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1、人教版英语九年级全册知识点 人教版英语九年级全册知识点Unit 1重点单词1.textbook n.教科书;课本2.conversation n.交谈;谈话3.aloud adv.大声地;出声地4.pronunciation n.发音;读音7.expression n.表达(方式);表示r v. 觉察;觉察10.overnight adv.一夜之间;在夜间12.repeat v.重复;重做13.note n.笔记;记录 v.留意;指出14.partner n.朋友;伙伴15.pattern n.方式;方式16.physics n.物理;物理学18.partner n.伙伴;同伴20.incre

2、ase v.增加;增长22.ability n.才能;才能24.active adj.活泼的;积极的25.attention n.留意;关注26.connect v.(使)连接;与.有联络view v.amp; n.回忆;复习重点短语1. have conversation with sb. 同某人谈话2. toohellip;tohellip; 太而不能3. the secret tohellip; 的秘诀4. be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事5. look up 查阅6. repeat out loud 大声跟读7. m

3、ake mistakes in 在方面犯错误8. connect withhellip; 把和连接/联络起来9. get bored 感到厌烦10. be stressed out 焦虑不安的11. pay attention to 留意;关注12. depend on 取决于;依托13. the ability to do sth. 做某事的才能重点句型1.提建议的句子:What/how about +doing sth 做如何样如:What/How about going shoppingWhy dont you+do sth 你为什么不做如:Why dont you go shoppin

4、gWhy not+do sth 为什么不做如:Why not go shoppingLets+do sth. 让我们做吧。如:Lets go shoppingShall we/I+do sth 我们/我好吗如:Shall we/I go shopping2.toohellip;to. 太,而不能如:Im too tired to say anything.我太累了,什么都不想说。3.be/get excited about sth. 对感兴奋4.end up doing sth. 以.完毕如:The party ended up singing.晚会以唱歌而完毕。5.end up with s

5、th. 以完毕如:The party ended up with her singing.晚会以她的歌唱而告终。Unit 2重点单词3.relative n.亲属;亲戚4.Halloween 万圣节前夕d n.磅(重量单位);英镑6.folk adj.民间的;民俗的8.steal v.偷;窃取9.lay v.放置;产(卵)10.Saint.ValentineDay 情人节11.dessert n.(饭后)甜点;甜食12.garden n.花园;园子13.admire v.欣赏;仰慕14.tie n.领带;v 捆;束15.haunted adj.有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的16.ghost n.鬼;鬼魂

6、17.trick n.花招;把戏18.treat n.招待;招待;v.招待;请(客)22.lie v.平躺;处于23.novel n.(长篇)小说24.eve n.(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜26.dead adj.死的;失去生命的27.business n.生意;商业28.punish v.处分;惩罚29.warn v.警告;告诫30.present 32.warmth n.暖和;温和33.spread v.传播;展开 n.蔓延;传播 澳门35.Chiang Mai 清迈(泰国城市)重点短语1.the Water Festival. 泼水节2.throw water at each oth

7、er. 互相泼水3.wash away. 冲走4.in the shape of. 以的形状5.folk story. 民间故事6.put on. 增加(体重);发胖7.shoot down. 射落8.lay out. 摆开;布置9.admire the moon. 赏月10.be similar to. 与类似11.call out. 喊叫;大声喊12.fly up to. 飞向13.dress up. 乔装;打扮14.play a trick on sb. 戏弄某人15.warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事16.end up. 最终成为;最后处于17.remind sb.

8、 of sth. 使某人想起某事18.promise to do sth. 承诺做某事19. people in need. 需要协助的人20.trick or treat. 不给糖就捣乱21.treat sb. with sth. 以招待某人重点句型1.I think that they are fun to watch.我认为它们看着特别有意思。2.What do you like about.What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival关于端午节,你最喜爱什么3.What a great day!多么美妙的一天!4.I wond

9、er if.hellip;I wonder if its similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunan Province.我想明白它是否与云南傣族的泼水节类似。5.How+adj./adv.+主语+谓!How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!龙舟队多棒啊!6.What+名词+主语+谓语!What an interesting book it is!它是一本多么有趣的书啊!Unit 3重点单词1.restroom n.(美)洗手间;公共厕2.stamp n.邮票;印章4.pardon i

10、nter. 请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起5.washroom n.洗手间;厕所6.bathroom n.浴室;洗手间7.quick adj.快的;迅速的;adv.快速地;迅速地促;急促9.suggest v.建议;提议10.staff n.治理人员;职工12.central adj.中心的;中央的13.mail v.邮寄;发电子邮件;n.邮件;信件14.east adj.东方的;东部的;adv.向东;朝东 n.东;东方15.fascinating adj.诱人的;极有吸引力的16.convenient adj.便利的;方便的17.mall n.商场;购物中心19.corner n.拐角;角落20.

11、polite adj.有礼貌的;客气的21.politely adv.礼貌地;客气地22.speaker n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者23.request n.要求;恳求24.choice n.选择;选择25.directio n.方向;方位26.correct adj.正确的;恰当的27.direct adj.直截了当的;直率的28.whom pron.谁;什么人29.address n.住址;地址;通讯处30.faithfully adv.忠实地;忠诚地31.Italian adj.意大利(人)的;n.意大利人;意大利语重点短语1.turn left. 左转2.start with. 以

12、开场3.at the door. 在门口4.go to the second floor. 去二楼5.pass by. 路过;通过6.mail a letter. 寄一封信7.on the left. 在左边8.ask for help politely. 礼貌地寻求协助9.in different situations. 在不同的场合10.depend on. 取决于11municate with. 与交流12.direct questions. 直截了当咨询题13.lead into. 引入14.underground parking lot. 地下停车场15.change some money. 换一些钱16.its not enough to just . 仅仅是不够的17.how to do sth. 如何做某事重点句型1.咨询路常用的句子:Do you know where isCan you tell me how can I gethellip;Could you tell me how to gethellip;Could /Will/Would you please tell me sth. 表示十分客气地询间事情


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