语课本!我们为什么要学习英语呢?你们肯定知道,这是因为英语很重要。英语像汉语一样,能够描述丰富多彩的世界,表达各种各样的思想。通过英语,我们可以更
7、人赏心悦目的图画所吸引;听听课文录音,你们也一定会喜欢那纯正的英语和优美的歌曲。这套教材以你们感兴趣的话题为中心,选取的是与你们日常生活息息相关的内容。教材中安排了你们喜欢的动物、食物以及你们喜欢的活动如游泳、踢足球等,还有许多生动有趣的故事,相信你们会喜欢这套教材。在老师的指导下,在听、说、唱、动、读、写中学会用英语说自己想说的话,写出自己的心声。英语很重要!英语很有趣!让我们共同努力,把英语学好!作者 于清华园 2012年12月UNIT 1HOME SWEET HOME.1UNIT 2GOING SOMEWHERE.17UNIT 3WHEN I GROW UP.33UNIT 4SEASON
8、S AND MONTHS OF THE YEAR.49FUN READINGWHO IS THE STRONGEST?.65VOCABULARY.73Where do we live?Where do animals live?We all live on the Earth.The Earth is home to all of us!U N I T 1HOMESWEET HOMEHOMESWEET HOME1UNIT11.Work in groups.The tree is home to birds and monkeys.Lets take care of the tree.Who l
9、ives in the tree?Birds and monkeys live in the tree.The forest is home to bears and deer.Lets take care of the forest.Who lives in the forest?Bears and deer live in the forest.22.Listen,look and say.3.Look at the pictures.Finish the sentences with the correct words.forest(2)pink,white,flowersSome tr
10、ees have _ in spring.Pear trees have _ flowers.Peach trees have _ flowers.(3)fruit,food,nutsTrees give us _.Some trees give us _.Some trees give us _.(1)autumn,leaves,greenMany trees have _.The leaves are _ in spring.They are red,yellow and brown in _.home3UNIT11.Work in groups.Who lives in the rive
11、r?Fish and crocodiles live in the river.Who lives in the ocean?Whales and sharks live in the ocean.The river is home to fish and crocodiles.Lets keep the river clean.The ocean is home to whales and sharks.Lets keep the ocean clean.42.Listen,look and say.crocodilesharkwhaleocean3.Use the words in the
12、()to answer the question.4.Listen to the text.Write T or F after each sentence.(1)Who lives in Shanghai?(My grandma)Sharks are fish.They live in the ocean.Sharks are different from other animals.They do not eat every day.They eat every two or three days!Do you know how sharks sleep?They sleep when t
13、hey are swimming!(2)Who will take care of your pet dogs when you go to Shanghai?(My mother)(1)Sharks eat every day.(2)Sharks do not sleep.5UNIT11.Work in groups.Who lives in the pond?Ducks and frogs live in the pond.Who eats worms?Who eats insects?Ducks eat worms.Frogs eat insects.The pond is home t
14、o ducks and frogs.Lets keep the pond clean.62.Listen,look and say.insectswormduckfrog3.Write the name of each place under the correct picture.4.Write the name of each animal under the correct picture.ocean river lake pondduck fish shark crocodileinsects frog whale butterfly_7UNIT11.Work in groups.Wh
15、o lives in the grassland?Lions and giraffes live in the grassland.Who lives in the jungle?Tigers and elephants live in the jungle.The jungle is home to tigers and elephants.Lets take care of the jungle.UNIT1The grassland is home to lions and giraffes.Lets take care of the grassland.82.Listen,look an
16、d say.tiger liongiraffeelephant3.Look at the picture.Read the sentence.Tick the correct picture and word.Write the word on the line.(1)A _ is big.(fish,whale)(2)A _ is strong.(lion,monkey)(3)A _ is a big fish.(frog,shark)(4)An _ has six legs.(elephant,insect)(5)Butterflies are _.(birds,insects)9UNIT11.Work in groups.Who lives in the countryside?Farmers live in the countryside.Farmers grow crops in the countryside.Who lives in the city?Workers,doctors and teachers live in the city.The city is hom