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1、Unit 12 You re supposed to shake hands 重难点解析(1)教材全析友情提示SECTION ALanguage Goal:Tell what you are supposed to do.语言目标: 讲一下你应该干什么。例题探究:He is supposed _ (ask) what to do.解析:be supposed to do sth.答案:to ask1a What do people do when they meet for the first timeMatch the countries and the customs.当人们第一次见面时,

2、他们干什么?将国家和其风俗习惯对应起来。In your country,what are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time在你们国家,你第一次遇见一个人应该干什么?Youre supposed to shake hands.你应该握手。1c Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time.Tell about the countries listed above or other countr

3、ies you know about.谈论在不同的国家里当人们第一次见面时他们干什么。谈一谈上面列举的或者你知道的国家。A:What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time在朝鲜,人们第一次见面应该干什么?B:Theyre supposed to bow.应该鞠躬。2a Maria is an exchange student.Last night she had dinner at an American friends house.Listen and check () the mistake

4、s Maria made.玛丽娅是一个交换生。 昨天晚上她在一个美国朋友的家里吃晚饭。 听录音然后在玛丽娅所犯的错误前打。2c Role play the conversation between Maria and Dan.Use the information from activities 2a and 2b.分角色表演玛丽亚和丹的对话,用活动2a和2b中的信息。Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but I arrived at 8:00.哦,挺不错的,但是我犯了一些错误,应该

5、7点到;可我8点才到的。3a Read the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss student and fill in the chart.读下面哥伦比亚和瑞士的学生的观点然后填写下表。好句共享:1.Where Im from,were pretty relaxed about time.我来的地方,对于时间相当宽松。例题探究:He is pretty _ when he is having a _ vacation.(relax)解析:当他正过着轻松的假期的时候,他相当放松。第一个修饰人,第二个修饰物。答案:relaxed;rela

6、xing2.We often just drop by our friends homes.我们经常拜访我们朋友的家。例题探究:This is _ _ _ _ _ _(小明和小刚的房间). 解析:两人共有的所有格应在两人后面加s。答案:Xiao Ming and Xiao Gangs room3.We dont usually have to make plans to meet our friends.我们不用经常制订方案来会见我们的朋友。have to不得不 make plans制定方案4.Often we just walk around the town center, seeing

7、as many of our friends as we can!经常我们只是到市中心四处走走,同时尽可能多的见见我们的朋友!例题探究:He runs _ _ _ _ (尽快地跑).解析:尽可能的是as.as one can,run是动词,因此as.as中间需要副词。答案:as quickly as he can5.Also,we never visit a friends house without calling first.同样, 我们绝不事先没有打 就去拜访朋友。例题探究:He left without _ (say) a word.他一句话没说就走了。解析:without后跟动名词。

8、 答案:saying6.We usually plan to do something interesting,or go somewhere together.我们经常方案去做有趣的事情,或者一起去某个地方。plan to do sth.方案干某事something interesting有趣的事情(注意形容词修饰合成不定代词,形容词要后置)go somewhere去某个地方3b Role play a conversation between Teresa and Marc.Talk about the different attitudes in Colombia and Switzer

9、land.分角色表演特丽莎和马克的对话,谈论一下对哥伦比亚和瑞士的不同态度。Well,they have pretty relaxed rules. 嗯,他们有相当宽松的规那么。Like what 例如?Well,its OK if youre not on time. 如果你不按时是可以的。4A New student from England is going to take classes at your school.Fill in the chart with the things he or she is supposed to do inside and outside the

10、classroom.Then role play a conversation.一个来自英国的新生要在你们学校上课。 把她或他在教室里和教室外应该干的事情填写下表。然后分角色表演对话。A:Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do 你能告诉我应该干的事情吗?B:The first thing is to greet the teacher. 第一件事情就是问候老师。SECTION B1How much do you know about table manners around the worldTake the following quiz.Ci

11、rcle “T (for true) or “F (for false) after each sentence.关于世界上的餐桌礼仪你知道多少?做下面的小测验,在每个句子后面正确的圈“T, 错误的圈“F。Mind your manners!注意你的礼貌!1.In the United States,youre not supposed to eat with your hands.TF2.In Peru,you are not supposed to talk at the table.TF3.In China,youre not supposed to pick upour bowl of

12、 rice.TF4.In Korea,the youngest person is supposed to start eating first.TF5.In Brazil,you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.在巴西,你应该在每次你喝酒时用餐巾纸擦嘴。TF2a Tomorrow Steve is going to Japan to be an exchange student.His Japanese friend Satoshi is telling him about the tab

13、le manners in Japan.Listen.Number the pictures in the order Satoshi talks about them.明天史蒂夫将要去日本当一名交换生。他的日本朋友Satoshi正在告诉他关于日本的餐桌礼仪。听录音,把Satoshi谈论的图片按正确的顺序编号。2b Listen again.Match these sentence parts.再听一遍,将这些句子搭配起来。a.to make noise while eating noodles.吃面条时发出声音。b.to stickyour chopsticks into your food

14、.把你的筷子插进你的饭里。c. point at anyone with your chopsticks.用你的筷子指别人。d.eat or drink while walking down the street.沿着街道走时吃或喝东西。2c Talk about the table manners in your country.谈论你们国家的餐桌礼仪。A:Were supposed to.B:Yes,and its rude to. 3aRead the e-mail message from Wang Kun and answer the questions.读这封来自王坤的电子邮件并答

15、复以下问题。Subject:Table Manners!主题: 餐桌礼仪From: Wang Kun来自:王珅好句共享:1.Thanks for your message.谢谢你的信息。例题探究:Thanks for your _ (invite).And thanks for _ (have) me.解析:谢谢你的邀请,your后跟名词,而for后跟动名词。答案:invitation;having2.Im having a great time on my exchange program in France.我在法国的交换工程中过得相当愉快。on ones exchange program进行交换工程3.Its even better than I thought


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